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Industrial Ventilation

Tan Kia Tang

Veronica Chow
Veronica Ong
Dilution Ventilation

Veronica Ong
1. Definition
2. Applications & limitations
3. Principles & formulas of dilution ventilation
a. build up stage
b. steady state
c. purging stage
4. Dilution for toxic gases & vapours
4. Dilution for flammable gases & vapours
5. Dilution for sensible and latent heat
6. Air movers (blower / fans and eductors)
Principles of Airborne Contaminants Control

1. At the source (e.g. local exhaust

2. Along the path (e.g. dilution ventilation)
3. At the receiver

local exhaust dilution ventilation

Hierarchy of Control
• Eliminate source
Eliminate of exposure.
• Modify process

Substitute • Substitute with less

toxic chemicals

• Isolators
Engineering • Segregation
Controls • Automate
• Dilution ventilation

Admin • Reduce exposure time.

• Use standard work.

PP • Last resort.
• For non-routine tasks & emergency
Least situations
What is Dilution Ventilation?

Dilution Ventilation means introducing uncontaminated air

and mixing with contaminated air in such quantities that the
resultant mixture in the breathing zone will not exceed the
permissible exposure limit (PEL) specified for any contaminant.
Dilution Ventilation - Principles

1. Determine the quantity of supply or dilution air Q

2. Locate supply or dilution air near workers
3. Locate exhaust near contaminant
4. Avoid re-entry of exhaust air
Dilution Ventilation - Applications

1. Toxic airborne contaminants - reduce the concentration to

below the permissible exposure limit (PEL)
2. Flammable gases & vapours - reduce the concentration to
below the lower explosive limit (LEL)
3. Heat - reduce sensible heat and latent heat
4. Maintain O2 level >19.5%

Manhole Workplace Tank

Dilution Ventilation – Advantages & Disadvantages

1. Simplicity 1. Large volume of dilution air - Q

depends on quantity of
2. Low capital cost contaminants released or
3. Less maintenance
2. High operation cost - electricity
4. For wide-spread cost depends on motor HP or kW
contaminants release HP or kW ∞ Q & FTP

3. Contaminants are diluted but not

totally removed
Dilution Ventilation - Limitations

1. Quantity of contaminants must not be too large

2. Toxicity of contaminant must not be high
3. Emission must be reasonably uniform
4. Emission do not occur close to people
5. Not for dust or fumes
Dilution Ventilation VS Local Exhaust Ventilation

Dilution Ventilation
Principles & Formula
Dilution Ventilation - principle

Principle of Material Balance


INFLOW Source of contaminant X OUTFLOW

Rate of Rate of
= Rate of inflow of _ Rate of outflow
accumulation of
contaminant X of contaminant X + generation of
contaminant X contaminant X

Assume clean air, inflow

of contaminant = 0
Dilution Ventilation – Scenarios
Rate of accumulation = Rate of generation – Rate of removal

Contaminants build up stage:

Rate of generation > Rate of removal
Rate of accumulation > 0
Concentration of contaminant increases overtime

Steady state:
Rate of generation = Rate of removal
Rate of accumulation = 0
Concentration of contaminant constant (does not mean = 0)

Purging of contaminants stage:

Rate of generation = 0
Rate of accumulation = Rate of removal
Concentration of contaminant decreases overtime
Build Up Stage, Steady State, Purging

Steady state

Build up stage

Purging stage
Dilution Ventilation - Principles

Accumulation = Generation - Removal

∆M = (G x ∆t) – (Q x C x ∆t)
V x ∆C = G x ∆t – Q x C x ∆t
V x (∆C / ∆t) = G – Q x C
V x (dC / dt) = G – Q x C

M = mass of contaminant
G = rate of contaminant generation
Q = dilution air flow
V = volume of space
C = concentration of contaminant
Dilution Ventilation - Formula Derivation
Accumulation rate = Generation rate - Removal rate
V x (dC / dt) = G – Q x C

dC = (G/V) x dt – (Q x C/ V) x dt

dC = {(G – Q x C)/V} x dt

{V/(G – Q x C)} x dC = dt

V x ∫ 1/(G – Q x C) = ∫ dt integrate from C1 to C2 and t1 to t2

-(V/Q) [ln (G - QxC)]

