Guidance & Counseling

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Guidance & counseling are twin concepts & have
emerged as essential elements of every
educational activity.
Definition's of guidance and counseling •
Guidance is the process of helping individuals to
understand themselves and their world - shertzer
and stone •
Guidance is process through which an individual
is able to solve their problem and pursue a path
suited to their abilities.
Guidance & counselling are not synonymous
Counselling is a part of guidance.
Guidance, in educational context, means to indicate, point
out, show the way, lead out & direct.
Counselling is a specialized service of guidance.
It is the process of helping individuals learns more about
themselves & their present & possible future situations to
make a substantial contribution to the society.
Guidance is an assistance made available by a competent
counselor to an individual of any age to help him direct his
own life, develop his own point of view, make his own
decision & carry his own burden. - Hamrin & Erikson
Guidance is a process of helping every individual, through
his own effort to discover & develop his potentialities for
his personal happiness & social usefulness. - Ruth Strang
Counseling is essentially a process in which the
counselor assists the counselee to make interpretations
of facts relating to a choice, plan or adjustment which he
needs to make. - Glenn F. Smith
Counseling is a series of direct contacts with the
individual which aims to offer him assistance in changing
his attitude & behaviors. - Carl Rogers
Guidance is broader & comprehensive
Counselling is in-depth & narrow Guidance is more
external, helps a person understand alternative solutions
available to him & makes him understand his personality
& choose the right solution.
Counselling helps people understand themselves & is an
inward analysis. Alternative solutions are proposed to
help understand the problem at hand.
 Guidance is mainly preventive & developmental
Counselling is remedial as well as preventive &
Intellectual attitudes are the raw material of guidance
Emotional rather than pure intellectual attitude are raw
material of the counselling process. Decision making is
operable at an intellectual level in guidance
 Counselling operates at an emotional level Guidance is
generally education & career related & may also be for
personal problems
Counselling is mostly offered for personal & social issues.
Guidance V/s Counselling Guidance
1. It is a comprehensive process and is much more external
2. It can be in individual as well as in group
3. Guidance is broader and comprehensive.
 4. Guidance is generally education and career related and can also be for
personal problems.
 1. It is an integral part of guidance and is a more inward analysis
2. Counseling of one individual is possible at a time
3. Counseling is in-depth, narrowing down the problem until the client
understands his/her own problem
4. Counseling is mostly for personal, social issues and usually helps in
solving the problem of mental health and emotions. Both guidance and
counseling are carried out with the intention of assisting the individual to
solve the problem in his or her life.
5. In guidance the focus is on finding a solution, which may bring a change
in attitude of the client.
6. Guidance is not for mentally ill people.
Guidance is preventive and developmental
8. Guidance may be done by any guidance worker. Guidance may be
given in any normal setup
9. Guidance is a public thing; it can be done in an open field, assembly
5. Focus in counseling is not on the solution but on understanding the
problem as it allows the counselor to bring about emotional change or
change in feeling.
6. Counseling is for mentally ill people.
7. Counseling is therapeutic, developmental and remedial.
8. Counseling requires high level skills as well as special professional
training. Counseling requires special setup a room to conduct.
9. Counseling is private and confidential
 Guidance is need in all part of education and assists it in fulfilling its
11. In guidance decision making operates at intellectual level.
12. Guidance is a psychological field that deals with assisting clients in
their need to choose the right course of action
Guidance is usually being used in schools to guide
students towards proper actions
14. Guidance tends to be more specific.
10. Counseling is needed in all the fields.
11. In counseling decision making operates at
emotional level.
12. Counseling is a psychological field that deals with
research and applied work to provide training and
13. Counseling has a broader reach, even though both
are being used in organizations and by individuals
 14. Counseling encompasses several other fields of
psychology Guidance Counseling
Guidance is for people who have trouble getting along
with others
Guidance involves listening carefully to the problem of
individual and discussing possible readymade
solutions that could help to solve the problem. 15.
