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Professional Coffee

❑ Pendahuluan Tentang Coffee
❑ Basic Roasting
❑ Sensory Class
❑ Cupping Manual
❑ Brewing
❑ Basic Espresso
❑ Latte Art
❑ Blending Business


Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5

Pendahuluan Tentang Kopi

+ Sensorik Pemanggangan Dasar Cupping Pembuatan Bir Espresso Dasar
Manual Dasar

Session 10 Session 9 Session 8 Session 7 Session 6

Business Basic Roasting Blending Latte Art k
Introduction About Coffee
Arabica Robusta
• Tumbuh di dataran ● Pertumbuhan di dataran
tinggi (800 – 2000 rendah (<700 mdpl)
mdpl) ● Kafein Tinggi (1,8 –
• Kurang Kafein (0,9 – 4%) Produktivitas
1,4%) Produktivitas <1 tinggi (1,2
ton/ Ha/ tahun ton/Ha/tahun)
• Berkontribusi lebih ● Kontribusi kedua untuk
dari 60% untuk produktivitas di dunia
produksi kopi di Tubuh lebih berat dan
seluruh dunia nada pahit, keasaman
• Aroma & rasa rendah
kompleks Memiliki ● Rasa : Nutty, Coklat,
keasaman yang cerah bersahaja
Coffee Processing (WET)
(Fully wash)
1. Sorting – pulping 2. Cleaning the mucilage 3. Fermentation

5. Hulling 4. Drying parchment (10 – 13%)

Coffee Processing (WET)
(Semi wash/ wet hulling / giling basah)
1. Sorting – Pulping 2. Cleaning the mucilage 3. Fermentation

4. Drying parchment
(40% mc)

6. Drying beans (10 – 13%) 5. Hulling

Coffee Processing (DRY)
(Pulp natural/ honey process)
1. Sorting – Pulping 2. Still the mucilage 3. Drying (10 – 13%)

4. Hulling
Coffee Processing (DRY)
Drying cherry Hulling

Wet Process (Fully Dry Process

& Semi Washed) (Honey & Natural)
• Semi washed (body +) Complex, fruity, sweet +
• Fully washed
(Citrus, body -)
Coffee Fermentation
■ Aerobic Fermentation
This happens when oxygen is available. The
technique for this fermentation is simple, letting
freshly picked coffee cherries in a tank or container
and letting the microorganisms work. Time and
temperature can be monitored to help coffee
farmers to control and analyze it.

■ Anaerobic Fermentation
In this case, coffee cherries are placed into a
container or tank (before or after pulping) that
contains water and is tightly closed so that no
oxygen enters the container. This allows a variety
of microorganisms to work
Green Arabica
Category 1 (Primary defect)
Full black (1)
Full Sour (1)
Dried cherry / Pod (1)
Fungus (1)
Foreign Matter (1)
Severe Insect Damage (5)

Equivalent with 1 Point

Category 2
(Secondary defect)
Partial black (3)
Partial Sour (3)
Parchment (3)
Floater (5)
Immature (5)
Withered (5)
Shell (5)
Broken / Chipped/ cut (5)
Hull/ Husk (5)
Slight insect damage (10)

Equivalent with 1 Point

Specialty : No category 1 Defects Allowed.
No more than 5 Full Defects
from category 2

Commercial : Category 1 and 2 defects are

Why We Roast Coffee Beans ?
✓ Creates chemical changes
✓ Production and breakdown of thousand of compounds
✓ Development of beautiful flavors when the beans are ground and hot steeped in
✓ Optimize the flavors of coffee’s soluble chemistry
✓ Easier to extract
Sources of Heat Transfer
Conduction or direct contact (layer and turbulence)

Hot Metal
Sources of Heat Transfer
Sources of Heat Transfer

(Tungsten burner)
Evolution Of Physical Changes During Roasting
✓ Color changes

Changes from a green color to a yellowish/ yellow / light brown /

brown / dark brown
✓ Moisture loss

Free water will evaporate inside the bean when temperature

reaches water boiling point
✓ Weight loss

Shrinkage from 15% to 25% depending on bean density and

roast level
Evolution Of Physical Changes During Roasting

✓ Expansion of the bean:

The bean will almost double in size, while at the same time loose non bound moisture.
✓ Chaff detachment:

Silver skin flakes off the bean (before the first crack)
✓ Release of bound oils

Onto bean exterior depending on roast level.

