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di c a l

M e
o l o g y
c hn
Te C o d e
io n a l s
o f e s s E t hi c
Pr of
-Set of standards, rules, guidelines and values that governs &
guides ethical behavior in a profession

-Created to defer wrongdoing and to promote sound moral &

ethical behavior

-Violations of this code may be subject to administrative, civil or

penal remedies
As I enter into the practice of Medical Technology, I shall..

-Accept the responsibilities inherent to being professional

-Uphold the law & shall not participate in illegal work

-Act in the spirit of fairness to all and in the spirit of

brotherhood toward other members of the profession

- Accept employment from more than one employer only when

there is no conflict of interest;

- Perform my task with full confidence, absolute reliability, and


-Share my knowledge and expertise with my colleagues

- Contribute to the advancement of the professional

organization and other allied health organization
-Restrict my praises, views and opinions within
constructive limits

-Treat any information I acquired in the course of my

work as strictly confidential

-Uphold the dignity and respect of my profession and

conduct myself a reputation of reliability, honesty and integrity

-Be dedicated to the sue of clinical laboratory science to

promote life and benefit mankind

-Report any violations of the above principles of the

professional conduct to authorized agency and to the Ethics
Committee of the organization
To this principle, I hereby subscribe & pledge
myself to conduct myself at all times in a manner
befitting the dignity of my profession.

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