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Diploma in Early Childhood

EDE 1024 Development of Young

Introduction 介绍 to child
development 儿童发展
(Week 1)
Tutorial 1

• Let’s introduce each other and please

explain why you choose the Early
Childhood field. 让我们互相介绍一下,请解

• Let’s look back at your own early childhood

experience. 让我们回顾我们自己的童年经
历 Share what you remember from
attending your pre school. 分享你上学前班

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Learning Objectives 目标

1. Define child development 定义儿童

2. Describe the three key
developmental issues 描述三个儿
3. Discuss nature versus nurture 讨论

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Compulsory page

What is a child?

What is a ‘child’?
• A child is a person
undergoing development
from infancy to puberty. 经历

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What is development?
The pattern 模样 of change 改变 that begins
开始 at conception 概念 & continues 继续
through 通过 the life span of an individual.
Child Development
• Field of inquiry 调查领域 that attempts 尝
试 to understand the processes that
govern 治理 appearance 外貌 & growth
生长 of children’s physical structures 物
理结构 , psychological traits 心理特征 ,
behavior 行为模式 patterns,
understanding 理解 & ways of adapting
适应方式 to the demands 需要 of life
(Rathus, 2006).
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Developmental Issues 发展问题
Nature 自然 – Nurture 培育 issue
Continuity 连续性 – Discontinuity 中断
• The issue regarding 关于 the extent 程度 to
which development involves 涉及 gradual 渐
进(逐渐的发展) cumulative change 累计变
化 (continuity) or distinct changes 明显的变
化 (discontinuity).
Early 早 – Later experience 经验 issue 问题
( for children and yourself )
• The issue of the degree 程度 to which 哪个
early experience 早期经验 (especially
infancy 尤其是婴儿期 ) or later experiences
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后来的经历 are key determinants 关键决定因
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Continuity 连续性 vs.
Discontinuity 中断
Age-related changes
occur gradually. 逐渐发生

development: Age-related
changes include occasional
large shifts so that children
of different ages seem
qualitatively different. 相关
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How do children shape their own development?
Children contribute 贡献 to their own 自己的
development 发展 from early 早 in life and their
contributions increase as they grow older.
3 of the most important contributions during children’s
first years are their:
▪ Attentional patterns 注意力模式
▪ Use of language 语言
▪ Play 玩
Older childrend 大一点的孩子 & adolescents 青少年
choose many environments 环境 , friends &
activities for themselves - their choices can exert 发
挥 a large impact 影响 on their future 未来 .

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Case Study (group work 3 – 4 people in a
Explore 探索 the life of Ted Explore the life of Alice
Kaczynki Walker

- How would you interpret How would you interpret the

解释 the development development using the
using the original sin , original sin , tabula rasa and
tabula rasa (指人出生时 innate goodness
影响的纯净心灵) and
innate goodness? 善良的

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Child Development: Yesterday
Historical views of childhood 同年的历史观
▪ Origin sin view 原罪观 – advocated 提倡 during the Middle
Ages 中世纪 , the belief 信仰 that children were born into the
world as evil beings 邪恶开始 & were basically bad. 基本上是
▪ Tabula rasa view 一块白板,白纸一般(人的个性)– the
idea proposed 建议 by John Locke that children are like a
‘blank slate’. 白板
▪ Innate goodness view 先天善良– the idea presented by
Swiss born philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau that children
are naturally 自然 good/ born with an innate sense 与生俱来
of morality. 的道德

John do you Jacques
Locke think? Rousseau
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Child Development: Today
More awarness 意识
Childhood is conceived 构思 as an
important time of development.
The study of child development has
become 已经 a sophisticated
science. 成为一门复杂的科学
Methodological advances 方法学进
展 in observation 观察 , the
introduction of experimentation&
development of major 重大
theories 理论 characterize 表征
the achievements 成就 of the
modern era. 现代
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Contemporary concerns 当代关注 in children’s

Health & well-being 意志存在

Families & parenting 育儿
Education 教育
Socio-cultural contexts of culture 文化的社
会文化的语境 , ethnicity 种族
Socioeconomic status 社会经济状况 &
gender 性别

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Developmental Processes 发展过程

Changes 变化 in
Biological 生 development are the

Processes result of Biological,
Cognitive & Socio-
emotional processes.
emotional The processes
Processes interact 相互作用 as
individuals develop. 个

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Developmental processes 发育的过程
Development is influenced 影响 by an interplay
一世 of biological 生物 , cognitive 认知的 &
socio-emotional processes. 社会感觉过程
▪ Biological processes 生物过程 – changes in an
individuals body. 个人身体变化
▪ Cognitive processes 认知的过程 – changes in
an individuals thought 个人思想的变化 ,
intelligence 个人智力的变化 & language 个人语
言的变化 .
▪ Socio-emotional processes 社会感情变化 -
changes in an individual’s relationships with other
people 个人跟别人关系的变化 , emotions &
personality. 情绪和性格的变化
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Developmental Periods 发育时期
A child’s development is commonly described 常被描述
in terms of periods, which are given approximate age
ranges. 大概年龄
Development is commonly divided 分为 into the
following periods from conception through
adolescence 青春期 :
▪ Prenatal period 产前时期 (from conception
to birth 从受孕到出生 )
▪ Infancy 一世 (birth – 2 yrs)
▪ Early childhood (2 – 6 yrs)
▪ Middle 童年中期 & late childhood 童年晚期
(6 -12 yrs)
▪ Adolescence 青春期 (12-19 yrs)
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Nature 自然 & Nurture 培育
The single most basic question about child development is
how nature & nurture interact to shape the developmental
process. 关于儿童发展的一个最基本的问题是先天和培育(后
▪ Nature 自然 refers to our biological endowment,
especially 尤其 the genes 基因 we receive 收到 from our
▪ Nurture 培育 refers to the wide range of environments 广
泛的环境 , both physical 身体上的 & social 社会 , that
influence 影响我们的发展 our development.

