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Lecture 15TH & 16TH:

1st & 6th December 2021

Dr. Muhammad Moazzam

Assistant Professor Operations and Supply Chain
National University of Sciences & Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan
» Dr. Muhammad Moazzam

House of SCM

Dr. Muhammad Moazzam 2

» Dr. Muhammad Moazzam

Governance Structure of VCs (Gereffi et al, 2005)

» Market » Modular » Relational » Captive » Hierarchy

» Integrated
» Customers Firm
End Use

Lead Firm Lead Firm


Price Turn-key Relational

Suppliers Supplier

Component » Component
and Material
of Explicitand Material » Captive
» Suppliers Degree
Supplier Suppliers
Degree of Power Asymmetry Dr. Muhammad Moazzam 3
» Dr. Muhammad Moazzam

Integration in the supply chain

Efficient consumer response

Strategic Partnership in Supply Chain

Collaborative planning, forecasting and replenishment

Managing supply chain relationships

A framework for managing the supply chain

Role of IT
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» Dr. Muhammad Moazzam

Integration in the supply chain

●Key issue

How can we integrate internally,

1 externally and electronically?

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» Dr. Muhammad Moazzam

Integration in the supply chain

What is Supply Chain Integration
• The degree to which the firm can strategically collaborate with
their supply chain partners and collaboratively manage the intra-
and inter-organization processes to achieve the effective and
efficient flows of
 Product and services
 Information
 Money
 Decisions

• With the objective of providing the maximum value to the

customer at low cost and high speed
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» Dr. Muhammad Moazzam

Integration in the supply chain

Measures of integration
⌂ Access to planning system
⌂ Sharing production plans
⌂ Joint EDI access / networks
⌂ Knowledge of inventory mix / levels
⌂ Packaging customization
⌂ Delivery frequencies
⌂ Common logistical equipment / containers
⌂ Common use of 3PL

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» Dr. Muhammad Moazzam

Integration in the supply chain

● Direction of integration
● Degree of integration

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» Dr. Muhammad Moazzam

Integration in the supply chain

Rationale for internal integration: conflicting functional objectives

Purchasing Production Distribution

High productivity of Keep fast warehousing

Low price
machine and labor throughput

Unreliable delivery Post-manufacturing

High batch size operation being resisted
and low quality

Poor available Additional complexity of

distribution customizing products

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» Dr. Muhammad Moazzam

Integration in the supply chain

Inter-company collaboration: A manual approach
Strategic Collaboration
Decision Flow

Products & Services Flow

Enterprise Information & Knowledge Flow Enterprise
A Financial Flow B

⌂ Integrated Products & Services Flow

Information & Knowledge Flow
⌂ Synchronous
Financial Flow
(Heijunka) Decision Flow
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» Dr. Muhammad Moazzam

e-business terminology

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» Dr. Muhammad Moazzam

Integration in the supply chain

● Electronic collaboration
The electronic execution of
Information sharing Electronic
The electronic sharing or collaboration
exchange of information
Collaboration planning
Strategic, tactical and operational

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» Dr. Muhammad Moazzam


Integration in the supply chain

Efficient consumer response

Strategic Partnership in Supply Chain

Collaborative planning, forecasting and replenishment

Managing supply chain relationships

A framework for managing the supply chain

Role of IT
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» Dr. Muhammad Moazzam

Efficient consumer response

What is ECR ?
● ECR is a strategy which aims to remove all useless costs along the whole
supply chain, from the producer through to the final customer.
● Any useless cost is a cost which doesn’t represent an added value for the

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» Dr. Muhammad Moazzam

Efficient consumer response

● Category Management
Category Establish Optimize Optimize
management infrastructure assortments promotions

Product Integrated Synchronized Continuous Automated

replenishment suppliers production replenishment store ordering

Reliable Cross-
operations docking

Enabling Item coding

EDI EFT and database ABC
technologies maintenance

Dr. Muhammad Moazzam 15

Continuous replenishment in the apparel » Dr. Muhammad Moazzam


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» Dr. Muhammad Moazzam

Efficient consumer response

●Enabling technologies
⌂ Scanning data
⌂ Data warehousing
⌂ Data mining
●The data includes
⌂ Demand / consumption / sales information
⌂ Cash flow
⌂ Stocks of finished goods / work in progress
⌂ Delivery and output status
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» Dr. Muhammad Moazzam

Integration in the supply chain

Efficient consumer response

Strategic relationship in supply chain

Collaborative planning, forecasting and replenishment

Managing supply chain relationships

A framework for managing the supply chain

Role of IT
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» Dr. Muhammad Moazzam

Relationship Styles Continuum

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» Dr. Muhammad Moazzam

Strategic partnerships in the supply chain

● Generally, strategic partnerships are cooperative

relationships that have been characterized as being
based upon (enablers):
⌂ The sharing of information;
⌂ Trust and openness;
⌂ Coordination and planning;
⌂ Mutual benefits and sharing of risks;
⌂ A recognition of mutual interdependence;
⌂ Shared goals;
⌂ Compatibility of corporate philosophies.

