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Chemical Engineering Department

Industrial safety and maintenance

Chapter one
What is safety?
Safety :-
accident free operations ,
being protected from any failure, breakage and accidental harm.
Continuing of healthful living without injury.

Safety or loss prevention: the prevention of accidents through the use of

appropriate technologies to identify the hazards of a chemical plant and
eliminate them before an accident occurs.

Hazard: a chemical or physical condition that has the potential to cause damage
to people, property, or the environment.

Risk: a measure of human injury, environmental damage, or economic loss in

terms of both the incident likelihood and the magnitude of the loss or injury
How accident happened?
Accident occur because of:-
lack of knowledge
discrepancies (difference, inconsistent)
deviations (from normal conditions or operations)
individual behavior
Unsafe operations

The above all cause accident

 Today safety is an integral part of any industry. Developing any process

industries from concept stage the following stages are required,
 Neglecting safety actions at any of the above stages can result into
disaster leading to loss of human life and desired plant production.
Trends in process industries:

In process industries unsafe conditions reduces:-

-production rate
failure of equipment parts, decline of the efficiency the
-Quality of the product

-Good working condition for employees

(safe place)

Therefore, it is essential to design and incorporate complete

safety system in all stages (Process plant design
Integration of safety, health & environment
 Apart from safety there are two interrelated aspects i.e. Health (well-
being of employee) & environment are also attached equal importance
and considerations.

For instance, if the health of employee is not given due regard, may lead
to accident.

If the industry pollutes the environment around workplace it will

ultimately affect health of employee which may ultimately affect

N.B. Checking the pollution in the industry should be

implemented because in the long run it is not only affect the
performance of the industry but also the life of everybody will
became miserable due to poor health which in turn will affect
Overview of industrial safety management

 Safety management :- is an act and science of setting

safety objectives of the industrial company and related
activities of planning, organizing, directing, executing,
supervision, monitoring, improving various functions
to achieve the safety objectives.

Objectives of safety managements

The objectives are
to prevent accidents, personal injuries and death,
to minimize unsafe situations and unsafe acts by personal
by applying management techniques.
Functions/specific objectives of safety management


Commercial Morale

Functions of safety

Mandatory &
Social Legal

Functions of safety management cont…

 providing fast medical treatment and financial
assistance and compensations
 provide healthful environment and surrounding
 continuous following/watching and improvement

 the reduction of injuries and death by keeping up
the moral of the worker and organizations

 implementation of acts and rules formulated by
legal, government standards…etc
Functions of safety management cont…
Mandatory:- safety function activities
• Safety provisions (or requirements they are obligatory
and absolute)
• Notices /warnings / signs
 to reduce DOWNTIME, expenditure on worker compensations,
legal expenditure and improve productivity and profits.
 Sometimes safety is the question of Survival of the company,
some accidents (disasters) result in closure of the company.
 to enhance company’s image and respect,
 Improve public relations there may improve commercial

 to help society by improving environment, minimizing pollutants
and leading a happy human life.
Classification of accidents
Accidents can be classified in various ways such as
Classification based on the magnitude of the danger of
life, and property, these are:

1. Minor:- where there is no loss of life

2. Moderate :- where there is injury but no loss of life
and property
3. Major:- where there is loss of life
4. Disaster: - There is extensive loss of property and /or
Classification of accidents cont…
Classification based on cause and effects
 Fire and explosions
 Electrical Accidents –shock
 Fire and explosion initiated by spark and short circuiting currents
 Chemical accident and explosion
 Emission of gases, flames, dust, chemical fluids
 Nuclear disaster, radiation of radioactive rays
 Accident with machinery, plant, tools
 Due to human error
 Due to failure of plant accessories
 Due to process hazard (eye injury due to laser, welding light)
 Falling of object on body
 During construction work
 During operation of plant (ex, overhead crane)
Classification of accidents cont…
 Falling of person from height (ex, ladder)
 Accident from civil works
 During construction
 During service life of plant

 Human made accidents

 Deliberate damage in parts
 Thefts of critical parts

 Natural disasters
 Flooding
 lightning
 Landslide
 Earthquake and volcano
Summary of industrial accidents
Fire and
Chemical explosion
Accident & Electrical

with Industri from civil
machinery ,
plant, tools
al works
falling of Human
object on made
body accidents

Falling of
from height
Accident agency

 Accident agency (Cause of industrial accidents)

Agency:- is an object or substance which is responsible for the
occurrence of an accident.
 Industrial Engineers found out common agencies
 Machines (Pump, compressors, prime movers ….)
 Transportation system (material handling equipments, conveyors, pipes,
overhead cranes)