= t2 – t1
ln(G – Q x C2) - ln(G – Q x C1) = - (Q/V) x (t2 – t1)

ln {(G – Q x C2) / (G – Q x C1)} = - (Q/V) x (t2 – t1)

log {(G – Q x C2) / (G – Q x C1)} = - {Q/(2.303 V)} x (t2 – t1)

G - QC -Q
log ------------2 = ------------- (t2-t1) k is the mixing factor
G - QC1 2.303 k V
Dilution Ventilation – General Equation

G - QC2 -Q
log ------------ = ------------- (t2-t1)
G - QC1 2.303 k V
G rate of generation, cfm or cms
Q rate of ventilation, cfm or cms
V volume of room, ft3 or m3
C concentration in ppm (parts per 106)
k mixing factor to account for imperfect mixing

k depends on the dilution air distribution and toxicity of the contaminants.

k ranges from 1 to >10 (1 is ideal, fully well mixed)
The higher the k factor, the less perfect the mixing, the larger the dilution air Q
Dilution Ventilation - Mixing Factor k
Mixing Factor k -
Toxicity & Dilution Air Distribution

Toxicity Dilution Air Distribution

Poor Average Good Excellent
Slight 7 4 3 2

Moderate 8 5 4 3

High 11 8 7 6
Mixing Factor k – Dilution Air Distribution
Mixing Factor k – Dilution Air Distribution
Mixing Factor k – Dilution Air Distribution
Mixing Factor k – Dilution Air Distribution
Mixing Factor k – Toxicity

Toxicity vs PEL


Highly toxic <= 100 ppm (0.1 mg/m3)

Moderately > 100 ppm , <= 500 ppm


Slightly toxic > 500 ppm (0.5 mg/m3)

PEL is not an indicator of toxicity

Mixing Factor k – Toxicity High : class 1
Moderate: class 2
GHS Classification Criteria for Acute Toxicity Low: class 3 - 5

LD50/LC50 Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5

Oral 5 50 300 2,000 5,000


Dermal 50 200 1,000 2,000 5,000*


Gases 100 500 2,500 5,000 12,500*


Vapors 0.5 2.0 10 20 50*


Dust & Mists 0.05 0.5 1.0 5 12.5*


*Anticipated to exhibit a toxic potential similar to 5,000 mg/kg oral

Lethal concentration LC50 or dose LD50 is an indicator of acute toxicity

Dilution Ventilation – Build Up Stage
Build up Stage - Time Taken to Build Up Concentration

G - QC2 -Q
log ------------ = -------------- (t2 - t1)
G - QC1 2.303 kV

V G - QC
t2 – t1 = - 2.303 k ------ log ------------2
Q G - QC1

If at t1 = 0 and C1 = 0

V G – QC2
t2 – t1 = - 2.303 k ----- log --------------
Example : Build Up Stage - Time Taken to Build Up Concentration

V G - QC
t2 – t1 = - 2.303 k ------ log ------------2
Q G - QC1
G = 2 cfm of CO
Q = 1,440 cfm
V = 30’x60’x20’ = 36,000 ft3
C1 = 0 ppm at t1 = 0
Find t2 when C2 = 500 ppm

36,000 2 - 1,440 x 500 x 10-6

t2 = - 2.303 ---------- log ---------------------------
1,440 2 – 0 x 10-6
= 11 min
Example : Build Up Stage - Time Taken to Build Up Concentration
Given the following conditions.
V = 200,000 ft3 (5664 m3), G = 0.25 scfm (118 x 10-6 scms),
Q = 4,000 scfm (1.888 scms), k = 2
What is the estimated time required for the build up of acetone concentration to 750 ppm in a
laboratory space? Assume STP

V G – QC2
t = - 2.303 k ----- log --------------
Q G – QC1
US units:
200,000 0.25 - 4,000 x 750 x 10-6
t = - 2.303 x 2 ------------- log -----------------------------------
4,000 0.25 - 4,000 x 0 x 10-6

= - 203 log (–11) = undefined or infinite

Metric units:

5,664 118 x 10-6 – 1.888 x 750 x 10-6

t = - 2.303 x 2 ----------- log ---------------------------------------------
1.888 118 x 10-6 – 1.888 x 0 x 10-6

= undefined or infinite

i.e. the conc. will never reach 750 ppm under the conditions specified
Built Up Stage - Concentration at Time t

V G - QC
t2 – t1 = - 2.303 k ------ log ------------2
Q G - QC1

Assuming at t1 = 0, C1 = 0
V G - QC2
t2 = - k ------ ln ------------
G – QC2
ln ------------ = - Q t2 / k V

(G – QC2) / G = e (- Q t2 / kV)
G- QC2 = G e (-Q t2 / kV)
QC2 = G - G e (-Q t2 / kV)

Note: G and Q must be of same unit.

