Ekstraksi Bertingkat - Case 2

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Multistages Separation

(Operasi Pemisahan Bertingkat)

Solve the problem of single stage and multi stage
using ternary diagram
Representation of the Ternary Liquid-
Liquid Equilibrium
1. Equilateral Triangle (Segitiga Sama Sisi)
2. Right Triangle (Segitiga Siku-Siku)
3. Solvent Free Diagram (Diagram Bebas Solven) or Janecke Diagram
Lever Rule/ Reverse Arm Rule/ Inverse-lever-Arm Rule
Aturan Tuas/ Aturan Tuas Terbalik/ Kaidah Tuas Lengan Terbalik


Exercise 1

Determine the composition of the

equilibrium extract and raffinate phases
produced when a 45% by weight ethylene
glycol (B) - 55% water (A) solution is
contacted with twice it weight of pure
furfural solvent (C) at 25℃ and 101 kPa.
The ternary Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium
diagram of the furfural-ethylene glycol –
water system (Equilateral Diagram) at 25℃
and 101 kPa. is shown in the figure.
JD Seader & Ernest J Henly. Separation
Process Principle (Handbook), John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2006

Chapter 4, page 134-135


Assume a basis of 100 g of ethylene glycol-water feed. Thus the feed (F) is 55 g of A and 45 g of 45 g of B.
The solvent (S) is 200 g of furfural (C). Let E = the extract, and R = the raffinate.

Step 1: Locate the feed composition at point F and solvent composition at point S

Step 2: Define the mixing point (M), as M = F+S = E+R

Step 3: Apply the inverse-lever-arm-rule to the equilateral triangular phase-equilibrium diagram.


is the mass fraction of species i in the extract,

is the mass fraction of species i in the raffinate,

is the mass fraction of species i in combined feed and solvent phase,


From the mass balance on the solvent (C): (F+S) . = F . + S .

Thus, point S, M, and F lie on a straight line, and by the inverse-lever-arm-rule:

The composition at point M is 18.3% A, 15.9% B, and 66.7% C.

Step 4: Since M lies in the two-phase region, the mixture must separate along an interpolated dash-dot tie
line into the extract phase E (8.5% B, 4,5% A, and 87,0% C), and the raffinate at point R (34.0% B, 56.0%
A, and 10.0% C).

Step 5: The inverse-lever-arm-rule applies to point E, M, and R, so:

Because M = 100 + 200 = 300, and from the measurement of the line segment:

E = 300 (147/200) = 220 g

And R = M – E = 300 – 220 = 80 g

Hunter-Nash Method
The Hunter-Nash method uses a ternary phase diagram with phase separation and material balances to determine the number of equilibrium stages needed for liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) . The system contains a solvent, a carrier, and a

Exercise 2

An extraction process of 250 kg feed (ethylene glycol solute in water as

carrier) is contacted with the pure 100 kg furfural solvent at 25℃ and
101 kPa. The mass fraction of ethylene glycol solute (A) in the feed is
0.24, the mass fraction of water carrier (C) in the feed is 0.76. The
extraction is conducted using a single stage extractor.
If we specify the value of the ethylene glycol solute mass fraction in the
raffinate of 0.025 (= 0.025), determine:
1.The Amount of M
2.M point (, , )
3.The amount of extract and raffinate
4.The composition of the equilibrium extract and raffinate phases.
The ternary Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium diagram of the furfural-ethylene
glycol – water system (Equilateral Diagram) at 25℃ and 101 kPa is
shown in the figure.

Step 1: Put the S and F point and draw the line connecting F and S on the ternary diagram

Step 2: The amount of M is determined from the total mass balance (M = F+S)

Step 2: The composition of M is determined from the component mass balance around M

Step 3: Put the point M on the ternary diagram. M must be located on the F-S line

Note: M can also be found by knowing one value of and the inverse lever arm rule (S/F is equal with the
ratio of MF line/ MS line)

Step 4: The amount of the extract and raffinate determine by combining the total mass balance (M = E + R)
and the component mass balance, and the inverse lever arm rule
Step 1: Put the S and F point and draw the line connecting F and S on the ternary diagram
Step 2: The amount of M is determined from the total mass balance (M = F+S)
Step 2: The composition of M is determined from the component mass balance around M
Step 3: Put the point M on the ternary diagram. M must be located on the F-S line
Note: M can also be found by knowing one value of and the inverse lever arm rule (S/F is equal with the
ratio of MF line/ MS line)
Step 4: The amount of the extract and raffinate determine by combining the total mass balance (M = E + R)
and the component mass balance, and the inverse lever arm rule
Exercise 3

A feed of 40 wt% Isopropyl alcohol (IPA), 55 wt%

diisopropyl ether, and 5 wt% water is mixed with
the pure water as solvent in a LLE cascade. The
solvent enters the top and the feed enter the bottom
to result in an ether containing less than 3% alcohol
(IPA) as raffinate and alcohol (IPA) content in the
extract of at least 20 wt%. The system is operated
at 1 atm and 25 ℃.

How many stages (N) are required for this

Read the Handbook (Seader & Henley, 2006) pages 309
– 325

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