4 Folds and Faults

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Folding & Faulting

· When Earth’s crust bends, folds occur
· Folding occurs under compression when
forces act towards each other, such as when
plates collide.
Folding & Faulting
 Compression
· Is a process of forcing something into smaller
compass, reducing it in volume by pressing it
 Tension
· Is a pulling force, tending to stretch, to cause an
extension of a body or to restore the shape of an
extended elastic object
A fold is a bend in the rock strata.
Folding: Is a type of earth movement resulting from the horizontal
compression of rock layers by internal forces of the earth along
plate boundaries.
The downfolds are
termed synclines

A upfold are termed as

Anticline in Utah
Folding & Faulting
Faulting occurs when Earth’s crust cracks:
1. under tension ( when forces are acting
opposite each other ) causing layers of
rocks to stretch & crack ; a normal fault
develops & one block moves down relative
to other block in direction of fault.
The process by
which rocks break
and move or are
displaced along a

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