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Home Automation

Using PLC

Table of Contents :-

01. Abstract 02. Introduction

03. Related words 04. System Design

05. implementation 07. Conclusion 08.References

Abstract :- Home Automation Using

In this paper, we design a PLC based energy- efficient home automation

system with smart task scheduling. The system is automatically controlled,
energy-efficient and highly scalable to smart home with basic features that save
energy and the residents comfort. This system consists of home appliances such
as garden light, outside light, pump motor, garden motor and room heater
which is controlled using PLC and relays with our predefined schedule. A Logo
PLC system (Model-0AB3) is used as a central controller. Ladder diagram is
used to design the main program for PLC. This PLC is capable to storing
instructions, sequencing, timing and processing. We have used wired x10
technology which is a protocol for communication among electronic devices for
home automation (domestics). It primarily uses power line wiring for signaling
and control. As a result, we make a schedule based on a whole day to control
the loads which depend on real time as user selected time. Finally the operation
of the system has been successful as we expected.

In a world which is winding up progressively mechanized, Home Automation is getting more consideration from the families around
the world. While numerous modern offices have moved to completely computerized systems, there are just a couple of houses that are
astutely mechanized, as a result of the staggering expense of such frameworks. Home Automation ought to be more available since it
doesn't require an unbelievably cutting edge innovation and can as a rule be actualized with off-the-rack gadgets. As gadgets get more
brilliant, a considerable measure of exertion is gone for robotizing a significant number of our everyday exercises in a moderately
simple manner. Another Home Automation field is developing with the joining of the portable correspondences advances into the
computerization frameworks, to control apparatuses either by means of the current electrical wiring of the house, or utilizing a remote
system. Undoubtedly, clients are utilizing portable applications on their cellphones to control their homes from separation. Minor
precedents are: turning on the air conditioning system 30 minutes before the inhabitant's entry, or opening the entryway bolt utilizing a
cell phone. Likewise, misusing such advancements may add to a greener planet; and if by a "Smart" Home we mean one that is energy-
efficient and that will have the capacity to suitably deal with its energy resources, and after that this element is basic for a more secure
and more beneficial future.
Smart task scheduling is a component to convey what undertakings need to complete and which hierarchical assets will be
apportioned to finish those tasks in what time allotment. A smart schedule is a task gathering all the work expected to do the
undertaking on time. Smart task schedule employments prescient demonstrating to help effortlessly design out tasks for the day. It
take client order and work profitable propensities, and considers designs over all to do its clients, to foresee the most ideal due dates
for your tasks. Smart task scheduling, can be a wide range of things and it very well may be connected at various levels. It may go
from a straightforward control by time to turn on/off various switches, for example, lights to complex groupings of activities that
may characterize diverse situations in the Smart house. Envision in a settled time for change the look of your family room. In the
event that you need to appreciate the most recent motion picture with your family or companions you press the performance center
catch and the front room transforms into a theater:
primary lights fall off while the LED lighting around the room goes ahead and the blinders drop down; a screen moves down,
the indoor regulator sets the temperature to the ideal condition while the projector at the back of the room begins the film.
Envision toward the finish of the motion picture you need to eat with your family or companions in the opposite side of the
lounge, so you press the supper catch to transform the parlor into a supper room: the lights over the supper table please while
the LED lights fall off, the screen moves up, and so forth. This is only one case of the many frameworks that can be introduced,
customized and oversaw. In any case, unique clients might want distinctive arrangements for a theater domain and thusly the
sys-tem should be extremely adaptable and simple to reconfigure, with the end goal to be adjusted for every client requests.
Whatever remains of the paper is sorted out as pursues. Section II presents current works related with our framework overall,
and also every one of its individual segments. In segment III, we present our plan. At last, Section IV examines some execution
subtle elements.


Related Words

A. General Home Automation Products

Various Home Automation items exist available. The greater parts of them are useful however they
are not exact. In different temperature that products shows wrong behavior with the user. The
fundamental contrast between these items is the interface among client and focal controller. This
system maintains a smart schedule to control the all defined load and it gives accuracy. It also works
with same behavior in various temperatures.
B. Automation System
Automation and automatic control is the use of various control devices to make thinks such as
machinery factories, furnaces, heat treatment equipment, management processes, and stabilization of
the mobile networks, ships, air craft
and other application to be run with minimal human intervention [1]. The biggest advantage of
automation is that it saves labor but it is also to save energy and materials, and to improve the quality,
precision and accuracy. Automation is commonly deployed in various ways such as pneumatic,
electrical, mechanical, hydraulics and electronics as well as computer, complex systems, such as
modern factories, air craft and ships generally use all of this technique in combination.

Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)

A Programmable Logic Controller, or PLC for short, is just a unique PC gadget utilized for mechanical
control frameworks [2]. The fundamental units have a CPU (a PC processor) that is committed to run
one program that screens a progression of various sources of inputs and consistently controls the
outputs for the coveted control [3].

System Design
A. Block Diagram of the system
As an input, a push button switch gives a trigger in PLC input terminal I1. Then the input module (internal relay)
of PLC will be active. Power supply is also connected with PLC. Then the processor of PLC start follows the
predefined program which is given by user necessity. PLC makes decision to give output at its output terminal.
Entire block diagram is given below:

A. Description of the block diagram
1. Power Supply
Electrical supply is utilized in conveying electrical energy to central processing unit. Most PLC controllers work either at
24 VDC or 220 VAC. On some PLC controllers you'll discover electrical supply as a different module. Those are generally greater
PLC controllers, while little and medium arrangement as of now contain the supply module. Client needs to decide how much flow to
take from I/O module to guarantee that electrical supply gives suitable measure of flow. Diverse sorts of modules utilize distinctive
measures of electrical flow. This electrical supply is normally not used to begin outer information sources or yields. Client needs to
give separate supplies in beginning PLC controller information sources or yields since then you can guarantee purported
"Unadulterated" supply for the PLC controller. With unadulterated supply we mean supply where modern condition can not influence
it damagingly. A portion of the littler PLC controllers supply their inputs with voltage from a little supply source effectively fused
into a PLC.
2. Programming Device
PLC is really a industrial microcontroller framework where you have hardware and programming particularly adjusted to modern
condition. Unique consideration should be given to info and yield, on the grounds that in these squares you discover security
required in detaching a CPU obstructs from harming impacts that modern condition can convey to a CPU by means of information
lines. Program unit is typically a PC utilized for composing a program (regularly in ladder diagram).
The control program can be gone into the PLC by utilizing a straightforward from of abnormal state dialect like ladder diagram,
instruction code etc. The input device for example, switch, push buttons, sensors and output device such ad motors, relays, valves,
lamps and so on are connected with PLC. The administrator at that point enters an arrangement of guidance (programs) into the
memory of the PLC. The controller at that point screens the data sources and out puts as indicated by these projects and completes
the control rules for which it has been customized.
A. Working Principle
First of all PLC (Programmable Logic Control) is loaded by user predefined programs. When we give the power to the PLC input power
terminal then it is ready to start. We used two push button switches for Programs turn on and off. First one push used for start the
programs and second one for the stop. When we press the first the push button that is connected between I1 and positive input terminal
(L+) then it is initialing the program and it starts to find the user predefined task schedule. We just make a sample home task schedule
based on a whole day for getting an output. PLC follow this task schedule for infinite time until to get new schedule. We can stop the
program by pressing second one push button switch.

B. Schedule Sample
We assume whole day and make five combinations .Each combination duration is 1 minute. Try to control various combinations by
assuming our home appliance. The combination is given below-the start time is 17.30
1st combination: Load A (Outside light+ Garden Light) ON time is 17:30 and OFF time is 17:31.
2nd combination: Load B (Garden Pump) ON time is 17:31 and OFF time is 17:32
3rd combination: Load C+D (Tank Motor &Room Heater) ON time is 17:32 and OFF time is 17:33
4th combination: Load B+C (Garden Pump & Tank Motor) ON time is 17:33 and OFF time is 17:34
5th combination: Load A+C+D (Outside+ Garden Light, Tank Motor &Room Heater)
ON time is 17:34 and OFF time is 17:35


• Programming Device
PLC is really a industrial microcontroller framework where you have hardware and programming particularly adjusted to modern
condition. Unique consideration should be given to info and yield, on the grounds that in these squares you discover security
required in detaching a CPU obstructs from harming impacts that modern condition can convey to a CPU by means of information
lines. Program unit is typically a PC utilized for composing a program (regularly in ladder diagram).
The control program can be gone into the PLC by utilizing a straightforward from of abnormal state dialect like ladder diagram,
instruction code etc. The input device for example, switch, push buttons, sensors and output device such ad motors, relays, valves,
lamps and so on are connected with PLC. The administrator at that point enters an arrangement of guidance (programs) into the
memory of the PLC. The controller at that point screens the data sources and out puts as indicated by these projects and completes
the control rules for which it has been customized.

