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Functional conflict contributes to the achievement of the goals of the group or the organization.

Functional conflict should be nurtured, if not encouraged. Dysfunctional conflict impedes the organization from accomplishing its goals. Dysfunctional conflict should be reduced or removed. PHILOSOPHYTraditional Philosophy: All conflicts are negative and potentially destructive for the organization. Conflict should be eliminated. Behavioral Philosophy: Conflict is inevitable in organizations and should be accepted as a part of organizational life. Interactionist Philosophy: Conflict is essential to the survival of the organization. Conflict should not only be accepted but encouraged in organizations. Effective conflict management includes both stimulation and reduction of conflict. Conflict management is a major responsibility of the manager. MYTHS :CAUSE :Harmony is normal and conflict is abnormal. Personal Differences Conflict is the result of personality differences. Conflict and disagreements are the same. Informational Deficiency

Role Incompatibility Environmental Stress TYPES:- Inter-personal and intra-personal Inter-group and intra-group Competitive and Disruptive Scarcity Uncertainty

PROCESS:Antecedent conditions :-- > Perceived conflict:--> Felt Conflict :--> Manifest behavior:--> Conflict Resolution Or Suppression -- > Resolution aftermath

PONDYS STAGE:Latent conflict: There is no actual conflict; however, the potential for conflict to arise is present because of the sources of conflict previously identified. Perceived conflict: Each party searches for the origins of the conflict, defines why the conflict is emerging, analyzes the events that led to its occurrence, and constructs a scenario that accounts for the problems it is experiencing with other parties. Felt conflict: The parties in conflict develop negative feelings about each other. Manifest conflict: One party decides how to react to or deal with the party that it sees as the source of the conflict, and both parties try to hurt each other and thwart each others goals. Conflict aftermath: Every conflict episode leaves a conflict aftermath that affects the way both parties perceive and respond to a future conflict episode.

DEALING wid CONFLICTS Interpersonal dynamics are the give and take behavior between people during human relations Interpersonal dynamics grow increasingly complex as more people interact

Transactional Analysis Assertiveness Conflict Management

Complementary T. Crossed Transactions Ulterior Transactions

Stage 1: Forming
Assessing resources & setting direction


Stage 2: Storming
Positioning, influence, conflict, complementarity

Stage 3: Norming
Identity, cohesion, monitor norms

Stage 4: Performing
Maintain high performance

What is our understanding of the goals and objectives which this team was organized to achieve? How can we ensure we are all going in the same direction? 2. What special skills, information, backgrounds, and expertise do each of us bring to this team? 3. What structure, format, or style do we prefer for our meetings? 4. What roles do each of us prefer on a team? What are our strong and weak roles? Which do we over/underuse? 5. What are our preferred styles of working and relating? How can these differences be used to complement each other, and be sequenced for more effective problem solving? 6. What stresses each of us? How might our styles change under pressure? What can we look for as signs of stress? How can we give useful and acceptable feedback and support at these times? 7. About what are we most likely to disagree? What are our preferred modes of conflict and conflict resolution? How can we disagree constructively? 8. What can we do to enhance the identity and cohesiveness of this team? How can we create our own team culture? 9. What norms do we bring from other team experiences? What norms would we like to explicitly include or avoid? 10. How can we ensure a team culture in which we can freely question and update restrictive norms? 11. How can we best monitor and discuss our team processes so we can continue to develop and improve?

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