G Both right and left side of the equation
C2 x 10-6 = ---- (1 - e (-Q t / kV) should be dimensionless.
Parts-per notations are all dimensionless
Q quantities mathematically

C2 is in ppm
Example : Build Up Stage – Concentration at Time t

C2 x 10-6 = ---- (1 - e (-Q t / kV)

40 persons in a room V = 30 ft x 30 ft x 10 ft = 9,000 ft3

G = 0.011 cfm CO2/ person x 40 persons = 0.44 cfm
Q = 11 cfm / person x 40 persons = 440 cfm
Determine the concentration after 60 min (Assume C1 = 0 ppm at t1 = 0)

C2 x 10-6 = G (1 - e (-Q t / kV)) / Q

C2 = G (1 - e (-Q t / kV)) x 1,000,000 / Q
= 0.44 cfm ( 1 - e (-440 cfm x 60 min / 1 x 9000 ft3) x 1,000,000 / 440 cfm
= 0.44 (1 - e (-2.933) ) x1,000,000 /440
= 0.44 (1- 0.05323) x 1,000,000 / 440
= 9.47 x 10-4 x 1,000,000
= 947 ppm
Overcome by Toluene Vapors in a Culvert
2 workers and 1 rescuer died while carrying out spray
painting in a confined culvert

The build up concentration C can be determined if the volume of the space V

and the rate of contaminant generation G and dilution ventilation Q are known.
IDLH of Toluene : 500ppm (NIOSH)
Qn. What should be done to prevent the situation?
Dilution Ventilation – Steady State
Steady State – Dilution Q
Accumulation rate = Generation rate - Removal rate = 0
V dC/dt = G – Q x C = 0 Steady state
C concentration
Accumulation rate (V dC/dt) = 0 (constant)

Generation rate = Removal rate


Q = k x G / (C x 10-6)
Q is the dilution air in cfm or cms
G is the contaminant generation in cfm or cms
C is steady state concentration in ppm
k is the mixing factor to account for imperfect mixing
Note: Q is independent of the room dimensions V
Example : Steady State (Gaseous Release)

G = 2 cfm of CO from an internal combustion engine
C = 200 ppm
Find Q

Q = k x G / (C x 10-6)
1 x 2 cfm
Q = ----------------
(200 x 10-6)

= 10,000 cfm
Example : Steady State (Aerosol Release)

G = 1 gm (1,000 mg) per minute of fumes is generated
from arc welding
C = 10 mg/m3
Find Q

1 x 1,000 (mg/min)
Q = ---------------------------
10 (mg/m3)

= 100 m3/min
Steady State - Dilution Q
Vapour Generation from Liquid Evaporation
In practice, G (gaseous or vapour generation per unit time)
can be determined from the volatile liquid used (evaporation E
in gm or litres per unit time)
Q = k x G / (C x 10-6)

Q (lpm) = k x G (lpm) / (C x10-6)

= k x 24.1 litre/mole x E moles/min / C (ppm x10-6) at 21°C,1atm
= k x 24.1 litre x (E gm/min / MW) / C (ppm x10-6)

24.1 x E (gm per min) x k

Q (lpm) = ---------------------------------------- at 21°C, 1 atm, d=1
MW x C (ppm) x 10-6 x d
Steady State - Dilution Q
Vapours from Liquid Evaporation Metric Unit

24.1 x E (gm per min) x k

Q (lpm) = ----------------------------------------
MW x C (ppm) x 10-6 x d

24.1 x SG x E (litre per hr) x k

Q (m3/h) = --------------------------------------------
MW x C (ppm) x 10-6 x d

SG is the specific gravity of the liquid

MW is the molecular weight of the liquid
Vapours from Liquid Evaporation US Unit

403 x SG x E (pint per min) x k

Q (cfm) = --------------------------------------------
MW x C (ppm) x 10-6 x d

387 x E (lb per min) x k

Q (cfm) = -----------------------------------------
MW x C (ppm) x 10-6 x d

1 pint = 473.2 cc
Example: Steady State – Dilution Q

18916 lpm
Example : Steady State – Dilution Q

E = 0.71 litre of methyl chloroform evaporates per hour from a tank.

