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What is AR?

• A digital medium that allows you to overlay virtual content

into the physical world in a way that makes it seem like the
content is physically there
• It allows us to merge the physical and digital world
How AR actually works?
For it to work you need:
• AR enabled hardware
• System of cameras
• 3D depth sensors
The hardware maps your surrounding enviornment and builds a model of
it using hardware sensors and specialized software.
It also keeps track of where you are in relation to your enviornment.
(SLAM – Simultaneous Localization and Mapping)
Google Glass Microsoft Hololens
History of AR

• Augmented reality was first achieved, to some extent, by a

cinematographer called Morton Heilig in 1957
• He invented the Sensorama which delivered visuals, sounds,
vibration and smell to the viewer
• It was used on heads-up displays on fighter jets allowing pilots to
see important information projected in front of them on their
Modern use

Pokemon GO
Snapchat Filters
Medical training
Design and Modeling
Augmented vs Virtual Reality
• AR uses a real-world setting • VR is completely virtual
• AR users can control their • VR users are controlled by the
presence in the real world system
• AR can be accessed with a • VR requires a headset device
• VR only enhances a fictional
• AR enhances both the virtual reality
and real world
HTC Vive - VR
Google Cardboard - VR
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Sara Krišto

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