Grafik roasting
Dehidrasi adalah proses dimana kopi mengalami
pembakaran untuk menghilangkan kadar air yang ada di
Proses dimana kopi mengalami pembakaran kandungan
gula yang fungsinya untuk menghasilkan sweetness di
dalam kopi, ditandai dengan perubahan warna
Proses dimana ketika kopi sudah matang ( Di tandai
bunyi crakking) dan kita akan menentukan level
kematangan kopi sesuai yang di inginkan
Roast control charts with 1 and 2 temperature
Ti Profile

Light Medium Dark


Tongue and Taste Buds (Sensory)
Traditionally, humans were thought
to have just four main tastes: bitter,
salty, sweet, and sour. Recently,
umami, which is the Japanese word
for “savory,” was added to this list
of basic tastes. (Spicy is not a basic
taste because the sensation of spicy
foods does not come from taste
buds but rather from heat and pain
Sense Of Smell
Olfactory System
(The aroma comes out from ripping process of coffee)
Potato (.......)
Cucumber (.......)
Garden Peas (.......)
Tea rose (.......)
Lemon (.......)
Coffee blossom (.......)
Apricot (.......)
Honey (.......)
Apple (.......)
Dry Distillation
(The aroma comes out from drying process of
the coffee beans)
Blackcurrant – like
Clove (.......)
Pepper (.......)
Coriander seed (.......)
Cedar (.......)
Malt (.......)
Maple (.......)
Pipe tobacco (.......)
Roasted coffee (.......)
Sugar browning
(The aroma comes out from roasting process)
Vanilla (.......)
Butter (.......)
Toasted bread (.......)
Caramel (.......)
Dark Chocolate (.......)
Roasted Almond (.......)
Roasted Peanut (.......)
Hazelnut (.......)
Walnut (.......)
Aromatic Taints
(The tainted aroma comes out from defect process or
Earthy (.......)
Medicinal (.......)
Smoke (.......)
Leather (.......)
Rubber (.......)
Coffee pulp (.......)
Straw (.......)
Cooked beef (.......)
Basmati rice (.......)
n Exercise

Identify the cup in each group that is different. Mark an “X” on the circle that represents the
cup that is different in each group

✓ Fragrance (dry)
✓ Aroma (wet)
✓ Taste (Aftertaste/ Acidity/ Body)
Necessary Equipment
Roasting Preparation Environment Cupping Preparation
Sample roaster Well lit Balance (Scale)

Agtron or other color reading Clean, no interfering aromas Cupping glasses with lids
Grinder Cupping tables Cupping spoons
Quiet Hot water equipment
Comfortable temperature Forms and other paperwork

Cupping Glasses Cupping vessels shall be of tempered glass or ceramic material. They shall be
between 7 and 9 fluid ounces (207 ml to 266 ml), with a top diameter of between 3 and 3.5 inches (76 - 89
mm). All cups used shall be of identical volume, dimensions and material of manufacture, and have lids.
Sample Preparation (Roasting)
• The roast should be completed in no less than 8
minutes and no more than 12 minutes.
Scorching or tipping should not be apparent.
• When they reach room temperature (app. 75º F
or 20º C), completed samples should then be
stored in airtight containers or non- permeable
bags until cupping to minimize exposure to air
and prevent contamination. Samples should be
• stored in a cool dark place, but not refrigerated or
Sample Preparation (Determining Measurements)
The optimum ratio is 8.25 grams of coffee with 150ml of water (1/18)

