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Sequences are patterns where it is possible to guess any number in the

sequence if you have enough numbers. Individual elements in a
sequence are called terms. (Minimum number of terms may vary based
on the complexity of the sequence)
The definition of a sequence is: A chain of numbers or other objects
that follow a particular pattern.
For example, in 5,9,13,17,21, each individual number, like 5 and 13 are
terms and since 4 is added to each term, this is a sequence.
Uses of sequences
In real life, many  professions that use mathematics are interested in
one specific aspect – finding patterns, and being able to predict a
possible future. For example:
• Geologists find patterns in the scale and timing of past volcanic
eruptions and earthquakes to predict when and where they are most
likely to occur in the future.
• Bankers and Investors also use patterns, by looking at historical data
of stock prices, interest rates, and currency exchange rates
Arithmetic sequences
An Arithmetic sequence is a pattern in which the same number is
added or subtracted to the terms in order, for example, 2,5,8,11,14 is
an arithmetic sequence because 3 is added to each term to form the
next term.
Common difference
The common difference of an arithmetic sequence is difference of any
term and it’s previous term. That means, if you subtract any two such
terms, you will get a number that is the same as the difference of two
different such numbers. Using the same example as earlier, 2,5,8,11,14:
14-11 = 3 = 3
5-2 = 3
8-5 = 3
11-8 = 3
Negative common difference
The common difference can be negative as well, for example:
1-4 = -3
-2 – 1 = -3
-5 - -2 = -3
Here, -3 is being added to get the next term, so the common difference
is -3
Using Common difference to predict terms
The common difference and the first term of an arithmetic sequence
can be used to calculate any term in the sequence.
For example, if we are given the sequence 5,10,15, we can calculate the
10th term in the following manner:
5 is the 1st term, so 5 + 5( the common difference) is the 2nd term, which
is 10. Then, the 3rd term is 10 + 5, which is 15. We can keep doing this,
until we reach the 10th term, but what if we need to find the 100th, or
the 1000th? It will take too much time. So, we have to find a way to
simplify this process.
Predicting terms simplified
Using the same example, let’s simplify the process and find the 100th
5 is the 1st term, and the common difference is 5, so 10 is the 2nd term.
However, 10 is just 5 +5, so let’s keep it that way.
3th term = 5 + 5 + 5
4th term = 5 + 5 + 5 + 5
5th term = 5 + 5 + 5 +5 + 5
As we already know, multiplication is nothing but repeated addition, so let’s substitute
the two.
6th term = 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5
So we can say that the common difference(d) into the term number(n) is the value of
that term.
term = d * n

100th term = 5 * 100
= 500
However this will only work if the common difference is the 1st term, as
in the 5,10,15 sequence.
However, 3,8,13,18,23 is also an arithmetic sequence, as it has a
common difference, which is 5 in this case too. But the “ d*n) formula
won’t work here, as 5(common difference) * 5 (term number) is equal
to 25, not 23, which is the 5th term.
Revised formula
Let’s start from the beginning and calculate
1st term = 3
2nd = 3 + 5
3rd = 3 + 5 + 5
4th = 3 + 5 + 5 + 5
= 3 + 5* 3
In all the cases, the number of times we multiply is one less than the
term number, as the first term has already been added. So, using T to
mean term, the formula will be:
= + (n-1)*d.
So, = 3 + (5-1) * 5
= 3 + 20
= 23
Finally, we have reached a formula with which we can predict terms for
all arithmetic sequences
Carl Gauss
Carl Gauss was an astounding mathematician who contributed to major
discoveries in his field. While in 5th grade, his maths teacher made him
add up 1 + 2 + 3 … + 100 as a punishment. However, within seconds, he
gave the correct answer, 5050. The teacher used paper to check the
answer and found that Gauss was correct. The next time he wanted to
punish Gauss, he made him do the same till 1000, but this time Gauss
got the answer even faster.
Sum of Arithmetic Sequences
1,2,3,4…100 is an arithmetic sequence, so the problem Gauss had to
solve was essentially adding up all the number’s in a sequence. The
method Gauss used is not immediately evident, so I have provided a
simpler one first

Note: This method will work for arithmetic sequences where the
common difference is not 1 as well.
Sum of Arithmetic Sequences
If you take a simple sequence equation, you will notice that the average of the
sequence is the same as the middle number of the sequence. (This will only work for
numbers with odd number of terms, as no even number can have a middle
number.)Some examples of this are:
average of 1,2,3,4,5 = (1+2+3+4+5) /5
= 15/5
= 3 ( Same as middle number)

average of 3,6,9,12,15 = (3+6+9+12+15)/5

= 45/5
= 9 ( Same as middle number)
Sum of Arithmetic Sequences
We know that the formula for average is the sum of the numbers
divided by the number of numbers. So, can we use this to calculate the
sum of the numbers?
average of 10,15,20,25,30 = (10 + 15 + 20 + 25 + 30) /5
If we multiply and divide a number by the same number, we get the
original number
E.g., 235 * 543/543
= 235
Sum of Arithmetic Sequences
So, 10 + 15 + 20 + 25 + 30 = 10 + 15 + 20 + 25 + 30 * 5
Sum of a Sequence = Average of sequence * number of terms
Let’s this for 1 + 2 + 3….+ 100
Here, there is no middle number, so we pretend that the sequence is 101
numbers long as even numbers don’t have middle numbers. Therefore 51 is the
middle number, so 51 is the average of 1 to 101
1 + 2 + 3….+ 100 + 101 = (51 * 101)
1 + 2 + 3….. + 99 + 100 = 5151 – 101 ( 101 subtracted from both sides)
= 5050
Sum of Arithmetic Sequences
Gauss however had noticed a very similar thing, and used that for his calculations.
What he had noticed was that any two opposite sets in the sequence added up to
1 + 100 = 101
2 + 99 = 101
3 + 98 = 101
What he realized was that since addition is commutative, he could rearrange it and
get 50 different pairs each of 101. Since multiplication is repeated addition, he could
do 50 * 101 to get his answer. The formula for this process would be:
Sum of sequence = n/2 *
Uses of Sum of arithmetic sequences
The sum of arithmetic sequences can be used to calculate the total
value of the terms together, for example, if I start at 1 push-up, and do
1 extra push up every day, I know that at the end of a year, I have done
66,795 push-ups!
• Human Sources

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