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» Dr. Muhammad Moazzam

Advantages of partnerships

● Within partnerships, savings come in the form of

⌂ Reduced negotiations and drawing up of separate contracts,
⌂ Reduced monitoring of supplier soundness,
⌂ Including supply quality, and
⌂ Increased productivity.
●Shortened lead times and product cycles
●Longer-term investment
●Enhanced commitment and trust

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» Dr. Muhammad Moazzam

Disadvantages of partnerships

● The inability to price accurately qualitative matters such as

design work;
● The need for organizations to gather substantial information
about potential partners on which to base decisions;
● The risk of exposing sensitive information to competitors;
● Potential opportunism by suppliers on the basis that they are
‘locked in’
● The costs of the customer switching suppliers are likely to be
Dr. Muhammad Moazzam 22
» Dr. Muhammad Moazzam

Integration in the supply chain

Efficient consumer response

Strategic Partnership in Supply Chain

Collaborative planning, forecasting and replenishment

Managing supply chain relationships

A framework for managing the supply chain

Role of IT
Dr. Muhammad Moazzam 23
Collaborative planning, forecasting and » Dr. Muhammad Moazzam

CPFR Model
Planning 1. Develop front-end agreement
2. Create joint business plans

Forecasting 3. Create individual sales forecasts

4. Identify exceptions to sales forecasts
5. Resolve / collaborate on exception items

6. Create order forecast
7. Identify exceptions to order forecast
8. Resolve / collaborate on exception items
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» Dr. Muhammad Moazzam


Integration in the supply chain

Efficient consumer response

Strategic Partnership in Supply Chain

Collaborative planning, forecasting and replenishment

Managing supply chain relationships

A framework for managing the supply chain

Role of IT
Dr. Muhammad Moazzam 25
» Dr. Muhammad Moazzam

Managing supply chain relationships

●Creating closer relationships

Arm’s length transaction Partnership

R&D Marketing R&D Marketing

Logistics Operations Logistics Operations
Information Information Information Information
system system system system
supplier customer supplier customer

Bow tie Diamond

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» Dr. Muhammad Moazzam

Managing supply chain relationships

Factors in forming supply chain relationships
Factors for analyzing customer–supplier relationships
 What the order winners are: for example, price, product range, technology
advantage, superior product quality.
 How sourcing decisions are made: is it, for example, competitive tender,
auctions, supplier accreditation or sole source?
 The nature of electronic collaboration: is it transactional, information sharing
or collaborative?
 The attitude to capacity planning: is this seen as the supplier’s problem, as
a problem for the buyer (tactical make/buy/additional sources) or as a
shared strategic issue?
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» Dr. Muhammad Moazzam

Managing supply chain relationships

Call-off requirements:
 Does the customer alter schedules with no notice,
 Require JIT delivery against specified time windows, or
 Require synchronized deliveries of major subassemblies to the point of
Price negotiations:
 Are price reductions imposed by the buyer resulting in joint continuous
improvement projects, etc.?
Managing product quality:
 Does the customer help the supplier to improve process capability?
 Are aggressive targets (i.e. 50 ppm defects) set by the customer?
 Is the supplier responsible for quality of incoming goods and warranty of the
parts in service?

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» Dr. Muhammad Moazzam

Managing supply chain relationships

Managing research and development :

 Does the customer impose new designs and have the supplier followed the
 Does the supplier become involved in new product development?
 Is the supplier expected to design and develop the complete product for the
next model?
The level of pressure:
How far does the customer place pressure for improvement on the supplier to
avoid comfort (e.g. 30 per cent price reduction in the next two years)?

Dr. Muhammad Moazzam 29

» Dr. Muhammad Moazzam

Integration in the supply chain

Efficient consumer response

Strategic Partnership in Supply Chain

Collaborative planning, forecasting and replenishment

Managing supply chain relationships

A framework for managing the supply chain

Role of IT
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» Dr. Muhammad Moazzam

A framework for managing the supply chain

●Key issue 1 What are the management implications of

integrating the supply chain?

Develop measurement
system for supply
chain performance

4 5
Pilot new supply Organize for supply
chain solutions chain performance
1 2
Develop effective
Develop a supply Gather supply chain
partnerships and
chain strategy information
Dr. Muhammad Moazzam 31
» Dr. Muhammad Moazzam

Integration in the supply chain

Efficient consumer response

Strategic Partnership in Supply Chain

Collaborative planning, forecasting and replenishment

Managing supply chain relationships

A framework for managing the supply chain

Role of IT
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» Dr. Muhammad Moazzam

Role of IT in a Supply Chain

● Information provides the foundation on which supply chain

processes execute transactions and managers make decisions
● Hardware, software, and people throughout a supply chain that
gather, analyze, and execute upon information
1. Information must be accurate
2. Information must be accessible in a timely manner
3. Information must be of the right kind
4. Information must be shared

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» Dr. Muhammad Moazzam

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» Dr. Muhammad Moazzam

The Supply Chain Macro Processes

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» Dr. Muhammad Moazzam

Supplier Relationship Management

SRM: The processes CRM: The processes that take
that take place between place between an enterprise
an enterprise and its and its customers downstream
supplier upstream in the in the supply chain
supply chain

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» Dr. Muhammad Moazzam

Risk Management in IT

● Installing new systems

⌂ Revised business processes
⌂ Integration
● Problems can shut down the business
⌂ Software problems
⌂ Power outages
⌂ Viruses
● Mitigating strategies
⌂ Install new IT systems in an incremental fashion
⌂ Run duplicate systems to make sure the new system is performing well
⌂ Implement only the level of complexity that is needed

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» Dr. Muhammad Moazzam

Any Question?

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