8.25 grams of coffee

150ml of water
Roast Light – medium
(Agtron 65 – 55)
Sample Preparation (Pouring)
• Water used for cupping should be clean and odor free, but not distilled or softened. Ideal Total
Dissolve Solids are 125-175 ppm, but should not be less than 100 ppm or more than 250 ppm.
The water should be freshly drawn and brought to approximately 200º F (93ºC) at the time
• it is poured onto the ground coffee. Temperature needs to be adjusted to elevation The hot water
should be poured directly onto the measured grounds to the rim of
• the cup, making sure to wet all of the grounds. The grounds to steep undisturbed for a
period of 3-5 minutes before evaluation.
Detail on Cupping Form
Fragrance : Smell of the ground coffee when still dry
Aroma : Smell of the coffee when infused with hot water
Flavor : Complexity of its combined taste and aroma
Aftertaste : Length of positive flavor (taste and aroma) qualities
Acidity : Often described as “brightness”
Body : Tactile feeling of the liquid in the mouth
Balance : How all the various aspects of flavor, aftertaste, acidity and body of the sample work
together and complement or contrast to each other
Clean cup : Cleanliness of aroma and taste from outside of coffee
Uniformity : Consistency of flavor of the different cups of the sample tasted
Sweetness : a Pleasing fullness of flavor (Acceptable or not to drink)
Over all : Scoring aspect of “personal references” by individual cuppers
Final Scoring
The Final Score is calculated by first summing the individual scores given for each of the primary attributes in
the box marked "Total Score." Defects are then subtracted from the "Total Score" to arrive at a "Final Score."
The following Scoring Key has proven to be a meaningful way to describe the range of coffee quality for the
Final Score.

Total Score Quality Classification

• 90-100 - Outstanding - Specialty
• 85-99.99 - Excellent - Specialty
• 80-84.99 - Very Good - Specialty
• < 80.0 - Below Specialty Quality - Not Specialty
Manual Brew Extraction Type
Pour Over Immersion


Ekstraksi Dari Ketel Agitasi Ekstraksi muncul dari merendambubuk kopi di

atau air turbulensi dalam air
ke area permukaan ampas kopi
Tubuh Kurang Cerah Heavy Body
Keasaman Bersih & Halus Less Acidity
Long After Taste
Brewing Formula
Strength Extraction

Strength is measured by how much Extraction is measured by how much ground is lost or
dissolved coffee solids are in the post- removed from the dry ground that ends up in our
brew water. In other words, strength is beverage.
the concentration of coffee in your It is calculated by taking:
mug.It is calculated in TDS extraction = dissolved solids : grounds
Dissolved Solids) by taking:
strength = dissolved solids : water
Main Factor

Major Factor Secondary Factor

Coffee & Water Water

Grind Size Time Extraction Quality Of Water Agitation
Ratio Temperature
Water & Coffee Ratio
Water & Coffee Ratio

Water & Coffee Ratio means how much Water and Coffee
ground you used when make some Coffee.

Based on Brewing Chart they have “Red Line” for give

information about probability the best Water Ratio. SCA
recommendation Water Ratio start from 1:15 until 1:20.


Ratio : 1:15

1 for variable Coffee Grounds

15 for variable Water Weight
How to make recipe ?

Determine Water Ratio Example

Water Ratio : 1:16 ( Use Personal Reference)

Grind Size : Fine Grind Size ( Easily to diluted,

Easily to Over extracted and Bitter)
Make a right Grind Size
Temperature : Low Temperature
Turbulence : Less Turbulence
Time : Short Time Extraction

Temperature Turbulence Time For Balancing

Brewing Chart

TDS 8 – 11 % TDS 1.15 – 1.45 %

Extraction Percentage = Brew mass (yield) TDS %

Dry mass

Ideal 18 – 22%
V60 Dripper Recipe

Grind Size: Fine to Medium grind size

Tempt :90-93 c
Ratio : 1:17
Dose : 15 gr coffee
Water : 255 gr brew mass
Step 1 : 45gr ~ 30 s

2 : 210gr ~ 1.30s

3 : 255gr ~ 2.30s - 3
minutes Ending 255gr/ 3

Result : Bright Acidity

Low to medium body
Clean & smooth
How to make recipe ?