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Introduction 介绍
The nature vs nurture issue has been around for
ages & scholars 学者 have still not concluded 总
结 which of the 2 has a greater effect 更大的效果
on a person.
Debate over whether 在是否 nature or nurture has
a bigger effect on us has been argued 争论 &
supported well for both sides. 双方
While 1 side argues
that development of
The other side maintains
child is mainly a
that learning determines
process of maturation,
entire course of child's
with learning playing
no more than a
supportive role.
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Nature vs nurture

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Nature 自然
Believed to be what determines 决
定 personalities 个性 , looks 看起
来 & other things because it's all
genetically passed down. 遗传下

Any matter concerning traits relies
upon the concept of inborn
Many parents believe that bad trait
their child obtained is because of
bad parenting, but it may be more
a matter of biology & genes that
runs in the family.
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⚫Although nurture has historically been referred to as
the care given to children by parents, with mother
playing a role of particular importance, this term is now
regarded by some as any environmental factor.
⚫Definition of nurture - expanded to include influences
on development arising from:
⚫ prenatal
⚫ parenting
⚫ extended family
⚫ peer experiences
⚫ media
⚫ marketing
⚫ socio-economic status.
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• Can be traced back to the 13th century France.
• According to Francis Galton:
• “Nature is all that a man brings with himself into
the world; Nurture is every influence that affects
him after his birth”.
• Francis Galton used term in
1874 to discuss influence of
genetics & environment on
a persons development.
• Galton asserted that human
personalities were born, not
made by experience.

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Feral Children 野孩子
⚫ Children who've 谁有 grown up 长大的 with minimal
最小的 human contact 人际接触 or even none at all.
⚫ A thorough study of feral children & children who were
raised or kept in extreme isolation, makes it difficult not
to support the nurture assumption.
⚫ There are many stories of feral children:
⚫ a boy who lived in Syria, who ate grass & could leap like an
⚫ a girl, who lived in the forests in Indonesia for 6 years after
she had fallen into a river - she walked like an ape & her
teeth were as sharp as a razor.
⚫ These stories do far more than just to confirm the
important role of education.
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Feral Children
Feral children ought to be an excellent source of
evidence in the continuing nature-nurture debate.
Best-known story of feral children, Amala &
Kamala, who were raised by a she-wolf.
In 1920 reverend J. A. L. Singh saw a mother wolf &
cubs, 2 of which had long, matted hair & looked
human - the 2 human creatures were captured -
turned out to be 2 girls - 8 & 1½ years old.
Another story – Genie – LA – kept isolated/locked
since 20 mths olds – found in 1970 at age 13.

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Studies Conducted
❖Twin studies made to determine whether
hereditary is the leading factor or environment.
▪ Results shows that it's basically an even amount of
influence on a person.
▪ The twins shared common interest in spicy food,
struggled in math, while playing sports & have
similarities in temperament, tempo & ways of doing
▪ The differences that they showed were in their
working habits & thoughts – if 1brother was open-
minded, 1 was very traditional.
▪ They had similarities due to heredity, but they did
have differences because they grew up in two very
different environments.
▪ They had their share of common things, as well as
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Studies Conducted
• Debate – one group believes that people are born
intelligent – one group feels that children’s life
experiences & people they meet influence their
intelligence development.
• Twin studies showed that 85% of identical twins raised
together & 70% of identical twins raised apart had the
same IQ.

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⚫ It seems that this battle between nature & nurture will go
on forever because both sides can be easily backed up
with supporting information as to which is more important.
⚫ Some psychologists agree that nature & nurture are both
major influences to the development of behavior.
⚫ Recent studies show that many traits are heritable,
however the question of whether genetics or environment
have the most bearing on a child’s development still
perplexes theorists.
⚫ Overall it appears that nature supplies people with certain
characteristics, but they can be altered & modified by
environment to an extent.

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Tutorial 2: Group discussion

Why do we need to study child


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Knowledge of child development can help parents
and teachers meet the challenges of rearing and
educating children.
• For example, researchers
have identified effective
approaches that parents
and other caregivers can
successfully use in
helping children manage
anger and other negative

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For centuries, philosophers, scientists and
educators have argued over whether
children are aggressive or loving,
whether children are conscious and self-
aware, whether they have a natural
curiosity that demands to unravel the
mysteries of the universe or whether they
merely react mechanically to
environmental stimulation.
The quest for answers has an impact on
the lives of children, parents, educators
and others who interact with children.

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How do we explain the origins of empathy in

adults? Of antisocial behavior?
How do we explain the assumption of ‘feminine’
and ‘masculine’ behavior patterns?
The origins of special talents in writing, music,
athletics and math?

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So that we are informed enough to use
observations of children to encourage
appropriate activity at the appropriate point of
• Not too early
• Not too late; but
• Just right
Different children need different sorts of help in

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Other Reasons…

To see how to help the child with the next step of

development and learning.
To give special help where needed.
To give information to parents as parents are
constantly looking for support and help as they
bring up their children.
To help a child with special needs.

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