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Capacity Building on

Developing the School

Improvement Plan (SIP)
Topic: SWOT Analysis and
Organizational Risk Assessment

2022 SIP Strategic Planning Process Copyright 2022
This document is developed for the exclusive use of the Department of Education Regional Office VI
This document is developed for the exclusive use of the Department of Education Regional Office VI … where every child is a Champion
2022 SIP Strategic Planning Process Copyright 2022
Target Objectives and Outputs
• Strategic Objectives
To understand the fundamental components and
steps of Strategic Planning
• SWOT with
Actionable Strategies
To emphasize critical points under each
component • Organizational Risks

• Implementation Plan
To introduce the application of Strategic
Planning components to the SIP

• Draft SIP
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This document is developed for the exclusive use of the Department of Education Regional Office VI
…where every child is a
This document is developed for the exclusive use of the Department of Education Regional Office VI 2022 SIP Strategic Planning Process Copyright 2022

This document is developed for the exclusive use of the Department of Education Regional Office VI 2022 SIP Strategic Planning Process Copyright 2022

Cross SWOT and
Actionable Strategies
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• internal
• under control

• external
• not under our control
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The Cross SWOT

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Source: A Guidebook on Strategic Planning for the


S1 W1
S2 W2
S3 W3

O1 S-O Strategies W-O Strategies

O2 Which of the organization’s strengths What actions can you take to minimize
O3 can be used to maximize the the organization’s weaknesses using
opportunities you identified? the opportunities you identified ?

T1 S-T Strategies T-W Strategies

T2 How can you use organization’s How can you minimize the
T3 strengths to minimized the threats organization’s weaknesses to avoid
you identified? the threats you identified?

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Strategy Statement Format
Since strategies are “broad activities” the verb-object-purpose
format starts with action (verb), states what is acted upon
(object) and explains why (purpose). The sample strategies
that follow demonstrate the verb-object-purpose format.

• Create sales leveraging tools to assist sales team in growing accounts
• Develop and implement vertical marketing strategy to increase
revenue by capitalizing on existing customer knowledge
• Implement incentive bonus program to reward caregivers for
productivity, client success and client satisfaction

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Continuation of Workshop 3: Cross
SWOT and Actionable Strategies

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Organizational Risk
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Review: What is Risk?
● A risk can be positive or negative

● A risk is most generally equated with

uncertainty (and uncertainty is most
generally equated with a negative

● An uncertain event or condition that, if it

occurs, has an effect on at least one key
performance indicator.
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Organization Risks
(Cause) Effect

Supplier (Cause) Customer
s Input Outp s
Proces uts

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Types of Risks

Financial Occupational
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Types of Risks

Operational Safety
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Cost of Poor Risk Management

Bad Reputation Extensive Damage

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Review: Opportunities
•An opportunity is a set of circumstances which makes it possible
to do positive things, for
❏Develop new products and services
❏Improve work environment
❏Improve productivity
❏Improve operational efficiency
–(reduction of resource use,
–reduction of waste, etc.)
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Organization Risk Template

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Look at possible Actions to MITIGATE
issues/risks in your the CAUSE.
process in the delivery of 1.0 …
the outputs (CAUSE + 2.0 …

Probability from 1- Risk Probability x Risk Impact.

5, based on the Risk Impact:
matrix provided 1-5 Format: Color the whole column
with blue or green or yellow or
document is developed for the exclusive use of Significant
the Department of Education
(3) Regional Office VI red corresponding the value in Strategic Planning Process Copyright 2022
2022 SIP
the matrix
Likely (3)
(1) RISK
What are the potential problems/issues/threats in attaining the objectives?

How to state a risk?

Effect of an uncertainty on meeting the objectives



(What could go wrong?)

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How to state a risk?
Effect of an uncertainty

Example: Heavy rains and landslide (External Cause -


Delay in the
Damaged delivery of learning
learning (Risk)
materials to school

Risk Statement: Damaged
statement: Delay learning
in the materials
delivery duematerials
of learning to heavy to
rains and
due to heavy rains and landslide
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Probability/Impact Matrix
• A probability/impact matrix or chart lists the relative
probability of a risk occurring on one side of a matrix or axis on
a chart and the relative impact of the risk occurring on the other
• List the risks and then label each one as high, medium, or low
in terms of its probability of occurrence and its impact if it did

• Can also calculate risk factors

• Numbers that represent the overall risk of specific events based on
their probability of occurring and the consequences to the project if they
do occur
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What is the likelihood that the risk will happen?

Risk Probability Rating

Rating Description
More than 80% chances of occurrence
(5) Very Likely

(4) Almost Certain 60% - 80% chances of occurrence

Likely 40% to 59% chances of occurrence


(2) Possible 39% to 20% chances of occurrence

(1) Unlikely Below 20% chances of occurrence

This document is developed for the exclusive use of the Department of Education Regional Office VI 2022 SIP Strategic Planning Process Copyright 2022

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(3) RISK IMPACT RATING: What is the impact rating to the
achievement / non-achievement of the goals/objectives?
Risk Impact
Rating Description

Maximum impact on achieving desired results, to the extent that the

(16) Severe objective will not be achieved and not within acceptable levels.
Has a severe impact that could threaten the learning outcomes of the learners

High Maximum impact on achieving desired results, to the extent that the
(8) objective will not be achieved and not within acceptable levels

Medium Significant impact on achieving desired results, to the extent that is below
(4) objective and acceptable levels

Low Moderate impact on achieving desired results, to the extent that is below
(2) objective but within acceptable limits

Little or no impact on achieving strategic objectives

2022 SIP Strategic Planning Process Copyright 2022
(1) Very Low
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(4) RISK PRIORITY SCORE: Determine the score for prioritization.



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(5) MITIGATING ACTIONS What are the actions that can be done to
prevent the risk from happening?



MITIGATING ACTIONS = Actions to mitigate the impact of the risk

should be from improving the
weaknesses of the school (controllable)
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(6) FREQUENCY OF CONTROL Determine how often will the
mitigating actions be controlled.


HIGH • Monthly reporting to Top Management (School Head)

• Regular monitoring of Proponent

MEDIUM • Quarterly Reporting to Top Management (School Head)

• Regular monitoring of Proponent

LOW • Annual Reporting to Top Management (School Head)

• Regular Reporting of Proponent
This document is developed for the exclusive use of the Department of Education Regional Office VI 2022 SIP Strategic Planning Process Copyright 2022

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Identify the Office in charge of the implementation of the

Mitigating Factors

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Workshop 4: Organizational Risk

This document is developed for the exclusive use of the Department of Education Regional Office VI 2022 SIP Strategic Planning Process Copyright 2022

…where every child is a
This document is developed for the exclusive use of the Department of Education Regional Office VI 2022 SIP Strategic Planning Process Copyright 2022

Capacity Building on
Developing the School
Improvement Plan (SIP)
Topic: SWOT Analysis and
Organizational Risk Assessment

2022 SIP Strategic Planning Process Copyright 2022
This document is developed for the exclusive use of the Department of Education Regional Office VI
This document is developed for the exclusive use of the Department of Education Regional Office VI … where every child is a Champion
2022 SIP Strategic Planning Process Copyright 2022
…where every child is a

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