Determine Water Ratio Example

Water Ratio : 1:16 ( Use Personal Reference)

Grind Size : Fine Grind Size ( Easily to diluted,

Easily to Over extracted and Bitter)
Make a right Grind Size
Temperature : Low Temperature
Turbulence : Less Turbulence
Time : Short Time Extraction

Temperature Turbulence Time For Balancing

Brewing Chart

TDS 8 – 11 % TDS 1.15 – 1.45 %

Extraction Percentage = Brew mass (yield) TDS %

Dry mass

Ideal 18 – 22%
Aeropress Recipe

Grind Size: Fine to Medium grind size

Tempt :90-93 c
Ratio : 1:17
Dose : 15 gr coffee
Water : 255 gr brew mass
Step 1 : 45gr ~ 30 s

2 : 255gr ~ 1.30s ( wait for 1 Minutes)

Ending 255gr/ 1.30 minutes

Result : Intense Flavor

Medium to high
body Smooth
How to make recipe ?

Determine Water Ratio Example

Water Ratio : 1:16 ( Use Personal Reference)

Grind Size : Fine Grind Size ( Easily to diluted,

Easily to Over extracted and Bitter)
Make a right Grind Size
Temperature : Low Temperature
Turbulence : Less Turbulence
Time : Short Time Extraction

Temperature Turbulence Time For Balancing

Brewing Chart

TDS 8 – 11 % TDS 1.15 – 1.45 %

Extraction Percentage = Brew mass (yield) TDS %

Dry mass

Ideal 18 – 22%
Plunger / French press

Grind Size:Medium grind size

Tempt :90-93 c
Ratio : 1:17
Dose : 15 gr coffee
Water : 255 gr brew mass
Step Pour hot water until
255Gr wait until 4 minutes
and then stir 3 times
Then press

Result : High body

How to make recipe ?

Determine Water Ratio Example

Water Ratio : 1:16 ( Use Personal Reference)

Grind Size : Fine Grind Size ( Easily to diluted,

Easily to Over extracted and Bitter)
Make a right Grind Size
Temperature : Low Temperature
Turbulence : Less Turbulence
Time : Short Time Extraction

Temperature Turbulence Time For Balancing

Brewing Chart

TDS 8 – 11 % TDS 1.15 – 1.45 %

Extraction Percentage = Brew mass (yield) TDS %

Dry mass

Ideal 18 – 22%
+ latte
Introduction of Espresso
Espresso is a one (1) Oz (30ml +/- 5ml) of
extracted coffee, from 7 – 12 grams
(approx.) pressured at 8.5 – 9.5 bar, 90.5
– 96 C.
20 – 30s extraction time is
recommended, but not mandatory

Resulting thick crema

Dark goldnish / radish brown

Espresso Style
Italian Classic Style Espresso Third Wave Style

Italian Classic Style

Espresso is when you
make Espresso you
need Measuring Shot
Glass to make sure
water volume 30Ml +/-

Espresso Third Wave Style or for some people

call Australian Style which mean when we
pulling shot we need scale for measure how
much liquid or yield we have
Espresso Machine Grinder
Type Of Espresso Machine

Automatic Semi Automatic Manual
Espresso Grinder

Grinder is the most important equipment for pulling shot

espresso. We need consistency and also high speed for
grinding coffee beans. Espresso grinders have two types
based on the type of blade conical burr and flat burr.

