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Radio Production
❖ “Pod” – a mobile playback device such as an iPod or any other MP3 player (a laptop or desktop computer also works).
❖ “Casting” – derived from broadcasting.
❖ Podcasting is the distribution of multimedia files, such as audio and video, over the Internet for playback on mobile devices
and/or personal computers.
❖ Most podcasts are shared (syndicated) using the RSS format - Real Simple Syndication.
❖ A podcast is typically an episodic show, delivered in an audio file format. The standard podcast will feel a lot like listening to
any regular talk radio show. The main difference falls in how the show is distributed.
❖ A radio will broadcast its talk show live to its listeners in a more traditional way. With a podcast, many are broadcasted live,
but the goal is to consume the show as though it were another song in your playlist. Since they exist outside the realm of
radio, you’ll see there are podcasts out there covering any topic you can think of.
❖ Podcasts are a great way to build a genuine connection with your audience.
❖ Instead of the fractured connection you make through social media, podcasts allow you to engage your audience with
unique long-form content. Podcasts are more convenient than blog posts; people can listen to podcasts while driving,
working out, or just doing chores around the house.
❖ There is a lot of unexplored space in the podcasting industry. There are at least 600 million blogs, 23 million YouTube
channels, but only 800,000 podcasts in Apple Podcasts.
❖ Undoubtedly, fandom of podcasts more broadly, spanning a range of genres, subjects and formats, was instrumental in
inspiring us to create our own.
❖ The flexibility of listening and the relative lack of editorial and formal scrutiny in production marks the medium as something
different, more radical, and more culturally urgent than radio. Furthermore, the technological specifics of the medium
cultivates an autonomy of approach that results in a conversational, informal, personal, even supportive, atmosphere.
❖ Podcasting also exemplifies the maxim that ‘the specific is universal’ by creating spaces for niche and cult content that caters for the
more idiosyncratic cultures of interest.
❖ The flexibility of listening and the relative lack of editorial and formal scrutiny in production marks the medium as something different,
more radical, and more culturally urgent than radio. Furthermore, the technological specifics of the medium cultivates an autonomy of
approach that results in a conversational, informal, personal, even supportive, atmosphere.
❖ Podcasting also exemplifies the maxim that ‘the specific is universal’ by creating spaces for niche and cult content that caters for the
more idiosyncratic cultures of interest.
❖ Podcasting culture thus manages to be both personal and communal, a sensibility that is related to the active choice the listener has to
exercise, and the modes of consumption – through headphones, car sound systems etc. – which imbue a deeply sonorous intimacy.
❖ To be a private, silent participant in other people’s conversations, lives and experiences, on a subject you are profoundly interested in or
passionate about, generates a deep sense of connection.
❖ Perhaps such immersion into a simultaneously interior and exterior sonic experience may be the essential reason why podcasts have
become so popular: they offer the listener a means to explore the self while simultaneously providing anchoring points in the chaos of a
digital and material experience that is increasingly blurred.
❖ Podcasts are a great way to reach people outside of when they’re sitting in front of a computer. And “podcast,” is about on-demand
audio content.
❖ Creating a podcast will give you the opportunity to reach people that your traditional text and visual content aren’t reaching.
❖ More than 40 million Americans -- or roughly 15% of the population -- regularly listen to podcasts. That’s up from 9% in 2008, according
to Edison Research.
❖ Podcasting is a means of publishing audio and video content on the web as a series of episodes with a common theme. These
episodes are accompanied by a file called a “feed” that allows listeners to subscribe to the series and receive new episodes
❖ Some people use the term “podcast” to refer to any distribution of audio/video content on the Web, but technically speaking, the feed
Podcasting: Technical Components
Podcasting: Technical Components
Podcasting: Technical Components
Types of Podcasts
There are three main types of podcast:

1.Audio only: These are like radio. They are generally in mp3 format. They can be made on both PCs and Macs and can be played
using an mp3 player. This is a popular form of podcasting as they are relatively easy to make and the resulting files are generally
small. [Preferred file type .mp3]
2.Audio and still images: These are also referred to as enhanced podcasts. The commonest educational form is a PowerPoint or
Keynote presentation with an audio track. The main advantages of these types of podcast are their small file size compared with
video and that they can be chaptered. Enhanced podcasts enable the audience to jump directly to a slide they wish to view in the
podcast. [Preferred file type .m4a or .m4b]
3.Video: These are like TV. Generally they are large file sizes. When making them, you need to be careful with compression
technologies as choosing the wrong format may make it impossible for the file to be played on both Macs and PCs. [Preferred file
type .m4v] . Some people use the term ‘vodcast’ to refer to a podcast of video files. However, the term podcasting can be used to
cover the distribution of any files, whether they are audio, still images or video as long as they follow the feed and subscription
How to Start a Podcast?
❖Why are you starting a podcast? Whether you want to inform, educate, or entertain, figuring out your why will help you define your
objectives and plan accordingly.
❖Once you’ve found your reason, it’s time to choose a topic. Ask yourself:
●‍What kind of content do I want to deliver?
●What are those issues you are passionate about?
❖First, find some podcasts you like and identify which things they have in common:
●What do you like about them?
●What is the overarching theme?
●Now, how could you create something unique out of this topic?
●What skills, experiences or values do you have that can add value to your future listeners?
●Narrow down the overarching theme and find that spot that will be your topic.
Planning Podcasts
1.Niche- Finding a niche is about identifying the right group of people for your show. Remember, you’ll never be able to be likable by
everyone, so it’s better to focus on a specific type of audience rather than target everyone at once. Only by identifying what kind of people
you want to target will you be able to start growing your audience.
2.The Format of Your Show- Choosing the format of your show will help you structure and organize your episodes in later stages. It will also
make your podcast look more professional and consistent throughout episodes. Some of the most common formats among popular
podcasts are:
●‍Monologue/solo podcasts: one host talks about their expertise or experience.‍
●Co-hosted podcasts: two or more hosts conversate about their expertise or experience.‍
●Panel podcasts: a discussion around a single topic between a group of which is moderated by the host.‍
●Interview-based podcasts: a host interviews guests and guides the conversation around a specific topic.‍
●Storytelling podcasts: the host narrates a story, fiction or nonfiction, and often includes sound effects and audio sourced from real-life.
●You may choose to stick to one of these styles or implement a combination of all in your show. No method is better than the other, it’s a

matter of personal preference and desired focus. Once you have decided your preferred format, be consistent, and plan your program
Planning Podcasts
3. The Length of Your Show - Although there are no rules regarding the episode length, it’s worth keeping in mind that short
episodes will make new listeners more likely to try out your podcast. try keeping the length under 30 minutes when starting out.
Once you have decided on the ideal length, try to remain consistent throughout the rest of the episodes.

4. The Frequency of Your Show- Being consistent is key here. Consistency will make it easier for your audience to follow you and
listen to the new content you release. This is not so much about publishing weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, but rather about being
clear on how often you are publishing.

❖ Name It- Now that you have the first points sorted out, you may want to spend some time thinking about the name for your
podcast. Ideally, it should be short enough to be memorable, but long enough to capture what the show is about. In order to
keep the name short, try to avoid redundant words such as “podcast” or “show”.
❖ Your podcast name should also be easy to spell and to pronounce – especially at the beginning, you’ll be relying on word-of-
mouth to increase your reach. Moreover, keep in mind that choosing a name with numbers will create some confusion: when
it comes to typing out the name, “five” is not the same as “5”. Finally, don’t get too clever: if you have to explain what the
name of the podcast means, go for something different.
❖ How to know that your name isn’t already taken? Make sure to google it (and add “podcast” in your search, to be completely
sure). Check also Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube to see if any similar podcast appears on the search.
❖ Second, if you’re serious about podcasting and are considering creating a website, later on, make sure to check whether the
website domain for the name is available. Having trouble finding a name? Have some fun with a
free business name generator.
Finding Guests
Whether for interview-based or panel podcasts, finding the right guests can make a big difference for your show. A good conversation will
bring diversity and some innovative insights to your show, as well as an extensive audience. So, how can you find great people for your
podcast? Here are a few tips:

❖ Don’t be shy. It can be scary to reach out to others to talk in your podcast, especially in the beginning. No need! We have all been
beginners at something, and that doesn’t mean your podcast is not good. Make a list of potential guests and start reaching them out.
❖ What’s your podcast about? Prepare a description of your podcast, and if you can, redirect potential guests to some of your work.
Clarify your audience size, the number of downloads per episode, and your social presence.
❖ Highlight the advantages. Make sure to highlight in your description the benefits guests have access to by talking in your podcast.
Emphasize the promotion opportunities that are in your guest’s interest: increased visibility, backlinks to their site or merchandise, and
reaching their target audience.
❖ Start with your network. Is there anyone you know that could add something to your show? Start with those and build up your
network from there. The connections you make along the way could be very valuable.
❖ Search for similar podcasts. A comprehensive search around directories such as iTunes or Spotify, as well as on social media, will
help you spot fellow podcasters that may as well be your next guests.
❖ Don’t stop at podcasters. Industry experts, influencers, authors, media people – the list can go on and on. Broaden your search to
find the people that can add most to your show, regardless of their background.
❖ Ask your audience. Asking on your social media “Who would you like to have next on the show?” may help you in finding some great
people out there. At the same time, you’re giving the audience an opportunity to interact with you.
❖ Use a Guest Booking Service. For example, Podcast Guests, Podchaser Connect, or
❖ Microphone- Whether you are recording only audio or video podcasts, a proper sound quality will make a big difference
to your audience. There are two types of mics you can choose: USB mic – the easiest (and cheapest) option, it plugs
directly into the computer. It will do the job if you are recording from home. XLR mic – for more professional setups, it
delivers better audio quality. It comes with a connector that needs to be plugged into an audio interface.
❖ Headphones- Wearing headphones during the recording will give you greater control over the sound, and will enable
you to notice any changes in the volume of your voice throughout the recording. Furthermore, if recording with several
people, headphones will isolate voices and minimize overlapping sounds.
❖ Webcam (for video podcasts and live streaming)- Placing a webcam on your monitor will improve the upward-leaning
angle that built-in cameras create when recording from a laptop. A good webcam also increases the resolution of your
video and offers a broader view of the room. Although they don’t have to be expensive, do note that cheaper webcams
are very dependent on the room’s lighting to deliver a high-resolution image.
❖ Trying to improve the sound quality by adding a pop filter or a foam ball to get rid of hard plosive sounds
(“p’s” and “b’s”) and harsh “s’s”. A reflection filter will help you minimize echoes.
Recording Software
Long-distance recording software will help you create a podcast with input from guests in different locations. Proper software
will create the illusion that your guests and you are in the same room, even if the recordings take place in different places.

When choosing a recording software, you’ll need to decide whether you want to record audio-only or video podcasts. Some
software will also let you live stream. Additionally, you’ll want to pay attention to the following:

❖ Local recordings – some software record each person’s voice locally, meaning that the recording takes place on the
laptop instead of over the internet. Local recordings will avoid disruptions caused by a bad internet connection and will
ensure good-quality audio, regardless of the internet connection.
❖ Separate tracks – some software record each person’s voice in separate tracks, instead of providing one track with all
voices included. This is a great advantage because it enables you to silence any unwanted noises from a specific
guest’s side without having to delete content from the other tracks.
❖ Compressed audio – some recording software will compress the audio files into a smaller file size when exporting it.
The compression of your audio will result in quality loss, making the podcasts sound overall less professional.
❖ Progressive uploading – some recording software work with progressive uploading, meaning that everyone’s track in
the session will upload at the same time the recording is taking place. Since the files are being uploaded during the
recording, nothing will get lost if a member disconnects from the session before the end. Moreover, the final uploading
time will be much shorter.
Recording Software
❖ (audio, video, live stream). This platform offers important advantages over competitors.
records locally and works with separate audio and video tracks for every guest. This allows all recordings to be
synchronized, making the final editing process much easier. The platform counts with progressive uploading; the local
recording files are uncompressed, therefore, ensuring higher quality.What’s more, will make a backup
internet recording of your podcast to ensure nothing gets lost. The software also offers the option to live stream the
remote recording on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Twitch, with a call-in option to let the audience interact live.
Although live streaming will require you to have a stable internet connection, will make a simultaneous
local recording of the session to facilitate later distribution of the live stream recording.
❖ Cleanfeed (audio). This free browser application will allow you to record audio from multiple people simultaneously. For
remote recordings, you need to create an account and send invitations to your guests. The entire recording happens
over the internet, and two separate tracks are recorded: one for the host and another one for all the guests.
❖ Skype (audio, video). In Skype, the recording is free and has no time limit. Unfortunately, Skype comes with several
downsides. It doesn’t record locally, and it doesn’t separate tracks, making the recording very vulnerable to an unstable
internet connection.The recording files will be given compressed, therefore downgrading the quality of the podcast.
Unless you or your guest have a strong preference for Skype, we would recommend avoiding this software whenever
During the recording
❖ Script- Writing down a content framework will prove useful for both beginners and experienced podcasters . Not
only will this ensure that you don’t forget any key point during the recording, but it will also allow you to remain focused
on the technical aspect of the recording.
❖ What exactly are the technical things you should keep in mind?
1. The position of your mic, with the axis, pointed at your mouth, at approximately 10cm of distance.
2. The levels and signal flow of your mic and audio equipment. Test them before the call and 5 minutes after the call
start. If they are at a good level, don’t adjust them further.
3. The Wi-fi connection, which should be as stable as possible during the whole recording. Remember to
test your internet speed in advance and consider moving the recording set-up closer to the recording spot.
4. The camera, in case you are recording a video podcast. You want to make the impression that you are looking at your
5. The lights, also when you record video podcasts. Avoid placing lights directly above you or behind you. Play with the
lighting sources until you find the most flattering angles for your face – the three-point lighting technique can help you
with that.
❖ With all these things in mind, press record and start your podcast. You might be nervous at first but remember why you
are doing this and what do you want to convey to your audience.
❖ Once you reach the end, let the recording run for some seconds of complete silence (i.e. “room tone”) at the very end to
use them in transitions, patching edits, or noise reductions during the editing process of the podcast.
Editing the podcast
❖ Not all podcasters edit their work in the same way. Some may spend hours putting it all together on an editing software,
while others will leave it almost untouched.In any case, editing your recordings will give you a chance to polish the work
and make it look and sound like a professional podcast.
❖ Podcast Editing Software- There are many tools that will help you edit your audio podcast. Pro Tools, REAPER,
Audition, Hindenburg, Audacity, and GarageBand are some of the most popular ones. They all have similar features,
where they let you edit, mix, and export your audio into a file that you can turn into a podcast. If you count with some
podcasting experience, consider using one of these.
❖ Polishing the Audio- Having unpolished audio will likely discourage your audience from reaching the end of the
episode, even if the content is interesting. Taking some time to edit these things will help you start strong with your
podcast and deliver quality content right from the first moment.

What are some things you may want to eliminate/correct?

● Wording/content mistakes
● Background noises and pops
● Overly long silences or moments of doubt (“hmm…”, “ahh…”)
● Long episodes: if the recording turned out longer than expected try shortening some parts of it.
Editing the podcast
❖ Intros and Outros- If you are considering making many episodes, you may want to create standard intros and outros
for each episode. Intros and outros should be only a couple of seconds long, but they are an opportunity to remind your
audience of your name, the name of the podcast, and the theme of your show.Besides, you can briefly explain what
topics will be covered in the episode and whether there are any special guests present.
❖ Music- Adding some background music for the intro can improve the listening experience and will make the podcast
sound more professional. Just remember that you can’t use any song (due to copyright rules), so make sure to search
for royalty-free music or Creative Commons content.
Uploading and Distributing Podcast
1. First, you’ll need to choose a podcast hosting platform. A hosting site is a website where you will store your podcast
episodes as MP3 files. You’ll have to upload the files you recorded as well as episode-specific information (title,
description, and artwork). Some of the most popular hosting sites are Buzzsprout, Podbean, or, but there are
plenty out there to choose from.
2. Once you upload your files to a hosting site, a so-called RSS feed will be generated. An RSS (i.e. Really Simple
Syndication) is essentially a URL (i.e. Uniform Resource locator, or what we commonly call a “link” or web address) that
will allow you to share your podcast in other platforms and directories.
3. Now that you have your RSS feed, you’ll need to distribute your work across some of the major directories.
Podcast directories are the apps where we listen and discover podcasts. Some of the most popular ones are Apple
Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, or Pocketcasts.Podcast directories don’t physically hold your MP3 files and
therefore don’t allow you to directly upload episodes to their platforms. Instead, they receive your podcast information
through the RSS feed created by your podcast host. Thus, directories really act as an intermediary between you and
your audience.
4. By submitting your RSS feed link you’ll be able to create the necessary connection between the podcast host and the
directory. When this connection is set, you won’t need to upload an episode anymore: by working with RSS feed, you
only need to upload your content to the podcast host, instead of uploading it several times to each of your directories of
choice. This means that you will only have to upload your episode once, but your audience will be able to listen to
your podcast from a range of different directories.

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