What is the dilution ventilation rate Q required to maintain the vapour
concentration at 350 ppm?
MW = 133.4, SG = 1.32, k = 1

24.1 x SG x E (litre per hr) x k

Q (m3/h) = --------------------------------------------
MW x C (ppm) x 10-6 x d

24.1 x 1.32 x 0.71 l/hr

Q (cmh) = ---------------------------------
133.4 x 350 ppm x 10-6

= 48 cmh or 0.13 cms

Dilution Rate Q (Steady State) for Common Vapors
SDS always provides Q in terms of m3 of air / liter of solvent evaporated

Vapour (PEL) m3 of air / liter evaporated

for dilution to PEL @ STP
acetone (500) 655
butyl acetate (150) 1,215
ethyl acetate (400) 620
ethyl alcohol (1,000) 410
ethyl ether (400) 575
isopropyl alcohol (400) 785
methyl alcohol (200) 2,965
MEK (200) 1,340
MIBK (50) 3,840
toluene (50) 4,510
trichloroethylene (50) 9,400
Xylene (100) 1,990

24.1 x SG x E (litre per hr) x k

Q (m /h) = --------------------------------------------

MW x C (ppm) x 10-6 x d

Isopropyl alcohol (IPA) :

Q = 785 m3 of air / liter evaporated for
dilution to 400 ppm.

If 200 cc of IPA is used per hour, what is the

dilution air required to dilute IPA
concentration to 400 ppm?

785 m3 of air
Q = ------------------ x 200 cc / hr
1,000 cc

= 157 m3 of air / hr

= 2.61 m3 of air / min or 92 cfm

Dilution Ventilation
for Mixtures of Gases / Vapours
Dilution Rates for Mixtures

Components exhibit independent effects

(e.g. mixture of carbon monoxide and toluene)

Dilution is required if any of:

------- > 1

• Calculate each component dilution rate Qi

• The necessary dilution ventilation rate is
the largest of the Qi
Dilution Rates for Mixtures

Components exhibit additive effects

(e.g. mixture of xylene and toluene)
Dilution is required if:
Ci C2 Cn
------ + ------ + …..+ ------ > 1
• Calculate each component dilution rate Qi
• The necessary dilution ventilation rate is
the sum of each component dilution rate
Q = Q1 + Q2 +…..+ Qn
= ∑ Qi
Dilution Ventilation for Mixtures

Independent Effect Additive Effect

use largest Qi use ∑ Qi

Dilution Ventilation - Purging Stage
Purging of Contaminants

Accumulation rate = Generation rate - Removal rate

Generation rate (G) = 0
Accumulation rate = Removal rate

G - QC2 -Q
log ------------- = ------------ (t2-t1)
G - QC1 2.303 kV

C2 -Q
log ----- = -------------- (t2-t1) C1
C1 2.303 kV

Purging stage
2.303 kV C1
t2-t1 = ------------- log ----- C2
Q C2
t1 t2
Example : Purging Time

V = 10’ x 12’ x 18’ = 2160 ft3

Q = 500 cfm
C1 = 18,000 ppm
C2 = 100 ppm
Determine the purging time

2.303 k V C1
t2-t1 = -------------- log -----
Q C2

2.303 x1 x 2160 ft3 18,000 x 10-6

= --------------------------- log ---------------------
500 cfm 100 x 10-6
= 22 min
Example ; Purging Time
A sewage pump room is contaminated with hydrogen sulfide. How long will it
take to purge the room from 500 ppm to 0.25 ppm? Assume STP.
Given the following conditions.
k = 1.5
V = 9,000 ft3 (254.9 m3)
G = 0 scfm (0 scms)
Q = 1,000 scfm (0.472 scms)

V C2
t2 – t1 = - 2.303 k ----- log ------
Q C1
US unit
9,000 ft3 0.25 x 10-6
t = - 2.303 x 1.5 --------------- log -----------------
1,000 cfm 500 x 10-6
= 102 min

Metric unit
254.9 m3 0.25 x 10-6
t = - 2.303 x 1.5 ----------------- log ----------------
0.472 cms 500 x 10-6
= 6,156 s or 102 min
Purging: Concentration at Time t