 In selecting such agencies special emphasis will be given to those which are
In case of machines, the prescription (history of machinery, and spec) is
helpful to avoid accident.
 Example, The normal sound of the equipment should be familiar to worker.
When and why accident happened?
Unsafe act (practice) :- this includes
 Operation without authority
 (when you operate with out authority, you need to inform other workers)
 Operating at unsafe speed
 (driving too fast, ex, forklift)
 Using unsafe equipments
 Using not properly maintained equipment
 Working on unguarded or dangerous equipments
 Misbehaving at working place
 (laughing and joking with other workers)
 Failure to use personal protective materials
 Unsafe human (personnel) cause
 Concerned with mental/physical characteristics of personal unsafe act,
this includes
 Improper attitude (deliberate violation of safety acts)
 Lack of knowledge /skill
 Physical/ mental defects
When and why accident happened? Cont..

 Unsafe mechanical (Physical) causes

(Also called unsafe condition)
Improper guarding :
 Unguarding
 Removing the guards
Defective agencies
 Breakage
 Decayed
 Slippery/ smoothness equipment's and places
 Hazardous arrangement
o Process line /layout
o material storages
When and why accident happened? Cont..

Improper ventilation
Other mechanical/physical related causes includes
 Abuse(misused) of materials - crack and damage
 Equipments or materials defected during design

 Unsafe procedure
 Caused by managerial acts
• Unsafe house keeping
 General cleanness of the house
 Waste disposal methods
Generally accident occurred due to
1. Human Error
Due to unsafe practice
Lack of foresight
 wrong attitude …etc
This accident cover about 88 % of the total industrial
2. Mechanical failure
 due to plant condition, equipment or tool failure
This cover about 10% of the total industrial accident
3. Act of Nature
 Due to whether, flood, lightning …
 This covers only 2% of the accident occurred in most of the industry.
Accident investigation Approaches (Strategies)

 There are three basic approaches/ strategies

1. Pre-Accident Strategy
2. Post-Accident Strategy
3. Collateral Accident Strategy
Accident investigation Approaches (Strategies) cont.…

Pre-Accident (Pre-Risk) Accident investigation

• Is the activities taken before the occurrence of an accident
(Prevention methods)

This can be divided in to Two parts

• Safe place strategy
• Safe Person strategy
Accident investigation Approaches (Strategies) cont.…

 Safe place Strategy

 Safe Workplace
 Safe Equipments
 Safe Process
 Safe Transportation
Generally Safe Environment

 Safe Person Strategy

This means protecting the workers by giving protective equipments (PPE,
like gloves, helmets,..) or protective facilities, if the working
environment is not safe.

Note: - Usually the safe place strategy is preferable than the safe person
-if the place is safe, the safe person strategy is unnecessary
Accident investigation Approaches (Strategies) cont.…

Post Accident Strategy

(Also called post risk assessment)
 Is a strategy after the accident had occurred
 The post accident strategy is used as a feedback for the pre-
accident strategy by assuming the cause and effect of the
accident occurred.
Collateral Strategy
 Is the action taken after an accident had occurred
 Its carried out by specialized organizations
 Example,
 fire extinguisher servicing agents
 First aid ,…
Fundamental of accident prevention

 the prevention techniques are

1. Discover previous/ similar techniques
 From the record of the frequency and magnitude of the
previous accidental data.
 This can be used as a feedback for the latter accident
 Discovering the existing accident through auditing.
Fundamental of accident prevention cont…
2.Control of mechanical/ physical causes

 By looking(checking) equipment specification

 Provide guard for hazardous parts
 Perform proper maintenance
 Inspect for defected equipments and correct the
defected once.
 Formulate working procedure
 Provide good house keeping and good ventilation
 Provide personal protective equipments (PPE)
 Specify the more hazardous materials,
equipments, and process for particular operation
Fundamental of accident prevention cont…

3.Control of behavioristic causes:-

 This starts from carrying out job analysis and
 Perform supervision
 Discipline at workplace
 Physical examination and proper place of worker

4. Supplementary works
 Provision of poster about safety
 Training and consult for safety and hazard
 Forming a safety committee
Safety and health management responsibilities
 Management bodies (CEO, and departmental Managers)
they are
 Decision makers
 Setting objectives
 Planning, organizing, monitoring and supervision …etc
 They put legal and organizational aspect of labor/worker
Plant manager: -he is responsible for (safety aspect)
 Actively participate in all safety management activities and
 Enforce all safety norms (Rules and regulations)
 Making adequate supervision against hazard of all type
 Delegate power to various departments to carry out such
measures which will insure safety .
Safety and health management responsibilities cont…
Responsibility of engineers:-
 Ensure safe working conditions
 Provide properly maintained tool and equipment
 Design properly and planned work to be performed in a
safe manner
 Assign employees which they are capable of doing safely
 Take immediate steps for safety provision

Responsibility of individuals (Must all)

