Excel PPT 2024 MBA

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MS Excel

N Siva Prasad
• General facilities/features of Excel
• Functions/formula ( Mathematical, statistical, financial and logical)
• Sorting, filtering and formatting
• Date functions
• References( relative and absolute)
• Name manager
• Lookup functions
• Charts
• Match function
• Index Function
• What-if-analysis
– Goal seek
– Data table
– Scenario manager
• Data Validation
• Formula check/trace
• Pivot Table
• Mathematical • Statistcal
– sum – average
– power – count (all types)
– rand – min
– sqrt – max
– subtotal – large
– product – small
– sumproduct – rank
– round – stdev
Functions contd…
• Logical • conditional
– and – sumif
– or – sumifs
– if – countif
– not – Countifs
• nested • Financial
– if and logical – PMT
– other combinations – NPV
Terms used
• Workbook
• Sheets
• Ribbon,tab,groups
• Cell (reference Ex: A1)
• Column (width) and row(height)
• Auto fill
• .xlsx extension
• Formula bar and name box
• Sum, subtotal, product, sumproduct, if, count,
counta, countblank, countif, sumif, max, min,
large,small,average, rank, power,round,and,
or, not,PMT,NPV,IRR etc.
• Date functions, year, month, day and datedif
Today,now etc
• Nested Functions
Function starts with"=" sign.
Function has arguments in brackets /parenthesis: Ex:
list of functions will be prompted when a function is attempted
TRUE=1 and False= 0

function corresponding to the cell is displayed at formula bar

function is explained in brief ( format, arguments and result

Result will be displayed in the cell

F2 key will display function and arguments

errors wrt functions are also prompted

Exercise maths science
Make a table with five columns 86 75
First column will be "serial Number" 71 63
second column will be seat numbers 92 68
third column will be name 71 86
fourth will be marks in Maths 80 65
fifth will be marks in science 87 75
enter six entries( max marks 100)

sort wrt marks in maths

sort wrt marks in Science
bring to original table
find total marks of each student
find first and last marks in each subject
find first wrt overall total
find class average for each subject and for
Find second highest and second lowest
Rank them wrt total marks
• absolute ( fixed cell address to pick value)
• Relative ( addresses keep incrementing )
• Default is relative
• Use $ sign before row reference or column
reference or both depending on which one to
be frozen as absolute
• F4 key inserts $ sign automatically
Other functions

Countif SL No Name Marks Grade Nestedif Countif Rank Rank

sumif 1abc 53B Pass 2 5

nestedif 2ade 42C Fail 7

Rank 3def 65C Pass 5 4

Averageif 4jkl 76A First Division 3

5xyz 23E Fail 8

6pqr 88A+ Exceptional 1

7stu 82A First Division 2

8wxy 47C Fail 6

IF(I3>85,"Exceptional",IF(I3>75,"First Division",IF(I3>65,"Second Division",IF(I3>50,"Pass","Fail"))))




Date Function
• Date function: 05 May 2014
• =Today() indicates current date
• =now() indicates current time also
• Year(date1)-year(date2) will give years between the
• Month(date1)-Month(date2) will give months between
the dates
• day(date1)-day(date2) will give days between the dates
• Find out how many days you completed at IBS
• y gives completed years
• m gives completed months
• d gives completed days
• ym months ignoring years
• yd days ignoring years
• md days ignoring months
• DATEDIF(A2,A3,"y")&"years”,
This will give completed years between the dates
( A2 is the cell address of one date and A3 is the cell address
of earlier date)
Name Manger(Reference)
•A name that represents a cell, range of cells, formula, or constant value. You can create your own
defined name.

•All names have a scope, either to a specific worksheet (also called the local worksheet level) or to
the entire workbook (also called the global workbook level).

Syntax rules for names

•Valid characters : The first character of a name must be a letter, an underscore character (_), or a
backslash (\). Remaining characters in the name can be letters, numbers, periods, and underscore

•The letters "C", "c", "R", or "r" or reserved names of excel can NOT used to define a name,

•Cell references disallowed Names cannot be the same as a cell reference, such as Z$100 or R1C1.
•Spaces are not valid
•Name length A name can contain up to 255 characters.
•Case sensitivity Names can contain uppercase and lowercase letters.
buying selling profit qty total cost

234 256 =selling-buying 5 =buying*qty

434 450 =selling-buying 6 =buying*qty

458 450 =selling-buying 7 =buying*qty

769 850 =selling-buying 8 =buying*qty


Name Manger and if functions
buying selling profit qty total cost
234 256 =selling-buying 5 =buying*qty
434 450 =selling-buying 6 =buying*qty
458 450 =selling-buying 7 =buying*qty
769 850 =selling-buying 8 =buying*qty