2.303 k V C1
t2-t1 = --------------- log -----
Q C2

What is Q/V ?
C2/C1 k

Q/V is the no. of air changes per unit time

The higher air change, the faster the purging rate

Q/V = 1

Q/V = 3

t2- t1
Example : Purging – Concentration at Time t

A 10,000 ft3 (283 m3) garage is contaminated with 500 ppm of

carbon monoxide. If 200 scfm (0.094 scms) of dilution air is
provided for 30 minutes (1,800 s), what will the CO concentration
be? Assume STP,
G = 0, k = 2

C2 = C1 e -Q (t2 – t1) / (kV)

US unit
C2 x10-6 = 500 ppm x10-6 x e-200 cfm x 30 min / (2 x 10,000 ft3)
C2 = 370 ppm

Metric unit
C2 x10-6 = 500 ppm x10-6 x e-0.094 cms x 1800 s / (2 x 283 m3)
C2 = 370 ppm
Dilution Ventilation
for Flammable Gases / Vapors
Dilution Ventilation for Flammable Gases
24.1 x SG x 100 x E x S
Q = ---------------------------------- Steady State at 21°C, 1 atmsate
MW x LEL x B x d

Q Dilution rate, cmh

SG Specific gravity
E Emission rate, litre / hr
MW Molecular weight
LEL Lower explosive limit, %vol
S safety factor
4 for properly ventilated continuous (conveyor) ovens
(reduce the LEL to 25% LEL)
10 for batch (manned) ovens (reduce LEL to 10% LEL)
B 1 for < 250 °F (121 °C)
0.7 for > 250 °F to account for the decrease
in LEL at higher temperature (for temp below AIT)
d density correction factor
Ease of ignition Explosive Limits


Too Too rich

Explosive Range

% concentration
Flammability limits of common gases & vapours

Gas or vapour LEL UEL

acetone 2.6 12.8
acetylene 2.5 100.0
butane 1.9 8.5
ethane 3.0 12.5
gasoline 1.4 7.4
hydrogen 4.0 75.0
methane 5.0 15.0
methyl alcohol 6.7 36.0
propane 2.2 9.5
toluene 1.2 7.1
turpentine 0.8 100.0
A batch of enamel-dipped articles is baked in a recirculating oven at 127 C
for one hour. The enamel contains 0.75 litre of xylene. What oven ventilation
rate, in cmh, is required to dilute the xylene vapour concentration within the
oven to a safe limit at all times?
Note: the dilution ventilation equation is at STP (21 C), the airflow rate must
be corrected from 21C to the operating condition (oven temperature = 127
For xylene, SG = 0.88, MW = 106, LEL = 1.0%
24.1 x SG x 100 x E x S
Q = ---------------------------------
MW x LEL x B x d

d = (273 + 21) / (273 + 127) = 0.735

24.1 x 0.88 x 100 x (0.75 L per hr) x 10
Q = -----------------------------------------------------
106 x 1.0 x 0.7 x 0.735

= 290 cmh @ operating conditions

Fire Dilution Ventilation for Mixtures
• Consider the entire mixture as consisting of
the component requiring the highest amount
of dilution per unit liquid volume
• Calculate the required dilution air on that
• This component would be the one with the
highest value for SG/(MW x LEL)
Explosion on Board a Barge
 Hot-work was carried out on compartment containing paint
Explosion Pentagon
 4 compartments were ruptured
 Barge split into 2
 2 workers died

Purging equation can be used to determine the dilution air Q required

to dilute the flammable vapour concentration from C2 to C1
Dilution Ventilation
for Sensible and Latent Heat
Comfort Ventilation - Sensible Heat
Any heat that changes the air temperature but not the
moisture content of the air.

𝐻 𝑠 =𝑚 𝑎𝑖𝑟 . 𝐶 𝑝 . ∆ 𝑇
𝐻 𝑠 =𝑄𝑎𝑖𝑟 . ρ 𝑎𝑖𝑟 .𝐶 𝑝 .∆ 𝑇

𝑄=𝐻 𝑠 /(ρ . 𝐶 𝑝 . ∆ 𝑇 )

: Air flowrate
. 1.2kg/m3 or 0.075 lb/ft3
: Specific heat capacity of air, 1012 J/kg.°C or 0.24 Btu/lb°F
Comfort Ventilation - Sensible Heat
Any heat that changes the air temperature but not the
moisture content of the air.

