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The Banker

MANAN (2020190199)
Synopsis of the
∙ The story was based on the true event
whereby Bernard Garreth team up with
Joe Morris both were black people
(negros) entered real estate property
business and attempted to break the
financial capital monopoly by white
people. They owned white’s banks and
offered loans to negros. The story took
part in Los Angeles and Texas in 1960’s.
Synopsis of the video excerpt
∙ The video excerpt explained the professionalism practiced among employer and employees in a bank business orientation.
∙ Starting with Mr. Garrett wanted to meet Mr. Reeds but Mr. Reeds intentionally refused to meet him as he knew that Mr.
Garrett wanted to talk about his association with the late Mr. Barker’s wife made him to own a bank.
∙ Mr. Garrett and Mr. Morris finally with helped of Mr. Steiner a young white people, managed to own several banks in Los
Angeles and widened out negros community in white residential area. Finally, they took out two banks in Texas, a place with
decent racist tension among the neighborhood.
∙ Despite of the existing law prohibits negros to own a bank and to intercept with white’s people business, Mr. Garrett and Mr.
Morris succeeded to own banks and offered loans to negros, which invited dissatisfying to whites. In Texas, Mr. Florance, an
aggrieved whites planted a plan to disclose Mr. Garrett and Mr. Morris operation and made them arrested.
Scene (Meeting At The Mr. Patrick Barker Office)
∙ Mr. Gerald demonstrates professionalism by wearing a suit to appear confident and impressive. That encounter is critical for
Mr. Gerald's career as a real estate investor
∙ Mr. Gerald speaks with a solid tone, confidence, and a wealth of information regarding the topics under discussion. Mr
Gerald additionally appears to be straightforward and direct in communication.
∙ Mr. Gerald had done his homework before seeing Mr. Barker by using the knowledge and capabilities. Mr. Barker finds the
plan presented to be quite outstanding. Mr. Gerald may respond instantly to any issue that arises throughout the session.
Critical Incident 1: A bad role model
Mr Reeds intentionally did not want
to meet Mr Garrett due to his
association with late Mr Barker’s
wife was not a professional ethic.
A bad role model
Mr. Reeds personally told his secretary that he refused to meet Mr. Garrett without appointment. This was not
an awkward situation. When the first time, Mr. Garrett spoke to Mr. Reeds’ secretary, she told him that Mr.
Reeds was not in the office, but both knew it was not true. Then, after second time, similar things happened
again. But this time, Mr. Reeds told her secretary that he won’t meet Mr. Garrett even though he knew that Mr.
Garrett already saw him at the office.
Mr. Reeds must show a good respect to his customer by providing a good customer service. The customer
service is so important because it is a mechanism to retain customer and to increase numbers of loyal customer
which benefit to the bank. The act of Mr. Reeds refused to meet Mr. Garrett due to personal reason and racism
gave a bad example to his secretary to the extent that his secretary must put in a show to cover the truth.
Mr. Reeds must show a good example to his subordinate. If he refused to meet someone, he must not do on
personal reason. Also, he must not let his secretary to speak lies. Mr. Reeds can politely come to meet Mr.
Garrett for a few minutes to ask for apologies that he cannot meet him. By doing that, a customer will feel
satisfied with the customer service and appreciate their value to the bank.
Critical Incident 2: One way communication

