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In the middle of the night…

Umer Ayaz

7:38 PM, 16 December, 1864…

It was a cold evening in Tomsk, Siberia, a very cold region of Russia. Four
Canadian soldiers were stuck in this cold region, as they were drafted in war.
These four men were Leroy, Ian, Lucas and Trent. They had no idea about each
other. But these poor men were going through the same situation, far from
home, far from family, closer to death…

8:21 PM…
Leroy, Ian, Lucas, and Trent sat
around a campfire, kept their
guns in front of them selves,
and kept their heads down.
They were looking at the
pictures of their parents,
spouses, children, siblings and
thinking of how death was

Then Lucas spoke up, “So ya’ll

think we might actually make it
out?” There was silence, but
Trent looked up and said, “Ain’t
no way man, we are fighting’
against the Mongolians, what
do you expect?!” Ian started
weeping and added, “Brothers,
it doesn’t matter if we live,
escaping will kill us easily, lets
just recall our families, yeah?”

Leroy was quite this whole time

and then changed the topic
after starting to talk about how
the gun in front of him actually
belonged to his father’s cousin.
They talked and talked and
time flew!

4:06 AM, 17 December, 1864…

Only a couple of days had remained till Christmas, and they all prepared for
battle, like cleaning their guns and checking the dryness of the gun powder.
Once again, Lucas said, “Life’s so tricky, yeah? My son was born this year
January, just a few days after Christmas, and I couldn’t spend Christmas with
him because he wasn’t born yet, and now, he will spend this Christmas an
orphan.” Ian got angry and said, “Lucas Mathew Elizabeth! You are not the
only one making sacrifices. My father will be spending his birthday without
me! Next valentine’s my wife will be alone, without me! Next hunt day, my
brother will go on a safari and hunt alone, without me! SO SHUT THAT MOUTH
OF YOURS!” Leroy and Trent stopped the fight and said…

“My brothers! Your family can live without you. They will mourn for a day, a
month, or a year, and then you will be forgotten. Your grandchildren would
not even know you name. Curse such a family and fight for something greater,
YOUR NATION! We the men of Canada, we fight and defend the innocent, we
have a greater task than going for a jolly hunting trip or daddy’s birthday! So
get up! Wear your boots, clean you guns, and carry out the task out side of
Tomsk, Russia! May God be with you!”
After the following, the four men, taking a final look at the last letters with
their families and last pictures with them, they rechecked their bags for extra
charges and pills. They went out!

6:25 AM…
The battle begins, the
enemy fires first, a sudden
and brilliant ambush by the
Mongolians. The squad
tried their best. Trent took
out his grenade and threw
it towards a group of
Mongolians. BOOM! He
took out an entire platoon!

George, a man from the 4th

rank of the
Russian/Canadian army,
saved Leroy, who was
about to get hit by a bullet.
Leroy was thankful, while
thanking, he got
distracted. Sarnai Tarban, a
Mongolian man, aimed his
rifle towards Leroy, and
killed him!

The whole Squad broke

into tears. Trent and Ian
both carried his body
towards a safe spot and
temporarily buried him.
They returned to battle
and found Lucas, injured
on the floor. He couldn’t be
saved, so he gave his gun
to Ian, and said, “I can’t
make it out, just give this
to Jamie, my brother.”

11:36 AM…
Out of the squad, Trent
and Ian were left alive. The
battle ended, with the
Mongolians fleeing. Trent
and Ian both were heavily
injured. Trent’s skin would
burst out blood if it was
touched slightly. And Ian
would faint for a few
seconds and come back.

24 December, 1864…
Ian returned to his home,
and Trent to his. One day
was still left in Christmas
and they had reached,
after burying their best
friends and soul brothers
in the cold, rough terrain
of Russia.

They remembered their

conversation and met up.
They discussed how these
soldiers who sacrificed
their lives would be
forgotten in about 60
years. So they built a huge
monument in Windsor, to
remember the sacrifices of
these soldiers so they are
never forgotten

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