 Safety to themselves
 Safety to the fellow works
 Protect the company properly
 Protect the public
Safety organizations
 An Organization:- is the way in which authority
is distributed to carry out the work
 Organization is a strategy developed by mgt
 The organization structure is built by
 List of essential activities
 Grouping and assigning activities to the group
 Deciding line of authority delegations
 Co-ordination of activities
Safety Auditing

 It is the process that identifies unsafe conditions and

unsafe acts in the plants and recommends safety
 It is a very effective tool with safety management for
identifying weak spots and planning corrective actions.
Types of safety auditing

1. Walk-through safety audit.

2. Intermediate safety audit.
3. Comprehensive safety audit.

These audits are different , but they do not have rigid

boundaries. they have some overlap.
1. Walk-through safety audit

 It is least expensive safety audit.

 It evaluates the unsafe conditions noticeable to naked eye
During the walk through, many unsafe conditions may be
noticed. These are listed, discusses and commitments for
their dissolving are taken from a line manager/supervisor.

 During construction phase walk-through safety audits

may be carried out for stores, civil works, and erection
works, commissioning work.
 During operations and maintenance, safety auditors
observe the processes, unsafe acts and unsafe conditions.
 The safety auditors discuss their observation with safety
managers, line managers and line supervisors.

 Audit report and recommendations are submitted to the

plant manager and safety manager for taking corrective
actions to eliminate unsafe conditions and prevent unsafe
The team for walk through safety audit
1. Safety manager.
2. Safety consultant.
3. Insurance inspector.
4. Electrical inspector.
5. Manager-Civil/Erection/Commissioning/Operation-
The entire plant and its stores , documents, procedures are
received ,interviews are conducted, observations are noticed,
report is submitted. The report gives recommendations.
2. Intermediate safety audit

 It involves more detailed study and review of plant design

and plant operation than a walk through audit.
 Detailed measurements of high-risk zones are conducted.
 Tests may be conducted on unsafe conditions/
 It identifies weakness in plant design ,equipment and
subsystems and operation/maintenance procedures and
improvements are also suggested.
3. Comprehensive Safety Audit
 It is a full scale audit that evaluates the safety factors in the
plant on the basis of:-
Module analysis.
• Full scale improvements in the plant design, renovations,
operation procedures ,staffing etc. are recommended.
Comprehensive audit consist of the following.

 Envelope Audit. this covers civil works, switchyard,

electrical plant auxiliaries, stores, offices, canteen,
ventilation system, security arrangements, lighting etc.
 Function Audit. this covers organizational weakness,
training requirements, clarity of responsibilities and
delegation, documentation, etc.

 Safety facility Audit. this audit reviews unsafe

conditions of high risk and exiting safety facilities
through safety recommended safety facilities for high
risk, medium risk and low risk zones.
 Recommendation. The unsafe conditions and unsafe
acts are listed. The corrective actions and improvements
are recommended. The unsafe conditions and unsafe acts
observed are subjected to ABC analysis(A=high
risk=moderate risk=low risk) attention is focused on A
and B categories.

 Managements Response: the safety audit is a powerful

tool available to the management to take actions in the
right direction without hesitation/confusion.
Training and Supervision
 Since safety is a line function ,manager, supervisors and workers
must be trained to identify unsafe acts and unsafe conditions in their
respective working areas.

 They must also be given training in emergency operations, fire

protection, basic electrical engineering. The principles of safety and
first aid must be taught. The dangers of negligence and ignorance
must be emphasized. The attitude of persons must be tuned to
achieved safety.

 The company must have training program for safety from plant
manager down ward up to technicians and storekeepers.
Economic aspects
 The safety management requires certain investment which are classified
as recurring expenditures and fixed expenditure.
Fixed expenditures: one time expenditures
Safety facilities
First aid facilities
Security facilities
Fire fighting facilities
Secured lighting
Room for safety security office and safety offices
Computer facilities and documentation facilities
HRD facilities, safety awareness boards

Recurring expenditures: occur often and repeatedly

Salary for safety and security staff.
Royalties to consultants and inspectors
Safety audit expenses
Documentation expenses
Miscellaneous expenses
Insurance coverage of industrial plant personnel

 Risks of loss due to accidents, fire, thefts exist during construction and
routine operation maintenance phases of the industrial
plant/substation/electrical plant and equipment.

 The financial risk is covered by taking appropriate insurance policy. If

equipment gets damaged or stolen, insurance company provides the
financial compensations against settled insurance claims. New
equipment can be purchased and installed to resume the operation of
Stages in plant life and unsafe-condition factor

 Stage I :construction stage

 Stage II : installation and commissioning stage
 Stage III : operation and maintenance stage
 Stages IV : replacement and phasing out stage
Thank you for your Attention!!!
End of Chapter 1

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