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to our presentation
Member of the group

Kadek Ayu Tata Cahya Utami


Ni Luh Manik Santi Devi Sitangsu


Verbal communication Non-Verbal communication

What is Verbal Communication ?
Verbal communication is a process of
transitioning messages using language
from the sender of the message
(communicator) to the recipient of the
message. (communicant).
The most important factor in verbal

is the presence of verbal symbols in the

message conveyed such as the use of
language through the arrangement of
words or sentences.
1. Written Communication

2. Oral Communication
Written Communication

That is a form of verbal communication that is done

verbally. Written communication is usually done
because of the limited distance between the
communicator and the communicant.
Letter, Postcard, E-mail, Short

The advantages of written
communication are:
1. The product of written communication can serve as evidence of
what happened or what was said.
2. Written communication can be a permanent record for future
use or study.
3. Reliable when the communicator wants to send long
information, for example about finances, products or other important
The disadvantages of written communication
are :
1. It takes a lot of time because it has to undergo a distortion process first.
2. It is difficult to ascertain whether the recipient has understood the
message conveyed properly.
3. Seems old-fashioned even though it is very relevant and needed in
today's era.
4. The possibility of written documents "leaking" prematurely.
5. Sometimes causes formality and rigidity in communication.
Oral Communication
That is a form of verbal communication through direct
or face-to-face interaction between the communicator
and the communicant. Conversations in oral
communication can involve more than two individuals.
Call, Videocall, conversation face to

The advantages of oral communication include:
1. More efficient because it does not require excessive distortion process.
2. It is simple because it does not require media, instruments or other means of
3. It doesn't cost a lot, because it doesn't take time or require connecting tools.
4. Communication that is carried out face-to-face directly can avoid complicated
bureaucratic matters, delays and formalities.
5. Can convey information in its entirety, because a lot of information cannot be
translated in writing and can only be conveyed through direct instructions.
The disadvantages of oral communication include :
1. Speech that is too long will make listeners bored.
2.The words spoken in oral communication are more easily
misunderstood than written communication.
3. For some of introvert person feel uncomfortable
Question Time It' s time for question
so if you have any question,
please ask to us
Thank You
for your attention

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