Lookup functions
• “vlookup” will search and display the
content from a column wrt defined reference
item in the first column/left side column
• “hlookup” will search and display the content
from a row wrt defined reference item in the
first row/top row
• Data needs to be arranged in order.
Lookup- limitations
• Vlookup and Hlookup can search one column or row.
• The reference column or row should be first.
• The values in column or row should be in ascending
order for numbers and alphabetical order for text
• They can not look backwards and
• can not select less than lowest value(true)
• lookup can searh the array but the values should be
Match and Index
• It returns the column number or row number of the referred item. "0" for
exact match "1" for nearest lower value "-1" for nearest higher value one
column or row at a time.
• syntax: match(referred value,column range,"0" or,"1" or "-1")
• syntax: match(referred value,row range,"0" or,"1" or "-1")
• works on a array picks up value given row number and column number.
• Syntax: Index(array,row number,column number).
• Since it is an array we need to press "cntrl"+"shift"+"return" to execute)
mix of index and match will allow to pick values backwards.
Operator precedence

• : space , colon space comma

• - negation
• % Percentage
• ^ Exponential
• * / multiplication division
• + - addition subtraction &
• concatenation = < > <= >= <>
Find profit and total buying cost of each item.
Find number of items costing more than 400 each(buying)
count number of items giving profit
find total selling price of all items
find total buying cost of items giving loss
increase selling price by 5% and do all calculations.

Buying cost Selling price profit qty total cost Item

234 256 22 5 1170 Item A

434 450 16 6 2604 Item B

458 450 -8 7 3206 Item C

769 850 81 8 6152 Item D

PMT( Financial Function)
• Calculates the payment for a loan based on constant payments and a
constant interest rate.
• Syntax
• Rate   is the interest rate for the loan.
• Nper   is the total number of payments for the loan.
• Pv   is the present value, or the total amount that a series of future
payments is worth now; also known as the principal.
• Fv   is the future value, or a cash balance you want to attain after the last
payment is made. If fv is omitted, it is assumed to be 0 (zero), that is, the
future value of a loan is 0.
• Type   is the number 0 (zero) or 1 and indicates when payments are due.
Financial Functions
Equal Monthly installments
Present Value pv 1000000
Note: Enter rate corresponding to
rate(interest) rate 10%per year installment time
number of
installments nper 120months
Note: arguments in [] are optional and have a default
future or final
value after
tenure fv default "0"
Type of
payment type 0 or 1
default 0 payment after end of installment period
1 before start of installment period
By default the result is indicated as negative to indicate reducing balance after payment
will be pmt=PMT(rate,nper,pv,[fv],[type])
Rs. -13,215.07
NPV( Financial Function)
• Calculates the net present value of an investment by using
a discount rate and a series of future payments (negative
values) and income (positive values).
NPV(rate,value1,value2, ...)
• Rate   is the rate of discount over the length of one period.
• Value1, value2, ...   are 1 to 254 arguments representing
the payments and income.
• Value1, value2, ... must be equally spaced in time and
occur at the end of each period.
IRR Function
• IRR function
• Returns the internal rate of return for a series of cash flows represented by the numbers in values. These cash flows
do not have to be even, as they would be for an annuity. However, the cash flows must occur at regular intervals,
such as monthly or annually. The internal rate of return is the interest rate received for an investment consisting of
payments (negative values) and income (positive values) that occur at regular periods.
• Syntax
• IRR(values,guess)
• Values     is an array or a reference to cells that contain numbers for which you want to calculate the internal rate of
• Values must contain at least one positive value and one negative value to calculate the internal rate of return.
• IRR uses the order of values to interpret the order of cash flows. Be sure to enter your payment and income values in
the sequence you want.
• If an array or reference argument contains text, logical values, or empty cells, those values are ignored.
• Guess     is a number that you guess is close to the result of IRR.
• Microsoft Excel uses an iterative technique for calculating IRR. Starting with guess, IRR cycles through the calculation
until the result is accurate within 0.00001 percent. If IRR can't find a result that works after 20 tries, the #NUM! error
value is returned.
• In most cases you do not need to provide guess for the IRR calculation. If guess is omitted, it is assumed to be 0.1 (10
• If IRR gives the #NUM! error value, or if the result is not close to what you expected, try again with a different value
for guess.
• Goal seek:
– Applied on a formula
– One variable for one value at a time
– Result is indicated
• Data table:
– Applied on a formula
– Select different values for one variable
– Get result in tabular form( Vertical or Horizontal)
– Can be used for maximum two variables( displayed as a matrix
– Original value is not changed
• Scenario manager
– Can be used for more than two variables
– Results can be stored and displayed
– Results are presented in tabular form
– Used to present to third parties
Data tabdata tools What if analysisselect
scenario manager or goal seek or data table.
Financial Functions
Equal Monthly installments
Present Value pv 1000000
Note: Enter rate corresponding to
rate(interest) rate 10%per year installment time
number of
installments nper 120months
Note: arguments in [] are optional and have a default
future or final
value after
tenure fv default "0"
Type of
payment type 0 or 1
default 0 payment after end of installment period
1 before start of installment period
By default the result is indicated as negative to indicate reducing balance after payment
will be pmt=PMT(rate,nper,pv,[fv],[type])
Rs. -13,215.07
data tab-->data tools-->what if analysis-->goal seek
pv 100000rate 10%nper 120
PMT -1,321.51 -1322
Goal seek is applied on a formula or function
The required result is obtained by changing one variable
ONLY ONE variable can be changed for one value at a time
Here EMI or PMT is changed to -12000 PM by changing rate

