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  2013 := 

The Challenges in ICT:

Debunking the Hype
Keith G Jeffery
Science and Technology Facilities Council
Harwell Oxford
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, OX11 0QX
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SOFSEM   2013 := 

The Challenges in ICT:

Debunking the Hype
Or the Keith G Jeffery
nebulous Science and Technology Facilities Council
concept of Harwell Oxford
CLOUD Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, OX11 0QX
Computing UK
©STFC/Keith G Jeffery The Challenges in ICT: Debunking the Hype 20130127 2
Introduction – Who?
The Pervasiveness of ICT
A Short History of ICT
CLOUD Computing

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Rutherford Appleton

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Brief Biography

• Degree and PhD in

• Led teams working on
information systems
• (R&D and services)
• Director IT
• 1100 servers, 360,000
users, 8Pb/year

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=: SOFSEM :=  

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EC CLOUDs Expert Group

Report 1: Work 2010,

Event January 2011
Published January 2011
Report 2: Work 2011,
Event May 2012
Published December 2012

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This background gives you some idea of ‘where I’m
coming from’
– Advanced research problems requiring ICT solutions
– Research practical (yet leading edge)
• But depends on ‘blue sky’
– International working – consultancy, reviewing, expert
– Strategic thinking for / using blue sky research to plan
roadmaps for ICT R&D
– Design authority for large industrial-scale projects

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This background gives you some idea of ‘where I’m coming from’
– Advanced research problems requiring ICT solutions
– Research practical (yet leading edge)
• But depends on ‘blue sky’
– International working – consultancy, reviewing, expert
– Strategic thinking for / using blue sky research to plan roadmaps for ICT R&D
– Design authority for large industrial-scale projects

And what I am going to talk about is the ICT of the future

that we shall all be using and/or developing
And the research challenges we have to overcome to
make it happen
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Introduction – Who?
The Pervasiveness of ICT
A Short History of ICT
CLOUD Computing

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Internet Users by Region

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The ASIA Timebomb

ASIA has largest

population, largest
number of users but
relatively low

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Mobile Internet

• Global mobile data traffic in 2011 (597 petabytes per month);

• Global mobile data traffic grew 2.3-fold in 2011, more than
doubling for the fourth year in a row;
• The number of mobile-connected devices exceeded
the world's population in 2012.
• There will be over 10 billion mobile-connected devices in 2016;
• The average mobile network connection speed (189 kbps in
2011) will exceed 2.9 megabits per second (Mbps) in 2016.

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Mobile Traffic Growth

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Mobile Traffic Sources

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Non-user devices

•The vast majority of computers – 98% - do not have

traditional keyboard, mouse, screen
– They are in cars, planes, washing machines, mobile
•The most-used operating system is NOT Windows (or
Unix / Linux)
– Symbian in mobile phones  iOS  Android
– or specialised operating systems (e.g. Contiki) in
embedded systems

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Social Context
•The number of computers will vastly out-number humans on the
planet very soon;
•Everything will be computerised;
– Sensor networks
• Home, healthcare, environment, industrial processes, transport
– Control systems
• Industrial, transport, home (central heating)…
Just think what a neutron bomb in the atmosphere could do

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•This is the ‘internet of things’ or ‘future internet’

•We need to :
– Manage the huge numbers, sizes
– Integrate the different kinds of systems
– Into one environment leading to human decision-making
• whether managing a business, shopping, media choice, social
•But there is a problem…in last 20 years
– Data storage density increased ~10**18
– Processor power increased ~10**15
– BUT broadband capacity increased ~10**4

•This has implications for Information Systems Engineering!

•In fact the requirement and limitations challenge the very basis of traditional
computer science / ICT

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Elastic scalability
costs, green
Trust & security & privacy
else many administrators
different modes of use
natural – fits with user model of the world
of the real world
©STFC/Keith G Jeffery The Challenges in ICT: Debunking the Hype 20130127 19
Introduction – Who?
The Pervasiveness of ICT
A Short History of ICT
CLOUD Computing

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Era 1

User request, programmer, punched cards, low-level program, mainframe

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User interacts with in-house-written software in high level language on

mainframe or mini. Network proprietary.