Counseling is for people who have psychological
Counseling involve number of session that include
talking, listening, discussing the problem and sharing
relevant information that could help the person to
understand the problem and make his or her own
Providing the needed information & assistance
• Helping in individual to make wise choices
 • Improve the understanding of self
• Facilitate the adjustment
• Helps in adapting to the changes or new environment
• Making self-sufficient & independent
• Promote the optimal personal & professional
• Balanced physical, psychological, emotional, social &
spiritual growth
• Helps in overall development & to live productive life
Efficient use of capabilities & talent
Other functions of guidance and counseling
To provide optimum development & well-being for
To help individuals adjust to themselves & the society
To help people understand themselves in relation to
the world
To aid individuals in efficient decision making
To help individuals plan for a productive life in their
social context by focusing on their assets, skills,
strengths & possibilities for further development
To bring about changes in the attitude & behavior of
It is process It is a continuous process Choice &
problem points are the distinctive concerns of guidance
It is the assistance to the individual in the process of
development rather than a direction of that
development Guidance is a service meant for all
Guidance is both generalized & a specialized service
Guidance is an organized service & not an incidental
activity of the school.
 Guidance is not a branch of any discipline Guidance
bas limits Guidance is more an art than science
Guidance bas its roots in the education system
Guidance is centered around the needs & aspirations of
Counseling involves two individuals-one seeking help & the
other a professionally trained person who can help the first.
There should be a relationship of mutual respect between the
two individuals.
Counseling is aimed at bringing about desired changes in the
individual for self-realisation & providing assistance to solve
problems through an intimate personal relationship.
The counselor discovers the problems of the counselee & help
him to set up realistic goals
If counselee is a student, counseling helps him to take a
decision, make a choice or find a direction in matters related to
an educational program or career.
It helps the counselee acquire independence & develop a sense
of responsibility
It is more than advice giving. It involves something more than
offering an assistance to find a solution to immediate problems.
Counseling is democratic.
 Counseling concerns itself with attitudes as well as actions
Counseling is centered around the needs & aspirations of
Guidance & counseling for personal needs/problems Guidance
& counseling for physical, emotional, social, moral & marital
problems Guidance & counseling for career advancement
Guidance & counseling for educational needs/problems
Guidance & counseling for vocational, occupational &
professional needs Guidance & counseling for holistic
individual development Guidance & counseling for situational
Needs for personal & social domain
 Personal & social development of individual
To adapt in different stages of development
Offering art of better living  Proper use of leisure time
Holistic personality development
 Best use of available opportunities
 Motivates for effective utilization & development of self
Needs for educational/professional domain
 Helps in academic growth & development
 Helps in vocational & professional maturity
 Facilitates an individual in the right education &
 Offer help to handle educational & professional
 Helps in the proper utilization of human resources
 Helps in adapting to the changing concept of
 Prepares to adapt in changing professional situations
& emerging challenges
Helps in making proper career choice
 Helps to minimize indiscipline
• Guidance and counseling is universal requirement:-
 It is required by all individuals at all stages of his
development irrespective of age, sex, caste, and status etc.
 • Goal oriented: - it is one of the planned activity which is
carried out by the counselor and counselee to attain the goal.
Continuous process: - It cannot be restricted to problem
solving situation only .
The services are not just problem oriented.
It is given for the normal student too as it aims for all around
development of the student.
• Student – centeredness: - it should be organized while
keeping in view the needs , interests and purposes of the
students in the college.
Evidence: - it based on the reliable data, therefore, have adequate
evidence before starting the process.
There are several important psychological and non psychological
test are used for gatherer information about an individual.
• Growth and development: - the counselor has to take into
consideration of the individual stages when they plan for services
and it is also not restricted to any particular developmental stage.
• Professional activity: - It should not be carried out by anybody
but should be rendered by the trained professional only which
requires trained on the part of the counselor.
• Prevention as well as cure: - Guidance should be organized to
deal not only with serious problem after they arise, but also with
causes of such problems, in order to prevent them from arising or
to prepare the student better to solve the problem.
Flexibility: - there is no rigid procedure, techniques
and approaches used in this service since it takes into
consideration of principle of individual difference.
• Cause and effect: - it accepts that problems have
causes and inter-related, so a deep knowledge of
causes is essential. Counseling services aims at
identifying the cause which leads to the present
problem so that services can be rendered to the
student to alleviate the problem.
• Development of insight: - By accurate guide for his

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