Mr. Steiner’s intention was to

propose a small talk with the bank’s
employees before the bank started
its operation was a good practice.
One way communication
On the first day, Mr. Steiner was at Marlin Bank as the bank owner, he greeted the employees and
intended to have a small talk with them before his bank started its operation. He greeted them well
and conveyed his speech to them. He showed his excitement to work with them. But he was never
intended to let his employees to say something in return, as brought this conversation to one way
communication and looked more likely as an order from a manager to his subordinate.
Small talk is a good practice to engage a conversation with among the subordinate, office mates and
customer. It’s an opening for a serious conversation which is may be performed later. But the content
of small talk must something light and normally involving a neutral topics. The conduct of Mr.
Steiner is likely an order speech rather than a small talk and not meet the purpose of small talk.
Mr. Steiner must be careful with the content of small talk. Just pick up a neutral topic which can
bring every people in the conversation to comfort situation and to remove awkward behavior. A
neutral topic may provide a space for others to interrupt and to make the small talk more cheer and
fun. As a result, it may establish two-way communication and get the employees closed together.
Critical Incident 3: Whistle blower
Mr. Florance had a bad intention
towards Mr. Garrett and Mr. Morris.
He set a plan to dismiss Mr. Garrett
and Mr. Morris and took the
advantage to be the bank owner.
Whistle blower
After Mr. Garrett and Mr. Morris knew that Mr. Steiner had made a forced sale to all “must sold loan” at
face value, which led to bank insolvency, they rushed to meet him at the bank. However, Mr. Florance
already set a trap to disclosed who was the truth bank owner. As the law favored to white people, Mr.
Garrett and Mr. Morris were arrested soon after they arrived at the bank.
Mr. Florance had a bad intention towards Mr. Garrett and Mr. Morris. Apart of the racism which was a
culture on that time, he also took the advantage to to be an absolute owner of the bank by dismissing
Mr. Garrett and Mr. Morris. Due to his whistle blowing, the bank turn to insolvency and finally he
managed to buy the bank at lower price.
Whistle blowing is a legal practice in employment contract. However, a company usually describe on
how this practice shall be used and conducted. Improper using it with bad intention such on personal
reason, may detriment the company. Mr. Florance must not act arbitrarily from the procedure stated by
the bank. He must use a proper channel to avoid the company business in difficult situation.
Positive Workplace Incident
Critical Incident 4: Professional Appearance

Mr. Bernard Garrett and Mr. Patrick Barker (0wner of the building) met for the first time. Mr. Garrett
demonstrates professionalism by wearing a suit to appear confident and impressive. That encounter is critical
for Mr. Garrett 's career as a real estate investor.
Mr. Garrett develops his own style statement and represents a stance with specific power by displaying a
positive attitude and taking business possibilities carefully.
Mr. Garrett 's attire says a lot about him, especially on the professional front. So, whether we go to work or to
a business meeting, we should dress professionally and impressively. Dressing smartly gives you an advantage
in the meeting. It also provides you the confidence and worth to do well at job.
Critical Incident 5: Communicate Effectively

Mr. Bernard Garrett and Mr. Patrick Barker disagreed on how to deal Mr. Barker's estate, but they both
communicated their disagreements respectfully and appropriately. Mr. Garrett speaks with a solid tone,
confidence, and a wealth of information regarding the topics under discussion. Mr Gerald additionally appears to
be straightforward and direct in communication.
Mr. Garrett may persuade and impress Mr. Barker by skilfully communicating his idea to make an investment in
the Mr. Barker building. Mr. Garrett 's behaviour may foster trust by communicating clear expectations and goals,
resulting in improved relationships and more involvement.
Looking at the presented setting, professionalism in the workplace is judged by how we engage with others, and
professional contact might impact how other people deal with us. To summarise, communication is the key and
one of the most important components in success.
Critical Incident 6: Knowledgeable And Quick
∙ Mr. Garrett had done his homework before seeing Mr. Barker by using the knowledge and capabilities. Mr.
Barker finds the plan presented to be quite outstanding. Mr. Garrett may respond instantly to any issue that
arises throughout the session.
∙ Effect:
∙ By completing homework before the meeting and thoroughly understanding the task at hand. Positively, Mr.
Barker eventually strikes a deal with Mr. Garrett and divides his part about 50/50 in order to create Barker &
∙ Recommendations:
∙ Before attending any meeting as a professional, we must comprehend the circumstance and arm ourselves
with information. When communicating, we must arrange and organise thoughts in a methodical and orderly
manner to improve understanding. We must also remain focused and respond to any questions as quickly
and easily as possible.
∙ From the video excerpt, we learn so much on the importance of professionalism in workplace. Apart of
professionalism to benefit the company, it is important to secure a good relationship among employees and
with the employer.
∙ Such effective communication behavior, a duty of fidelity to employer and a good role model are the key
point for a company growth and in return it also benefit to employees which they can work in comfort,
happy and less stress.
∙ Demonstrates professionalism by wearing a suit to appear confident and impressive.
∙ Speaks with a solid tone, confidence, and a wealth of information regarding the topics under discussion.
∙ Before attending any meeting as a professional, we must comprehend the circumstance and arm ourselves
with information

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