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Variants on CPEC

Irfan Waheed Usmani

Question No.1: Would it presage the advent of Chinse Imperialism or Surgical Colonialism?
Is China going to Act as the Second East India Company ?

• Positions: the first position

• (I) To defend China: by highlighting the benefits of the projects. Only
emphasizing the positive aspects of CPEC
• (II) To problematize the debate by citing/adding some counter-factual
• (III) then diffusing the criticism:
• (IV) if Pakistan fails to reap/obtain the benefits of the projects then it would
be entirely our own fault?
• (V) How to maximize benefits of the project
• M.Zia-ud-Din, “China is no East India Company”,…
Question No.1: Would it presage the advent of Chinse Imperialism or Surgical
Is China going to Act as the Second East India: the other position you can take: the
second position
• Historic nature of Pak—China friendship: How is described?
• How CPEC has further cemented that relationship or added a new dimension… or brought a
paradigmatic shift in relationship?
• Problematize the debate: Today’s China is not China of Moa or Chou En Lai’s period: statements
• Today’s China is one of the greatest beneficiaries of Neo-liberal economic order.
• Examples: the underlying motive of launching BRI/CPEC:
• Vikram Seth: “China’s Alarming Rise to Power”.
• Afzal Sayal, “The East China Company”.
• News Report: “Mahair aims to Scrap projects with China”, Dawn
• News Report: “Burdened with Debt Malaysia cancels China Phased Projects”, The ET,
• Moonis Ahmar, “The other side of the CPEC”, The DT, 2018
• Myitsone, “ Xi visits Myanmar…..”, the ET, 16 January 2020.
Question No.1: Would it presage the advent of Chinse Imperialism or Surgical
Is China going to Act as the Second East India: the other position you can take: the
second position
Srilanka Malaysia Myanmar Djibouti
Question No.1: Would it presage the advent of Chinse Imperialism or Surgical
Is China going to Act as the Second East India: the other position you can take: the
second position (II): Ayesha Ahmed, “ The optimist-skeptic dichotomy”, The News
The position of the protagonists of The point of View of China’s Conclusion: It is going to be
China’s role in development of the skeptics “Surgical Colonialism”.
Third World countries
Question No.1: Would it presage the advent of Chinse
Imperialism or Surgical Colonialism?
Is China going to Act as the Second East India: the other position you can take: the second
position (II): Ayesha Ahmed, “ The optimist-skeptic dichotomy”, The News (III)

• The options before Pakistan?: Suggestions how maximize benefits out

of CPEC.
CPEC as a Game-changer for the entire
• Introduction
• CPEC’s Prospective Benefits to the Countries of the region: an
• The benefits the Neighboring countries would get/accrue
• Its benefits/beneficial aspects for the regional organizations
• The Cumulative Impact/effects of greater/enhanced economic
connectivity for the entire region.
• Problematize the debate: Highlight the Challenges
• Conclusion
How was it initially Now it has been It is easier to be said that Judgement:
described? described or projected as it is going to be a “game-
“Game-changer” for the changer” for the entire
entire region. region. But given the
nature of chaaleges that
the BRI projects and
China is faced with it
would not be easy for
China to achieve/reaize
the dream.
As a “Game-changer” for Reasons:
CPEC’s Prospective Benefits to the Countries of the region: an overview

China Pakistan Iran Afghanistan Russia CAR’s India

See: the See: benefits Insights into Resources How Russia’s Geographical How can India
benefits of of CPEC China’s geography location: how become part
the CPEC proposed makes it kind are they land- of CPEC?
deal of a locked.
How is going Dire need for Caspian sea: How are they
to be development being
beneficial to connected
Iran.. through BRI
and CPEC
China’s plan Russia’s The
The benefits historic propspective
Afghanistan interest in benefits of
could Gwadar: connectivity
gain/accrue? to the region.
The benefits the Neighboring countries would

Its benefits/beneficial aspects for the regional
The Cumulative Impact/effects of greater/enhanced
economic connectivity for the entire region.
• Win-win situation for the countries of the region
• It would increase and raise their stakes in peace and prove
disincentive to war.
Problematize the debate: Highlight the Challenges: it is easier
to be said than done/ realized… its benefits are contingent
upon the how China can address the concerns of regional and
world powers
Sino—US Sino—India Indo—Pak Peace in US—Iran Sino—Russia
relations relations relations Afghanistan Standoff relations +
internal issues

• Bottom-line: despite the challenges that the project faces/could

confront it has the potential to be the game-changer for the entire

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