• Working Principle
First of all PLC (Programmable Logic Control) is loaded by user predefined programs. When we give the power to the PLC input
power terminal then it is ready to start. We used two push button switches for Programs turn on and off. First one push used for start
the programs and
. second one for the stop. When we press the first the push button that is connected between I1 and positive input
terminal (L+) then it is initialing the program and it starts to find the user predefined task schedule. We just make a sample home
task schedule based on a whole day for getting an output. PLC follow this task schedule for infinite time until to get new schedule.
We can stop the program by pressing second one push button switch.

•Schedule Sample
We assume whole day and make five combinations .Each combination duration is 1 minute. Try to control various combinations
by assuming our home appliance. The combination is given below-the start time is 17.30
1st combination: Load A (Outside light+ Garden Light) ON time is 17:30 and OFF time is 17:31.
2nd combination: Load B (Garden Pump) ON time is 17:31 and OFF time is 17:32
3rd combination: Load C+D (Tank Motor &Room Heater) ON time is 17:32 and OFF time is 17:33
4th combination: Load B+C (Garden Pump & Tank Motor) ON time is 17:33 and OFF time is 17:34
5th combination: Load A+C+D (Outside+ Garden Light, Tank Motor &Room Heater)
ON time is 17:34 and OFF time is 17:35


A. Hardware Design
In this part we will talk about the points of interest relating to the equipment usage of the project. The parts were first simulated
for their activity, before they were incorporated into the circuit. Influencing utilization of suitable parts to can upgrade the
activity of the circuit.

Hardware Implementation
C. Description of power circuit diagram
Firstly, we setup the PLC device on the project board. Then we +24VDC supplied in L+ terminal of PLC and shorted with the
common point of PLC output Q1, Q2, Q3
& Q4. Secondly, we supplied -24VDC in the M terminal of PLC and shorted with the operating pin number 13 of all relays. 14 no pin
of A, B, C & D relays sequentially connected with NO terminal of Q1, Q2, Q3 & Q4. +12VDC connected with the common pin
number 9 of all relays and - 12VDC connected with the negative terminal of all load. 5 number NO pin of A, B, C & D relays
connected with the + ve terminal of load sequentially.
A = Outside light+ Garden light,
B = Garden Pump,
C = Tank Motor and
D = Room Heater.
I2 terminal of PLC is used for start the program and it connected with L+ terminal through the push button switch.
I1 terminal of PLC is used for stop the program and it also connected with L+ terminal through the push button switch

B. Circuit Design E. LOGO Soft Simulation

Fig.2. Circuit diagram of the project

14 Fig.3. LOGO Soft Simulation of the project

D. PLC Ladder Programming

A prominent strategy for PLC writing computer programs is ladder diagram. Ladder diagram is equal to drawing an
exchanging circuit. It comprises of two vertical lines speaking to control rails and the circuit is associated with the level
line. The vertical lines of the graph speak to the power rails between which circuits are associated. Each rung on the
stepping stool characterizes one activity in the control procedure. A stepping stool outline is perused from the left to right
and from the start to finish demonstrates the checking movement utilized by the PLC. The best rung is perused from left
to right. At that point second rung down is perused from left to right and so on. At last the filtering is halted by END
guidance. Each rung must begin with an input or inputs and should end with somewhere around one output. The term
input is utilized as a contribution of PLC. The term output is utilized for a device connected with the output of a PLC. A
switch which is regularly open until an object closes it is shown open in ladder diagram.


Our main objective is to make the home appliances smarter and user friendly. So, we have designed a
robust platform which will make the home appliances energy- efficient and automatic. It controls the
appliances our predefined schedule which will create a smart home and reduce the misuse of the load.


  Frank D Petruzella , Programmable Logic Controllers , 1989

 Kevin Collins, PLC Programming for Industrial Automation, 2006
 W. Bolton, Programmable Logic Controllers, 1996
 Stephen P. Tubbs, Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Tutorial,
 Siemens Simatic S7-1200, July 2007
 M. Morris Mano, Digital Logic And Computer Design, September 1979
 Madhuri R. Mukkawar; S. D. Sawant (2015), “Energy Efficient Automation System with Smart Task
Scheduling" in Computing Communication Control and Automation (ICCUBEA), 16 July 2015.
 Kim Baraka; Marc Ghobril; Sami Malek; Rouwaidakanj; Ayman Kayssi, “Low cost Arduino/Android-
Based Energy-Efficient Home Automation System with Smart Task Scheduling” in Computational
Intelligence, Communication Systems and Networks (CICSyN), 01 August 2013.

Thank you
I appreciate you taking time out of your busy day to help
me with this project.

Varun Kumar Pandey

B.Tech EEE

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