Family Welfare Apc

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• Family planning means planning by individual or couples to have only
the children they want, when they want them, this is responsible
• Family welfare includes not only planning of birth, but they welfare of
wholes family by means of total family health care. The family welfare
programme has high priority in India because its success depends upon
the quality of life of all citizens. HISTORY
• It was started in the year 1951.
• In 1977, the government of India redesignated the NATIONAL FAMILY
PROGRAMME also changed the name of the ministry of health and
family planning to ministry of health and family welfare.
• It is a reflection of the government anxiety to promote family
planning through the total welfare of the family.
• It is aimed at achieving a higher end i.e. to improve the quality of life
of the people.
• India is the first country in the world that implemented the family welfare programme
at government level.
• Health is a part of concurrent list but centers provides 100% assistance to states for
this programme.
• Government has concentrated on this programme in various five year plans through
higher priority was accorded to it after fourth five year plan.
• Due to bad effect of emergency and faulty propaganda family planning suffered major
setback, during 1977-1979.
• It was decided in national health policy in 1983, and then net reproduction rate should
be one by the year 2000.
• The 7th five year plan placed more emphasis on the use of spacing methods between
the birth of two children.
• The concept of welfare is basically related to quality of life.
• As such it include education, nutrition, health employment ,women's welfare and
right, shelter, soft drinking water all vital factors associated with the concept of welfare.
• It is centrally sponsored programme. For this, the states receive 100% assistance from
central government.
• The emphasis is on child family.
• Also, emphasis is on spacing methods along with terminal methods.
• The current policy is to promote family planning on the basis of voluntary and
informed acceptance with full community participation.
• The services are taken to every doorstep in order to motivate families to accept the
small family norm.
• The Government of India in the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has started the
operational aims and objective of family welfare programme as follows-
• To promote the adoption of small family size norm, on the basis of voluntary acceptance.
• To promote the use of spacing method.
• To arrange for clinical and surgical service so as to achieve the set target.
• To ensure adequate supply of contraceptive to all eligible couple within easy reach.
• Participation of voluntary organization/local leaders/local self government, in family
welfare programme at various level.
• Using the means of mass communication and interpersonal communication to overcome
the social and cultural hindrance in adopting the programme or extensive use of public
health education for family planning.
• Reduction of death rate from 10(in 1992) to 9per 1000.
• Raising couple protection rate from 43.3(in 1990) to 60%.
• Reduction in average family size from 4.2(in 1990) to 2.3
• Decrease in infant mortality rate from79 (in 1992) to less than 60 per
1000 live birth.
• Nearly 98% of women and 99% men in the age group 15 and 49 have a good
knowledge about one or more methods of contraception. Adolescents seem
to be well aware of the modern method of contraception.
• Over 97% of women and 95% of men are knowledgeable about female
sterilization, which is the most popular modern parmanent method of family
planning. While only 79% of women and 80% of men have heard about male
• 93% of men have awareness about the usage of condom while only 74% of
women are aware of the same.
• Around 80% of men and women have a fair knowledge about contraception
• The year 2010-2011 ended with 34.9 million family planning acceptor
at national level comprising of 5.0 million sterilization,5.6 million IUD
insertion,16 million condom user and 8.3 million oral pills users. As
against 35.6 million families planning acceptors in 2009- 2010.
• Over the decades, there has been a substantial increase in
contraception use in India.
• Integration with health service: family welfare programme has been integrated with other health service instead of being a separate
• Integration with maternity and child health: family welfare programme has been integrated with maternity and child health. Public
are motivated for post delivery sterilization, abortion and use of contraception.
• Concentration in rural area: family welfare programme are concentrated more in rural areas at the level of subentries and primary
health center. This is in addition to hospitals at district, state and central levels.
• Literacy: There is a direct co-relation between illiteracy and fertility. So stress and priority is given for girl’s education, fertility rate
among educated female are low.
• Breast feeding: Breast feeding is encouraged. It is estimated that about 5 million birth per annum can be prevented through breast
• Rising the age for marriage: Under the child marriage bills (1978), the age of marriage has been raised to 21 year for male and18 year
for female. This has some impact on fertility.
• Minimum need programme: It was launched in 5th year plan with an aim to raise the economical standards. Fertility is low in higher
income groups. so fertility rate can be lowered by increasing economical standard.
• Incentive: Monetary incentive has been given in Family Planning Programme, especially for poor classes. But these incentives have
not been very effective. So the programme must be on voluntary basis.
• Mass media: Motivation through radio, television, cinema, news paper, puppet shows and folk dance is an important aspect of this
• Community health nurse has a vast role in family welfare service.
• SURVEY WORK ▫ Collecting demographic facts.
▫ Making list of homes and finding out housing location.
▫ Collecting information about pregnant mother, eligible couples, and infants.
• EDUCATIONAL FUNTION AND MOTIVATION- Explaining the importance and necessity of family planning to masses.
▫ Using various techniques of teaching and communication to propagate the message of family planning to common man.
▫ Motivating the eligible couple to use contraceptive and educating them about its uses.
▫ Motivating people for family planning operation or permanent contraception.
• MANEGERIAL FUNCTION1. Conducting clinics
▫ Deciding the date and place of clinics.
▫ Arranging equipments and other resources at clinics.
▫ Arrangement and distribution of contraceptives.
▫ Organizing family planning camps.
• Motivating eligible couple and preparing them for the operation.
• Assisting the doctor and the nurses.
• Maintaining the records
• Keeping the eligible couple register update.
• Maintaining the register of sterilization cases, contraceptives user, and pregnant mothers.
• Maintaining other records related to family planning.
• Liaison work
• Soliciting the co-operation of NGOs/voluntary organization.
The Ministry of Health and Family
• The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare is an Indian government ministry charged with 
health policy in India.
• It is also responsible for all government programs relating to family planning in India.
• The ministry is composed of two departments: Department of Health and Family Welfare and the
Department of Health Research.
Department of Health
• The Department of Health deals with health care, including awareness campaigns, immunisation campaigns, 
preventive medicine, and public health. Bodies under the administrative control of this department are:
 National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO) (see HIV/AIDS in India)
 14 National Health Programmes
oNational AIDS Control Programme (AIDS) Department Of Aids Control (National AIDS Control Organisation) (
Details About Aids)
oNational Cancer Control Programme (cancer) (since 1985)[6]
oNational Filaria Control Programme (filariasis)
oNational Iodine Deficiency Disorders Control Programme (iodine deficiency)
oNational Leprosy Eradication Programme (leprosy)
oNational Mental Health Programme (mental health)
oNational Programme for Control of Blindness (blindness)
oNational Programme for Prevention and Control of Deafness (deafness)
oNational Tobacco Control Programme (tobacco control)
oNational Vector Borne Disease Control Programme (NVBDCP) (vector-borne disease)
oPilot Programme on Prevention and Control of Diabetes, CVD and Stroke (diabetes, cardiovascular disease, stroke
oRevised National TB Control Programme (tuberculosis)
oUniversal Immunisation Programme
 Medical Council of India
 Dental Council of India
 Pharmacy Council of India
 Indian Nursing Council
 All India Institute of Speech and Hearing (AIISH), Mysore
 All India Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (AIIPMR), Mumbai
 All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health, Kolkata
 Hospital Services Consultancy Corporation Limited (HSCC)
 Food Safety and Standards Authority of India
 Central Drugs Standard Control Organization
 National Centre for Disease Control
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• State Family Welfare Bureau:

• District F.W. Bureau (Non-Tribal & Tribal):
• Training Of Nurses, Midwives & LHV& Functioning of Sub-Centres:
• Revamping Of Urban-slum:
• Orientation Training of Medical & Para Medical Staff:
• IMR Mission
• Navajoti Scheme
• Maternal and Perinatal Death Inquiry – (MapeDI):
Goal of the Mission:
• To improve availability of and access to quality health care by people especially for those residing in
rural areas, the poor, women and children.

• 1. Stabilize population

• 2. Make health institutions full functional even at grass root level

• 3. Reduce IMR to 50/1000 LB by 2010

• 4. Reduce MMR to 250/100000 by 2010

• 5. Reduce TFR to 2.1 by 2010

• 6. Increase institutional delivery

Components under NRHM (National Rural Health Mission):
• New Initiatives; under Initiative under NRHM, the components are:

• (a) ASHA- (Accredited Social Health Activist),

• (b) Untied Fund at Sub centre level,

• (c) Upgrading Community Health Centres (CHC) as per Indian Public Health Standard (IPHS),

• (d) Rogi Kalyana Samiti (RKS),

• (e) Mobile Medical Unit (MMU),

• (f) AYUSH(Ayurvedic Yoga Unani Sidha Homeopathy)

• (g) Intersectoral Convergence

••1. Maternal Health:
Reproductive & Child Health Programme

a. Antenatal
•Antenatal Care:
i. Early Registration of
ii. Fixed Health and Nutrition
•iii. Routine Antenatal check-up
•iv. Malaria Chemoprophylaxis
V. Identification of
timely referral risk factors
•vi. Safe health care Services
••b. Intranasal Care:
i. Care of Pregnant
during delivery mother
ii. Janani Suraskhya
The activities under family welfare
• 1. Integrating population issues within a wider development context;

• 2. Implementing the draft national policy for the empowerment of women;

• 3. Developing special programmes to improve women’s status and address gender disparities;

• 4. Strengthening the logistics system for distribution of contraceptives and brooding choice of
available contraceptive methods; and

• 5. Enhancing advocacy efforts to promote the concept of reproductive health and gender quality.
Improving Reproductive
Linking population and
•Promoting Gender Equality
•Advancing Human Rights
Supporting Adolescents and
•Making Motherhood Safer
Using Culturally Sensitive
•Preventing HIV Infection
•Assisting in Emergencies
•Securing Essential Supplies
Building support/Donations
• The basic objective of the Family welfare programme is to stabilize the population and to provide
qualitative health services including immunization to both-pregnant mother and children. Since the
last 48 years, the Family welfare programme is being implemented in the State with financial
assistance of the central Govt.

• The family planning programme is not merely intended for population stabilization now but it has
much larger perspective in holistic approach towards Reproductive and child health. Services,
family planning, Immunization, training etc. comprise a comprehensive health care package. The
Family welfare activities are guided as per the policies, guidelines and funding by Govt. of India.

• To ensure qualitative healthy delivery and population control the Reproductive and child Health
programme has been implemented in every state with community needs assessment approach. To
boost the health care delivery, each State Govt. has formulated health reforms and implemented the
same to give better autonomy to the health institutions.

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