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• Igiraneza Noella 23496
• Mungabire Delice 23321
• Ishimwe Deborah beoline 22766
• Mugiraneza hirwa benitha 22816
• Jessica uwase 22754
• Habimana diola 22722
• Mahirwe Audace 22752
• Muhizi aime Patrick 21841
• Muyango teta Bernice 22843
• Umuhoza Larissa 23268

SQLite is an open-source SQL database that stores data in a text file on a device and it
supports all the relational database features.
Android comes with built-in SQLite database implementation, you don’t need to establish
any kind of connection for it like JDBC, or ODBC in order to access this database.

SQLite is usually written in C programming language, but it can run on any hardware or any
operating system no matter what programming language is used for the application but
easily interfere with a library written in C

• NULL – null values

• INTEGER –Signed integer,stored in 1,2,3,4,6 or 8
• REAL – a floating point value
• TEXT – text string
• BLOB – binary large object
First of all, Firebase is categorized as a NoSQL database program, which stores data in JSON(java
script object notation)-like documents.

The difference between SQLite and Firebase then is as follows:

local database on an Android device (data It’s a cloud service and is a NoSQL database.
stored/processed on a device) In FireBase Data are stored/processed in a
with SQL interface. cloud.
 is in the public domain Its a free for use for owned by Google
any purpose.

is file-based is only available on Google Cloud Platform 

the database consists of a single file on the disk, which
makes it portable and reliable.

An open-source platform. A closed-source platform

More suitable for Android applications. Suitable for both iOS and Android applications. 

a most deployed database engine. is suitable for real time applications.


• Databases and tables in Sqliite are initially created by statements within the app when the
attempts to use the database.
• There are several sql management tools similar to mysql workbench which are available

• Better performance
• Reading and writing from an SQLite database is often faster than reading and writing individual files from disk.
• The application only has to load the data it needs, rather than reading the entire file and holding a complete parse in memory.

• Reduced application cost and complexity

• No application file I/O code to write and debug.
• Content can be accessed and updated using concise SQL queries instead of lengthy and error-prone procedural routines.
• Portability
• The application file is portable across all operating systems, 32-bit and 64-bit
• A federation of programs, perhaps all written in different programming languages, can access the same application file with no
compatibility concerns.
• Multiple processes can attach to the same application file and can read and write without interfering with each another.

• Reliability
• Content can be updated continuously and atomically so that little or no work is lost in a power failure or crash.
• Bugs are far less likely in SQLite.
• SQL queries are many times smaller than the equivalent procedural code, and since the number of bugs per line of code is roughly
constant, this means fewer bugs overall.
• Accessibility
• SQLite database content can be viewed using a wide variety third-party tools.
• Content stored in an SQLite database is more likely to be recoverable decades in the future, long after all traces of the original application
have been lost. Data lives longer than code.

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