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User interacts with off-the-shelf software on PC which interacts with in-

house-written or purchased software on mainframe. Client-server to 3-tier.
Network is (becoming) internet
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User interacts with pre-written software on mobile device which interacts with
pre-written software on mainframe. Network is internet WiFi, 3G, 4G… and
using WWW
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Having virtualised the way the user interconnects to the application

on the mainframe (Client-Server or 3-tier)

the next logical step is to virtualise the mainframe

•Racked mainframe •Distributed racked
in-house mainframes
•Homogeneity •Heterogeneity
•Dynamically •Dynamically
reassigned reassigned resources
resources •Mobile Code

Which leads us towards CLOUD Computing

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Just to mention there has been a parallel evolution in:

• Programming languages
• Machine code, assembler, autocode, 3G (imperative), functional, 4G
(declarative), scripting, mobile
• Data modelling and management
• Lists, hierarchies, networks (E-R), graphs (EER, ORM)
• Software and systems design
• Including human factors, adopting new modalities (mouse, gesture,
speech, brain-connected)
• Systems development methods (CASE to IDE)
• HIPO, Jackson, SSADM, PRINCE (waterfall to spiral)
• Object-orientation (aspect orientation)

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Introduction – Who?
The Pervasiveness of ICT
A Short History of ICT
CLOUD Computing

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cloud (klaʊd) an elastic execution

environment of resources involving multiple
stakeholders and providing a metered service
at multiple granularities for a specified level
of quality (of service).

From report EC Cloud Computing Expert Group January 2011

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2010 we
recognized that all
our processes were
far too complex

so we put
them in
the cloud

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CLOUDs in use
• Social networking But also
• E.g. Facebook 1.Software / system
• Email systems development away from
• E.g. Gmail production systems
• Office systems 2.Experimental techniques
• E.g. Google Docs (like a sandbox)
• Shared storage
• E.g. Google Drive

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Gartner Hypecycle

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Gartner Hypecycle
Opportunity gap

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Cloud Computing
The premise:
•Very old idea Most compute centres utilise only 10%
of capacity but need 100% for rare
•Use of cloud to depict a peaks of demand
computing service or network
•Now used for a new concept
•Confused with
–Autonomic computing
–Utility Computing
–Service-Oriented Architecture

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Cloud Computing


•A very large number of processors Economies of

scale – both
– Clustered in racks as blades purchasing
•In one major computer centre and operation
– May be replicated for business continuity
economies in
•With massive online storage location
– RAID for resilience Staffing
economies in
•And excellent communications links location
– For access

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Cloud Computing

•Low cost of entry for customers Customer View

•Device and location independence
•Capacity at reasonable cost (performance, space)
•Cloud Operator manages resource sharing balancing different peak loads
•Elastically scalable as demand rises (or falls) from user
•Security due to data centralisation and software centralisation
•Sustainable and environmentally friendly – concentrated power

 it is a service and the user does not know or care from where,
by whom, and how it is provided
 as long as the SLA (service level agreement) QoS (quality of
service) is satisfied
 it is a ‘computing utility’ (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS….’XaaS’)

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Cloud Computing
• Private Cloud: in-house cluster run using
CLOUD middleware;
• Public Cloud: outsourced computing to
commercial provider – proprietary;
• Hybrid Cloud: linked Private and Public

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Cloud Computing

to U Southampton

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Cloud Computing

How does it work

• Multitenancy: Cloud resources (hardware) shared
dynamically between customers;
• Each customer application in its own virtual machine
• Isolation for security, privacy
• Allows scheduling with respect to shared resources
• Application in one VM multithreaded with user
data / profiles etc in other VMs

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Cloud Computing

What is it?

•Is cluster computing

– with the advantages that brings
•With GRIDs features
– Scheduling / resource allocation
– self-*
•ASP (Application Service Provider)

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Cloud Computing

•Obtains from GRIDs work:

– resource sharing/scheduling
– virtualisation of hardware and low-level software (under middleware)
– resilience
– trust, security, privacy
– (more or less) self-*
Utility computing
Autonomic computing

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Cloud Computing

Obtains from software/systems engineering:

Service-Oriented Architecture
with implications of interfaces, metadata,

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Cloud Computing

But the real novelty is…

• Pay-As-You-Go (only for what you need);

• Accounting for ICT used by departments in an
• Private cloud
• Public cloud

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Cloud Computing

•Private Cloud Software : Eucalyptus

•Private/Hybrid Cloud software: Open Nebula,
Open Stack
•Commercial examples of Public Clouds:
• Amazon EC2 Elastic Compute Cloud
• Google (Engine for Apps; Connect for Office)
• Microsoft Azure
•(note all needed massive resource for infrequent use so could sell of
excess capacity)
•Note Thomas J Watson in late fifties:
“total number of computers required in the world is five”
• are we reaching this goal?
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Cloud Problems