US Unit
60𝑚𝑖𝑛 0.075𝑙𝑏 0.24𝐵𝑡𝑢 60 𝟏.𝟎𝟖𝐵𝑡𝑢 𝑚𝑖𝑛
Hs(BTU / hr)
Q (cfm) = ------------------ ρ𝑎𝑖𝑟.𝐶𝑝∗ = 3 . ∗ = 3 ∗
1.08 (Ti -T0) 1ℎ𝑟 𝑓𝑡 𝑙𝑏.°𝐹 1 𝑓𝑡 .°𝐹 ℎ𝑟
Hs is the sensible heat generated indoors in BTU/hr
Ti is the desired indoor air temperature in ºF
T0 is the outdoor temperature in ºF
Example: Sensible Heat

A 1,600 ft2 space with 120 BTU/ft2/hr of sensible

heat. What is the dilution air required to maintain
Ti -T0 = 20°F

Hs(BTU / hr)
Q (cfm) = ------------------
1.08 (Ti -T0)

120 BTU/ft2/hr x 1,600 ft2

= -----------------------------------
1.08 x 20°F

= 8,889 cfm
Sensible Heat

Source Hs, BTU / hr

One kilowatt e.g. heater 3,400
One horsepower e.g. motor 2,550
One person doing heavy work 1,200 to 1,500
One person doing light work 500 to 600
One person seated 200 to 400
One light bulb 3.5 per watt rating
Example : Sensible Heat

The total heat generated in a tightly closed building is

100,000 BTU/hr. What is the volume flow rate
required to achieve an indoor temperature of 10°F
above the outside temperature?

Q = Hs BTU/hr / (1.08 x Desired temp difference in °F)

= 100,000 BTU/hr / (1.08 x 10°F)
= 9,000 cfm
Comfort Ventilation - Sensible Heat

Metric / SI unit
Hs (watt)
Q (cmm) = ------------------
20 (Ti -T0)°C

Hs is in watt (J/s)
(Ti -T0) is in ºC
1 watt  3.4 BTU/hr
Comfort Ventilation - Latent Heat

Any heat that changes the moisture content (specific

humidity) but not the temperature of the air
𝐻 𝐿=𝑚𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 . 𝐿𝑣

𝐻 𝐿=𝑄𝑎𝑖𝑟 . ρ𝑎𝑖𝑟 . ∆ ℎ . 𝐿𝑣

: Air flowrate
. 1.2kg/m3 or 0.075 lb/ft3
Comfort Ventilation - Latent Heat

Any heat that changes the moisture content (specific

humidity) but not the temperature of the air
US units
Hl (BTU / Hr)
Q (cfm) = ---------------------------------------------------------
0.67 x h (grains of moisture / lb of dry air)

Hl is the latent heat load

= lb of steam/hr x 1,000 BTU/lb
ρ𝑎𝑖𝑟.𝐿𝑣∗ ()
0.0 0143𝑙𝑏 60𝑚𝑖𝑛 0.075𝑙𝑏 1041 𝐵𝑡𝑢 60 0.67 𝐵𝑡𝑢 𝑚
= 3 . 0.0 0143∗ = 3 ∗
𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛 1ℎ𝑟 𝑓𝑡 𝑙𝑏 1 𝑓𝑡 ℎ
h is the change in absolute humidity (specific humidity or
humidity ratio)
= moisture content of outside air - acceptable moisture content
1 pound = 7000grain; 1grain = 1.43x10-4 pound
Comfort Ventilation - Latent Heat

Metric / SI unit
Hl (watt)
Q (cmm) = -----------------------------------------------------
45,000 x h (kg water vapor / kg dry air)

Hl is the latent heat load in watt

h is in kg water vapors / kg dry air
Comfort Ventilation -
Sensible & Latent Heat
If both sensible and latent heat
are present, use higher Q since
both will be absorbed.

Note: when applying dilution ventilation, the

one that need higher Q will also be
sufficient for those that needs lower Q
Example : Latent Heat
Five pounds of steam is generated per hour in a kitchen. If the
moisture content of outdoor air is 180 grains per lb of dry air,
determine the dilution air required to reduce the indoor air moisture to
185 grains per lb of dry air.

