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Concepts in Game Mechanics

An approach to designing game

By Amir Arad

Solmukohta 2008, all rights reserved to Amir Arad

●Background concepts
●general game concepts
●Core mechanics concepts
●How to put it to practice

Solmukohta 2008
● Who I am
○ Resume
■ Big larps
■ Computers
○ Bad english
● Where do I come from
○ Israeli larping (games)
○ A game has to be interesting for itself.
● Background to this lecture
○ Concept-oriented point of view
○ Israeli LarpCon 2007
○ AWiF 2008

Solmukohta 2008
Game Mechanics
●Mechanics as a toy
●Mechanics as a tool
●Mechanics – definition?
○ A set of systems used to influence players’ behavior
and approach.
●Mechanics – goal
○ Encourage role-playing? Be interesting?
●Mechanics – hardly mandatory

Solmukohta 2008
Background concepts
Freedom vs Railroading
●We prefer our own ideas.
●We are open to influences.
●Indirect manipulation is better.
●Is a repeated dilemma.
●There’s no right answer.

Solmukohta 2008
Background concepts
Players own the game
●A game is a mini-society.
●The society has to have an inner tension.
●The society has to be believable.
●The players needs to understand the inner-logic
of the game world.

Solmukohta 2008
Background concepts
●Sudden unrelated disaster
●Draconic rules
●Limited concentration


Solmukohta 2008
Background concepts
“Time-space continuum paradox”
○ Slow conflict resolution
○ Fast-forwarding
○ Waiting for a GM
●What’s to be done
○ Less symbolic rules
○ A less GM-dependant system
○ Cover it up with the story

Solmukohta 2008
general game concepts
Game status
●In-game status (formal + relationships)
●Ownership of (and desire to use) information
●Ownership of (and desire to use) objects
●Off-game status

Solmukohta 2008
general game concepts
Game influence
● Player’s ability to influence other player (P2P)
○ Roleplay (game status)
○ Powers (system)
● Player’s ability to influence the world (P2W).
● Mechanic centered influence.
● Players want to influence (or do they?).
● Each player deserves the ability to influence each other.

Solmukohta 2008
general game concepts
●An ability to influence.
●Division by target of influence
○ external powers: affect other players.
■ More interesting (encourages RP)
○ Internal powers: affect self or the world.
■ Easier resolution (no consent required)
●Balance P2P influence – high status roles
should get less external powers.

Solmukohta 2008
general game concepts
●A “job” within a game. Not a persona.
●Has game-scope goals (=motivations)
●A role can be assigned to many players.
●Player may have more than one role.
●Might be possible to acquire or lose in-game.

Solmukohta 2008
general game concepts
●It’s basically a game goal
●A role can have one or many motivations.
●At least one motivation per player at all times.
●A player must relate to his motivation
○ If he doesn’t, he’ll invent one or leave the game.
●The sum of all motivations should create

Solmukohta 2008
general game concepts
●This is mainly a story-related area
●But there are some mechanics insights
○ Conflict is a sum of opposing game motivations.
○ Conflict should be resolved by interaction.
○ A game is what happens when conflicts are being

Solmukohta 2008
general game concepts
game RCM table

Conflict Conflict Conflict

Role Motivation Motivation

Role Motivation

Role Motivation Motivation

Role Motivation

Solmukohta 2008
Core mechanics concepts
●A set of definitions surrounding a game concept.
●A tool to answer questions regarding it’s
○ What can be done
○ How can it be done
○ How to advance
○ Etc.
●Might be very short and simple.
●It’s an algorithm that runs on human!

Solmukohta 2008
Core mechanics concepts
inner score
●The measurement to everything that is part of
the system.
○ HP in combat
○ Mana in magic
○ Money in economy
●A useful tool for resolution.

Solmukohta 2008
Core mechanics concepts
a system with an inner score
●A system can allow players to:
○ Know the other player’s score
○ Change the other player’s score
○ Transfer score between players
○ Fake their score
○ Raise their score
○ Spend their score to gain something else
●One can compare two players’ strength in the
system by their inner score.

Solmukohta 2008
Core mechanics concepts
the primary game concept
●The subject of the players’ game experience.
●Can be referred to as “game theme”
●Should be well-defined and concise.
●Has a system (“theme system”)
○ should define the player’s view of the game.
○ Should encourage a variety of situations and solutions
○ Should have an inner score

Solmukohta 2008
Core mechanics concepts
the inner score of the theme system
●It’s a McGuffin.
○ Attracts attention
○ Drives the game
○ Players are constantly in contact with it
●Should be represented well in the game
○ The way it is represented will directly affect game’s

Solmukohta 2008
Core mechanics concepts
secondary game concepts
●Concepts that demand answers but are not part
of the game theme.
○ Including off-game matters (safety etc.)
○ Including setting-realism concepts (death etc.)
●Also have systems (“secondary systems”)
○ should serve the game’s needs, no more.
○ Should be simple.
○ Should be resolution-oriented.
○ Might have an inner score, preferably not.

Solmukohta 2008
Core mechanics concepts
●Rules are the parts of the system that players
should know and act upon.
●Two types of rules:
○ Reaction rules
■ Should cover the reactions to all external powers
○ Action rules
■ Should cover usage of all powers in the game
●The list of rules should be as short and simple
as possible.
○ Maximum possibilities, minimum size and complexity.

Solmukohta 2008
How to put it to practice
combining systems into one mechanic
●Secondary systems should interact with the
theme’s inner score
○ Use it as their own inner score
○ Affect it
●Get rid of practically unnecessary powers
●Overall look
○ Does the system handle every question that might

Solmukohta 2008
How to put it to practice
limitation - player’s attention span
●Rules that require attention are to be avoided.
●In an ideal game the players should pay
attention to roleplaying and to the game, not to
the rules.
●Sometimes it is better to let go of cool ideas in
order to keep the rules simple.

Solmukohta 2008
How to put it to practice
shortening the rules list
●Replacing rules with in-game solution
○ Guards
●One reaction rule for many action rules
○ Battle calls
●“Need to know basis” rules
○ notes
●Game masters

Solmukohta 2008
How to put it to practice
the magic hour
● At the beginning of the game, the players are busy trying
to understand how the game really runs.
○ Most of the time, the pre-game information that the players have
is different than what is really going on.
● This is the best time for impression management.
○ All game resources should be directed to give a good
representation of how the game society usually behaves.
○ No additional game information should be available to the players
at this time.
○ By the end of this hour(s) the player’s approach to the game will
be determined.

Solmukohta 2008

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