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Intercepts, Zeros and Asymptotes of

Rational Functions
Learning Competency

Determine the

(a) intercepts,
(b) zeros and
(c) asymptotes of rational functions
Example 1:
Find the x – and y – intercepts, zeros and the asymptotes of
the function: f(x) =
For x intercept,
Let f(x)= 0 or y= 0
Solution: f(x) =
Substitute 0 for y or f(x)
(x - 4) ( 0 = ) (x – 4)
Multiply both sides by the LCD: x – 4
- 8 = x or x = -8
Therefore, the x-intercept is (-8,0)
 Given: f(x) =
• For y intercept,
• Let x = 0
y =
Substitute 0 for x
y =
Therefore, The y intercept is -2 or ( 0, - 2 )
Zeroes of Rational Functions

 Definition: Zeroes are also known as x- intercepts, solutions or roots of functions. The
zeros of a function are the values of x which make the function zero. The real numbered
zeroes are also x-intercepts of the graph of the function.
 For the zeroes, Equate the numerator into zero (0)

Given: f(x) =
y =

x+8=0 Equating the numerator to zero (0)

x = -8
Therefore, -8 is the zero of the function.
Asymptotes of Rational Function

 Definition

The vertical line x = a is vertical asymptote of a function f if the graph of f either

increases or decreases without bound as the x- values approach a from the right or left.
Vertical Asymptote
 Definition

The vertical line x = a is a vertical asymptote of a function f if the graph of f either

increases or decreases without bound as the x – values approach a from the right or left.
Horizontal Asymptote
 Definition

The horizontal line y = b is a horizontal asymptote of the function f if f (x) gets closer to
b as x increases or decreases without bound ( x ± ).
For the vertical Asymptote,

Equate the denominator into zero (0)

Given: f(x) =
f(x) =
x–4=0 Equating the denominator to 0
Therefore, the Vertical Asymptote is x = 4
 For Horizontal Asymptote
 There are possible conditions in determining horizontal asymptote(s) of a rational functions.
 Let n be the degree of the numerator and m be the degree of the denominator:
a. If n < m, the horizontal asymptote is y = 0.
b. If in = m, the horizontal asymptote is y = , where a is the leading coefficient of the
numerator and b is the leading coefficient of the denominator.
c. If n > m, there is no horizontal asymptote.
Given: f(x) =
Solution: f(x) = n=m
y= leading coefficient is both 1
Therefore, the horizontal asymptote is y = 1
 Example 2. Find the x – and y – intercepts, zeroes and the asymptotes of the function:

f(x) =
 For x intercept,

Let f(x) = 0 or y=0

 Solution: f(x) =
(x² + 4x – 5 ) ( 0 = ) (x² + 4x – 5 ) Multiply both side by the LCD: x² + 4x – 5
0 = x² - 25
0 = (x + 5 ) ( x – 5 )
x+5=0 x–5=0
x = -5 x=5
Therefore, x-intercepts are -5 and 5
 Given: f(x) =
For y intercept,
Let x = 0
Therefore, the y-intercept is 5
 For the zeroes, Equate the numerator into zero (0)

Given: f(x) =
Solution: y=
x² - 25 = 0
(x + 5 ) ( x – 5 ) = 0
x+5=0 x–5 =0
x = -5 x=5
Therefore, the zeroes are -5 and 5
Note: Zeroes are also x- intercepts so x = -5, 5 or we may express it as (-5, 0),
 For the vertical Asymptote, Equate the denominator into zero (0)

Given: f(x) =
f(x) =

( x + 5) ( x - 1) = 0
x+5=0 x–1=0
x = -5 x=1
Therefore, the vertical asymptotes are x = -5 and x = 1
For Horizontal Asymptote,
Given: f(x) =
f(x) = n=m
y= leading coefficient is both in 1
Therefore, the horizontal asymptote is y = 1

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