•Inefficient to move data to the cloud

•Remember earlier comments about networking bandwidth
•Hard to realise the technology - elasticity
•Despite SLA/QoS guarantees some concerns:
•Especially transnational

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Cloud Studies

Above the Clouds: A Berkeley View of Cloud


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Cloud Quotes
The interesting thing about Cloud Computing is that we’ve redefined Cloud
Computing to include everything that we already do. . . . I don’t understand what
we would do differently in the light of Cloud Computing other than change the
wording of some of our ads.
Larry Ellison, quoted in the Wall Street Journal, September 26, 2008

It’s stupidity. It’s worse than stupidity: it’s a marketing hype campaign.
Somebody is saying this is inevitable — and whenever you hear somebody
saying that, it’s very likely to be a set of businesses campaigning to make it true.
Richard Stallman, quoted in The Guardian, September 29, 2008

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• Architectural model: outsourcing – to large datacentres
- has been around as long as computing
• Business Model: So has ‘pay as you go’

• The difference now is

• Autonomicity for management (including elastic
• SOA (Service Oriented Architecture)

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IaaS SaaS

Elasticity Private
Reliability Public

Virtualisation Hybrid
… …


Ease of use BENEFITS

Cloud LOCALITY Remote

… Systems Distributed

Service-oriented Users
Internet of …
Services Resellers
Grid Providers

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Types of Clouds
– IaaS; PaaS; SaaS
Deployment Types (Usage)
– Private, Public and Hybrid Clouds
– Community Cloud and Special Purpose Clouds
Cloud Environment Roles
– Cloud Providers: offer cloud systems
– Cloud Resellers or Aggregators: aggregate platforms from cloud providers
– Cloud Adopters or Software / Services Vendors: use cloud platforms to
enhance their services
– Cloud Consumers or Users: make direct use of the cloud capabilities
– Cloud Tool Providers: provide supporting tools for using / improving cloud

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Non-Functional Economic Technological
relate to qualities of key driver behind Arise from realising
cloud systems, rather (commerical) cloud non-functional /
than technological systems. Typical economic concerns.
aspects. These include: interest rests on: Particular issues:

•Elasticity •Cost reduction •Virtualisation

•Reliability •Pay per use •Multi-tenancy
•Quality of service •Improved time to •Security, privacy and
•Agility and market compliance
adaptability •Return of investment •Data management
•Availability •CAPEX to OPEX •APIs and / or
•“Going green” programming
•Tools in general

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Related Areas

Internet of Services
– Cloud systems are “enablers” for Internet of Services
Internet of Things
– No direct relationship
– Clouds may extend capabilities of the IoT
The Grid
– Strong conceptual overlap
– Services may move from grid to cloud
Service Oriented Architectures
– Clouds principally architecture-agnostic
– Service offerings should follow the SOA model

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State of the Art

Commercial Efforts

Research & Academic Efforts

• Manageability and Self-* • Legislation, Government &

• Data Management Policies
• Privacy & Security • Economic Concerns
• Federation & Interoperability
• Virtualisation, Elasticity and
• APIs, Programming Models &
Resource Control Non-Technical
Technical Gaps Gaps
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Economic Aspects

Cost Reduction
Pay per Use
Improved Time to Market
Return on Investment
Going Green

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Legislation, Governance,

No standards – vendor lock in

Legality of operating / using CLOUDs
– International jurisdiction
– Privacy and personal data
Security of operating / using CLOUDs
– International jurisdiction
– Security and investigatory powers
No free market in services across CLOUDs

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Enhanced Technical
Global Cloud Ecosystems
Increased Interoperability

major contributions to
Reference Implementations Tools & Service Market

Easier Toolsets

Policies & Governmental

Cloud Knowledge &
Issues Business Expertise

Clear Legalistic Solutions Clouds Provisioning &

Higher Trust in Clouds

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Cloud computing will play a relevant role in (at least) the next 10 years
Current status insufficient for future business needs

 Europe can contribute in particular with

– R&D in the technological and non-technological areas
– Legislatory & governmental support
– Business & economical expertise

 Relevant business opportunities

– IaaS Cloud Provisioning
– PaaS Cloud Provisioning
– Cloud Adopters and Service Vendors (Enhanced Service (SaaS) Provisioning)
– Cloud Consultancy

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Research Issues

Business opportunities not currently realisable

Existing knowledge from preceding research and development can be harvested

Technical Non-Technical
• Scale and elastic scalability • Economic aspects
• Trust, security and privacy • Legalistic issues
• Data handling
• Programming models and
resource control
• Systems development and

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Private CLOUD
(inhouse, cluster)


Common Service Environment with metadata

and dynamic systems development and composition capability

interface interface interface

Public CLOUD Public CLOUD Other Private


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What Stops us..

