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Part two Jugoslav Brujić, Zoran Stanivuković

Vegetation and microclimate

characteristics of area of
Crni vrh on Grmeč Mt.
{ One story of dolines

University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Forestry;


FORS²D - "Perspectives of forestry and related sectors as drivers of sustainable development in the post-Covid era"
Dolines small habitats
actual scientific attraction
thermal conditions
nonforest vegetation
2017.Jun 21 2012.Jul 21: 2,8oC

Permanent snow
with cryosol

In each doline dataloger was placed at the

bottom, and on the margin (of forest and
doline). In E doline a pair of instruments
was in the bottom, 0.5 m and 2 m above
ground. Additional thermograph (D) was
placed in narrow terrace, eastern from the
top, during 13.Jun-2.Jul.2021.
C 2022
C 2021


On the top Crni Vrh there

are complete automatic
station (C), with thermo-
shelter at a height of 3 m
above ground (because of
rock albedo).
point Ea Eb Em W C C D Sd Sm
period 4.7.-31.8. 13.6.-2.7.    
2021. Tave 4,6 7,6 14,8 8,5 14,7 15,2 15,3    
2021. Tmax 6,8 11,2 20,9 17,1 18,5 18,2 19,0    
2021. Tmin 3,8 6,0 11,1 5,7 11,7 12,1 12,3    
period 1.7.-31.8. - - 1.7.-31.8.
2022. Tave 6,3 10,2 14,4 8,8 14,3     9,9 13,6
2022. Tmax 8,5 13,9 20,7 16,1 17,4     19,0 18,4
2022. Tmin 5,1 8,0 10,9 6,0 11,5     5,4 10,2
see! G1 G2 G3

Tave - Average daily air temperature,
Tmax - Average maximum air temperature,
Tmin - Average minimum air temperature


60.8% 309.2%
Ranunculus cassubicus
Thank you!

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