Flat Burr
+ Even Grind Size Consistent
- Produce heat in burr resulting aroma coffee will be evaporate

Conical Burr
+ Much rich and complex for flavor
-Grind size is not even so will be hardly to calibrate or adjusting the
Shot glass Milk Jug Towel Tamper Thermometer

Grinder Grouphead brush

Timer Scale brush Knock box
Technical Skill
Flushes the group head Dry/clean filter basket
before dosing

Extraction time Immediate insert & brew Cleans portafilter

before insert
Espresso Extraction
Extraction Result Factor
- Watery - < Tamping
UNDER < 20 second - Thin crema - Under doses
- Sour - Grind size too coarse

- Dripping - > Tamping

OVER > 30 second - Dark crema - Over doses
- Very bitter - Grind size too fine
- Like Honey - Ideal Tamping
20-30 - Thick crema -
GOOD Ideal Doses
second - Balance taste - Ideal grind size
Time Extraction
Espresso Time Extraction

Basically talk about time extraction for espresso is

between 20 - 30 seconds it was a recommend but not
mandatory. We need to know the effect if we have long
brewing time or short brewing time

Longer Timer Extraction

If we brewing our espresso much longer the effect for
espresso will be more higher body and also increasing

Shortly Timer Extraction

If we brewing our espresso much faster the effect for
espresso will be more higher acidic and also the body will
be light
Espresso Recipe Building & Calibration
Step 1: Lock In Your Dosage & Identify The Brewing Ratio

Step 2: Experimenting Extraction Time With Grind Size

Espresso Building & Calibration
Lock in your dosage and brewing ratio, record the total
extraction time to achieve the resulting weight of espresso you
like. Then adjust the grind size to get the brewing time in your
recipe. Only grind size as the control variable.

If it takes too long (longer than the preset extraction

time) to complete the extraction, which mean the
grind is too fine and you need to turn it to coarser,
while if the extraction is too fast (shorter than the
preset extraction time), adjust the grind finer so you
Actual weight : Expectation weight = X can achieve the desired extraction time.
Time actual in grinder : x = Result
Milk Steaming
Milk Types

1. UHT (Ultra High Temperature)

Long shelf life, big quantity, consistency, easier to access Dry
aftertaste, some of nutrition already broke

2.HTST (High Temperature Short Time) / Common

Long shelf life, big quantity, consistency, easier to access
Sweet, clean

3. LTLT (Low Temperature Long Time)

Better taste, better nutrition
Short shelf life, limited access
Milk Nutrition
The building blocks of proteins are amino acids. Milk proteins can be arranged into two
main groups: the casein family and whey protein(18%). Whey protein contains
surfactant and β-lactoglobulin. Surfactant for resulting foam and β- lactoglobulin for
make foam elastic

Triglycerides (Triacylglycerols) make up 98.3% of cow milk fat.these molecules are
made up of three joined fatty acid tails. Saturated fat,unsaturated fat,
Polysaturated fat. This kind on fat will resulting creamy and texture moutfeel.

Lactose is a disaccharide, a double sugar,It is a carbohydrate formed of the
two monosaccharides, glucose and galactose. The fungtion is to make milk
more sweet cause glucose and galactose basicly is a sugar.
Steaming Technique

Stretching (Making foam)

(Make the foam smoother)
Ideal temperature 60 - 70
Stretching Rolling
Technical Skill
Empty / clean pitcher Purges the steam wand
at start before steaming

Acceptable milk waste Purges the steam wand Cleans steam wand after
at end (max 90ml) after steaming steaming
Foam Quality

Macro foam (Dry) Micro Foam (wet)

Three Important Points for
“Beautiful Latte Art”
Visual Quality of Foamed Milk
The foamed milk should be fine, creamy and glossy

Contrast between ingredients

The contrast should be sharp between the rich colors of the crema and
the completely white foamed milk

Size and Position of the Pattern within the Cup

The designs will be positioned and balanced aesthetically in the cup
Types of Latte Art Techniques
Free Pour Latte Art
It can be done by controlling the flow of the foam and milk that is poured into
the espresso
Combination of Pouring & Etching
It can be done by drawing a pattern on the surface of the crema with
additional materials (Stencil, Syrup, Coffee / Chocolate Powder, etc.) This
technique combines two techniques, free pouring and etching
Why do we blend coffee ?
✓ Consistency

✓ To make a certain desired taste profile, which can be unique and

customized to the brewing method and can not be found in a single
origin coffee

✓ Household trademarks
Question : How many origins should there be in one espresso blend ?
Answer : A typical shape of a bean hopper in an espresso grinder, the possibility of getting the exact
blended beans goes slimmer as the diameter of the hopper decreases