• I have listed a whole lot of CLOUD specific problems

already such as:
• Interoperability / vendor lock-in
• Security, privacy
• Quality of service / service level agreements
• Legislation
• But CLOUDs throws into sharp relief many underlying
computer science / informatics problems

©STFC/Keith G Jeffery The Challenges in ICT: Debunking the Hype 20130127 59

Introduction – Who?
The Pervasiveness of ICT
A Short History of ICT
CLOUD Computing

©STFC/Keith G Jeffery The Challenges in ICT: Debunking the Hype 20130127 60

Research Challenges:
•the need for metadata related to services,
data/information/knowledge, agents;
•what is data, what is metadata?
•kinds of metadata and their use;
•representation and structure - syntax;
•semantics (meaning);

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The Vision: The Models

Complete cohort of users

User Model interaction with data, processing, persons

providing what the user

Processing Model requires

representing the world Data Model

representing ICT Resource Model

Complete ICT environment

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The Vision: Metadata for
ENGAGE Data Model

Linked (DC, eGMS…)
open data


Formal Point to
Systems DETAIL

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Research Challenges:
Management of state
•detection of state across millions of individual
•maintenance of state across many nodes;
– transactions and locking;
– roll-back and compensation;

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Management of State
•ACID, 2PC, Locking, Rollback or compensation:
– As number of tables increases
– And the number of instructions to be executed increases
– And the latency (due to distribution) increases
•It becomes impossible to represent the real world with:
– Integrity
– Consistency
– Accuracy

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Research Challenges:
3 (1)
Data representativity
•data structures representing real-world inter-
– data attribute value encoding (character set, media
encoding), types, lengths;
– data attribute value language;
– fully connected graphs – the death of the hierarchy;
– the time-machine: temporal duration of the inter-
– certainty, probability of the inter-relationships
– Incomplete and inconsistent information
©STFC/Keith G Jeffery The Challenges in ICT: Debunking the Hype 20130127 66
Research Challenges:
3 (2)
Data representativity
– reconciliation of different data structures
representing a similar real-world domain;
•data location / locality and replication
– for business continuity;

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Data Representativity:
•Homogeneous view over heterogeneous sources
– Character set, language, syntax, semantics
•Schema reconciliation
– Structural mapping – graph theory
– Lexical mapping – domain ontologies
– Need richer metadata

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Research Challenges:
Data quality, veracity and permanency
•detection of quality against metadata parameters
e.g. precision, accuracy;
•temporal recording;
•data curation across media and policy evolution;

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Research Challenges:
Trust, security and privacy
•policies declared, enforced and monitored through
restrictive metadata;
•policy reconciliation for interoperation;

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Research Challenges:
Management of service levels and quality of
•policies declared, enforced and monitored
through restrictive metadata;
•service level negotiation (e.g. lower price for
lower performance);

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Research Challenges:
Systems design, development, maintenance and
•based on strong separation of:
– services (processes),
– data, information and knowledge
•assuming self-(re-)composition, self-managing and
adjusting, self-maintaining properties ;
•assuming mobile code properties

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A final challenge?

• Is the von Neumann architecture still valid?

• Should we not optimise communications over other
• Remember the transputer
• Do we need to write programs?
• Should we not just compose (dynamically – software
’robots’) from services as components (like other
branches of engineering)?
• Will social / legal changes ever catch up with

©STFC/Keith G Jeffery The Challenges in ICT: Debunking the Hype 20130127 73

Introduction – Who?
The Pervasiveness of ICT
A Short History of ICT
CLOUD Computing

©STFC/Keith G Jeffery The Challenges in ICT: Debunking the Hype 20130127 74


Being ever optimistic, I believe these challenges will

be met.
But has some machine passed the Turing test and
nobody noticed?

(2012 was the year commemorating Alan Turing birth


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Prof. Keith G Jeffery
Director, International IT Strategy

STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory

Acknowledgements to Lutz Schubert, HLRS, Stuttgart; rapporteur EC

CLOUDs expert Group

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