Select cell or set cell B4(formula)

to value -1200
by change cell D3 rate
rate 8% will be diplayed in D3 and -1200 in B4
Select "Cancel" to retain old values
Select "OK" to change to new values
What-if-analysis( column input data table) variable
data tab-->data tools-->what if anallysis-->data_table
pv 100000rate 10%nper 120
PMT -1,321.51 -1322
Row input cell
column input
cells D3 -1,321.51
( changed rate from 8% to 14%)
In a column 8% -1213.28

Select formula in D6 10% -1321.51

Enter different rate values in a
column to the left of D6 and a row
below(C7 to C10) 12% -1434.71

14% -1552.66
Single variable multi
What-if-analysis ( row-input Data Table) values

data tab-->data tools-->what if analysis-->data_table

pv 100000rate 10%nper 120

PMT -1,321 -1322

Select table from D6 to H7 and use data_table
Function is
Row input selected in
cell D3 D7(from B4) 8% 10% 12% 14%
input cells Blank -1,321.51 -1213.28 -1321.51 -1434.71 -1552.66
( changed from 8% to 14% in a row
from one row above and one column
right to D7 ( E6 to H6)

The calculated EMIs will be displayed in the row from E7 to H7

Two variables and multi
What-if-analysis(rows and columns) values
data tab-->data tools-->what if anallysis--

pv 100000rate 10%nper 120

PMT 1,321.51 -1322

Select table from D7 to H10 and use data_table

Row input
cell D3

input cells F3 -1,321.51 8% 10% 12% 14%

( changed rate from 8% to 14% in

same row of 8 from D8 toE8 108 -1301.87 -1407.87 -1518.42 -1633.37

Changed Nper from 108 to 132 in

column from D8 toD10 120 -1213.28 -1321.51 -1434.71 -1552.66

Table is completed with

corresponding EMI values 132 -1141.54 -1251.99 -1367.79 -1488.67
What-if-analysis ( scenario manager)
data tab-->data tools-->what if anallysis-->Scenario Manger
pv 100000rate 10%nper 120
PMT -1,321.51 -1322
Multiple variables
Multiple values

Presented as a report for each selections

Stored automatically with a name

Can be seen any time as a summary

Scenario Manager
• Select data tab
• Select what if analysis(data tools)
• Select scenario manager
• Click add, type a scenario name( principle_1)
• Enter reference cell
• Enter value
• Enter add
• Repeat steps with different values of principle amounts
• Repeat same for interest rates and number of installments.
• Go to summary.
• Summary will be saved as shown
Scenario Summary                  


    Values: BBA_PMT_P_1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3

Changing Cells:                    

  $B$3 100000 100000 110000 120000 100000 100000 100000 100000 100000 100000

  $D$3 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 12% 14% 10% 10% 10%

  $F$3 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 132 108

Result Cells:                    

  $B$4 -1,321.51 -1,321.51 -1,453.66 -1,585.81 -1,321.51 -1,434.71 -1,552.66 -1,321.51 -1,251.99 -1,407.87

Notes: Current Values column represents values of changing cells at

time Scenario Summary Report was created. Changing cells for each

scenario are highlighted in gray.

Scenario Summary                    

    Values: P_1 P_2 P_3 R_1 R_2 R_3 N_1 N_2 N_3

Changing Cells:                    

  nt 100000 100000 110000 120000 100000 100000 100000 100000 100000 100000

  Int_Rate 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 12% 14% 10% 10% 10%

  mts 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 132 108

Result Cells:                    

  EMI_ -1,321.51 -1,321.51 -1,453.66 -1,585.81 -1,321.51 -1,434.71 -1,552.66 -1,321.51 -1,251.99 -1,407.87

Notes: Current Values column represents values of changing

cells at

time Scenario Summary Report was created. Changing cells

for each

scenario are highlighted in gray.

Finacial Functions

Equal Monthly installments

Present Value pv 1000000

Principle amount

rate(interest) rate 10%per year

number of installmentsnper 120months

PMT Rs. -13,215.07

Formula tab-->Formula auditing--> trace precedents

Finacial Functions

Equal Monthly installments

Present Value pv 1000000

Principle amount

rate(interest) rate 10%per year

number of installmentsnper 120months

PMT Rs. -13,215.07

Formula tab-->Formula auditing--> trace dependents

Sl No Name Seat Number Marks in Maths Marks in science

1abc 165 78 65

2def 172 89 79

3ghi 180 65 72

4jkl 191 42 56

5mno 198 98 88




60 Science


abc def ghi jkl mno



60 Marks in Maths
Marks in science



0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5

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