2 – 3 origins are “enough” to make a blend

Min 20%


The Blend
30 – 40%

Body - Base 50%

Designing A Coffee Blend

What type
the Select the
of customer
required coffee
is the blend
flavor component

TRIAL, can
be with Determine Determine
various the ratios of the roasting
brewing coffee profiles
methods component

Step 2 Select Single Origin Coffee as Base Blend

Single Origin : Amount :
Reason :

Step 3 Select Single Origin Coffee as to CremaEnhancer/Richness in Flavor

Single Origin #1 : Amount :
Reason :
Single Origin #2 : Amount :
Reason :

Step 4 Select Single Origin Coffee as Aroma Enhancer

Single Origin : Amount :
Reason :

Step 5 Elaborate "The ………………………………………. Blend" character

(put your blend name on the dots)
Comments :
What’s Really Matters To Open
a Coffee Shop?
1. Coffee is the world’s second most
valuable traded commodity, only behind
1. Iced Coffee is more expensive because it
uses more resources.
Facts! 1. Kaldi is the person who discovered coffee
for the first time after he noticed that his goat
become more spirited and did not sleep at
night after eating berries.
Begin since the 19th century, coffee that served

was the low-grade Robusta

Coffe Wav
Coffee was about enjoyment, consumerism, and
about to change the perception from
Wav consuming traditional instant coffee

Sourced Coffee directly from the farmers, involve in
improving the process (post harvest) and
Wav production (roasting process)
Indonesia Coffee Trend

With a franchise,

you have someone who

cares as much bout the
business name and image
as you do because they
own it.

- Jim Evanger
Coffee Consumption · 385,000 Tons in 2018
and has doubled in the
past 10 years, while the
production is stagnant.

· Coffee Consumption Per

Capita is 1.5KG /
Person / Year
What’s Your Coffee Shop Future Looks?
What’s Your Coffee Shop
Coffee Beans: Future Looks?
Roasting vs Not Roasting


Source coffee beans directly
Sourcing by supplier
from farmers.

Cost Effective Price depends on roaster

Flexible on custom roasting Custom roasting profile with

profile minimum quantity
What’s Your Coffee Shop
Service Concept Future Looks?


More staff: Waiter & Barista Staff Efficient
Waiter : explaining the products Barista explaining and making the
Barista : making the products products

Products ready to your WYSIWYG

Suitable for simple
Suitable for more product
sophisticated product
What’s Your Coffee Shop
Design Concept Future Looks?


Interior is the main actor Exterior of booth is the main

High investment Low investment

More effort to duplicate Easy to duplicate

How To Segment The Target Market?

The study of personality, values,
opinions, attitudes, interests, and

Because this are of research

focuses on
interest attitudes, and opinions
Brand Positioning
Case Study:
Coffee Shop in Jakarta FULL
Pison Coffee KLTR Coffee

· Your vision defines where you Goods Coffee Common Grounds Coffee

want to be.
· Your strength bring you to where . ROAST.
Anomali Coffee
Djournal Coffee
do you want to be. Starbucks

· Every brand has their own

uniqueness , which other brand . BAR SERVIC .

Brand Positioning
Case Study:
Es Kopi Susu 18.000
KULO Segede Gaban
· Your vision defines where you
Janji Jiwa Upnormal Coffee
want to be.

· Your strength bring you to where . NON . ROASTIN .

do you want to be. Animo Bakery

Kopi Kenangan
· Every brand has their own
uniqueness , which other brand
doesn’t. NON FRANCHISE .
N Tempat
terlihat jelas
atau tertutup
yang ada

Apakah ada
Akses kantor/ rumah
pejalan kaki sakit

Akses parkir
1 atau 2

Measuring Performance of A Coffee Shop / Café

● Feasibility Study
Jl. Senopati Raya No. 19, Jakarta Selatan,
DKI Jakarta 12190
Jl. Dewi Sri No. 23, Blok A, Legian, Kuta

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