Technical Writing Report

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Reporters :
Research Participants
This study's participants will come from Matungao
National High School students in the 2022-2023 school
year. This research is intended for Grade 11 and 12
students enrolled in the GAS strand. . Due to the
required number of Senior High School students to be
interviewed at Matungao National High School, the
researchers will only select 10 participants. They are
the most suitable respondents for the study because
the topic chosen is one that they are interested in.
Typically, acronyms and initialisms are written in all capital letters to distinguish them from ordinary words. (When fully spelled out, the
words in acronyms and initialisms do not need to be capitalized unless they entail a proper noun.) An acronym is pronounced as a single
word, rather than as a series of letters.
Example: E.g. means “for example.” (It stands for exempli gratia in Latin.) It is used in much the same ways as 'for example,' coming before
an item or list of items.
An abbreviation is a shortened form of a written word or phrase. Abbreviations may be used to save space and time, to
avoid repetition of long words and phrases, or simply to conform to conventional usage. The styling of
abbreviations is inconsistent and arbitrary and includes many possible variations
Acronyms and initialisms
Abbreviations come in a few different varieties. Both acronyms and initialisms are abbreviations that are formed by
combining the initial letter or letters of each word into a longer name or phrase.
An acronym is pronounced as a single word, rather than as a series of letters. NASA, for instance, is an acronym. It
stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

Initialisms are similar to acronyms in that they are also formed using the first letter of each word in a longer phrase.
Unlike acronyms, however, initialisms are pronounced as a series of letters. NFL (National Football League), for
example, is pronounced en-eff-ell.

When to use?
Use abbreviations sparingly. Only use abbreviations if they
are widely known across the broad readership of Cochrane
Reviews, are used frequently in a section or throughout the
review, or enhance readability. Consider using an
abbreviation only if the term has three or more words. All
abbreviations used in the 'Abstract', 'Plain language
summary', 'Main text', and 'Authors' conclusions' should be
redefined at the beginning of these sections. In figures and
tables, all abbreviations should be listed at the end with their
definitions. If the review or document is long, it may be
sensible to explain each abbreviation in each section of the
= Abbreviations are used freely in tables, partly because of tight space limitations. Abbreviations used in tables are
defined in bracketed headnotes. word "Government" or the name of a Government organization: U.S. Government,
U.S. Congress, U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey.

How to use?
Abbreviations should only be used if the organization
or term appears two or more times in the text. Spell
out the full term at its first mention, indicate its
abbreviation in parenthesis and use the abbreviation
from then on, with the exception of acronyms that
would be familiar to most readers, such as MCC and
Ghana’s Millennium Development Authority (MiDA)
is responsible for implementing the MCC compact.
According to a MiDA spokesperson, the roads project
in Ghana was completed on time and on budget.
MiDA is updating beneficiaries of the outcomes.
Avoid using acronyms where possible. If you must use acronyms,
do so sparingly
In 2009, MCC partnered with the World Bank (WB) to fund a
Water-to-Market Activity (WTM) through the Ministry of Energy
and Water (MEW). The WTM built capacity in MEW while
achieving the poverty reduction goals of MCC and the WB.
In 2009, MCC partnered with the World Bank to fund a Water-to-
Market Activity through the Ministry of Energy and Water. The
project built capacity in the ministry while achieving the poverty
reduction goals of MCC and the World Bank.
Two-letter words (United Nations) should be spelled out, or if
an acronym is preferred, use periods between the letters
(U.N.). Try to avoid using two-letter acronyms in place of
nouns. If the acronym spells an unrelated word, use periods
between the letters but not spaces. For compound
adjectives, hyphenate the acronym.
Data Gathering Procedure
The researchers will be conducting this research and will
write a letter requesting the administration's approval.
The researchers will be contacting with the participants
who are dependent on the requirements based on the
inclusion criteria that will be approach and ask for
permission to be interview. The researchers will follow
the interview protocol, explaining the purpose of the
study to the participants and use a consent form to
request approval and permission to use an audio
recorder to record all of the data. Lastly, the researchers
will use an adapted interview guide questions that they
will modify and use as a guide for them to ask the
Research Instrument
The researchers will adapt and use an interview-guide based
on the specific research problems that will be used to
collect research data and conduct interviews via social
media platforms such as Zoom, Google Meet, and
Messenger. The instrument will adapt an interview guide
questions that will be modified by the researchers to make
them suitable for answering the study's problem statement,
which has already been validated. In the study, a semi-
structured interview will be use for the researchers could
take notes on their responses using an audio-recorder and
explore participants more systematically and
comprehensively in order to keep the interview focused
solely on the desired course of action.


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