Hl = 5 lb/h x 1,000 Btu/lb = 5,000 Btu/h

Hl (BTU / Hr)
Q (cfm) = ---------------------------------------------------------
0.67 x h (grains of moisture / lb of dry air)

Q = ------------------------- ft3/min
0.67 x (185 - 180)

= 1,492 ft3/min
Psychrometric Chart in °F & grains vapor/lb dry air
Psychrometric Chart in °F
Psychrometric Chart in °C

Temperature, oC
Psychrometric Chart in °C & °F
Dilution Ventilation
Air Movers
(For mobile applications)
Dilution Ventilation Air Movers

Fan or Blower
Axial fan
Centrifugal fan

Venturi Ejector (air ejector or air horn)

Compressed air driven unit
Dilution Air Supply by Blowing

The blower can be an axial fan or

centrifugal fan or eductor
Dilution Ventilation for Manhole
Dilution Air - Blower Capacity
1. Free air delivery
cfm or cms delivered without any outlet ducting

2. Effective blower capacity

cfm or cms delivered at the end of the duct
- length of duct
- interior roughness
- no. on bends
Typical Blower Capacity

Coppus CADET Vane Axial Airflow

• Model VEP 4
• Motor: 1/2 horsepower
• Airflow through 15’ of 8” Φ

Air flow, cfm

Free air 804
One 90° duct bend 730
Two 90° duct bend 720
Three 90° duct bend 710
Typical Blower Capacity
Coppus Engineering Corp.
• Motor: 1 horsepower
• Speed: 3,500 rpm
• Duct Diameter: 6 inches

Straight Duct Length Air Flow, cfm

10 ft 870
20 ft 830
30 ft 800
40 ft 765
50 ft 745
High Volume Air Mover

2 HP

5500 cfm (9345 cmh) motor 2 HP

Performance of Air Mover - SP vs Q
Eductor - Compressed Air Driven Unit

Outdoor or clean air stream

Momentum from compressed air accelerate clean air stream and ejecting it out
from the system into a hazardous space to dilute the contaminants
Eductor - Compressed Air Driven Unit
Eductor - Compressed Air Driven Unit

Things to take note:

Consider compressed air driven
units when To obtain full output flow from eductor, it
must receive full air pressure
• Operating in hazardous Pressure drop through compressed air hose
can be minimised by:
locations • Using recommended/larger diameter
• Variable airflow needed compressed air hose
• Low handling weight is important • Using shortest hose possible
• Running hose as straight as possible
and minimise bends
Typical Free Air Delivery of Eductor

Air Pressure Air Consumed Air Flow Rate

40 psig 73 scfm 2,840 cfm

60 psig 97 scfm 3,440 cfm

80 psig 132 scfm 3,960 cfm

As the compressed air pressure increases, the air flow rate increases
Typical Eductor Performance
Air flow (cfm) through 6” flexible duct at 80 psig
inlet pressure

Duct Length, ft Air Flow Rate, cfm

none 1,400
10 1,200
20 1,040
30 930
40 850
50 780

As the duct length increases, the air flow rate decreases

The End
Re-cap : Dilution Ventilation

1.Toxic gases / vapours & fumes
2.Flammable gases & vapours
3.Sensible heat & latent heat
Re-cap : Build Up Stage, Steady State, Purging Stage

Steady state

Build up stage

Purging stage
Re-cap : Dilution Ventilation for Toxic Gases / vapours
G - QC2 -Q
log ------------ = ------------- (t2-t1)
Generation = Accumulation + Removal G - QC1 2.303 k

V G - QC
t2 – t1 = - 2.303 k ------ log ------------2
Build-up Accumulation = Q G - QC1
stage Generation - Removal
C2 ppm = ---- (1 - e (-Q t / kV) x 1,000,000
Q=kG/C G & Q are in cms or cfm
24.1 x E (gm per min) x k
Steady state Q (lpm) = -----------------------------------
Generation = Removal MW x C (ppm) x 10-6 x d
24.1 x SG x E (litre per hr) x k
Q (m /h) = ---------------------------------------
MW x C (ppm) x 10-6 x d

2.303 kV C1
t2-t1 = ------------- log -----
Purging Q C2
Accumulation = Removal
C2 = C1 e -Q (t2 - t1) / (kV)
Re-cap : Mixing Factor k

1. For design calculation, k is determined from the distribution

of dilution air and the PEL or toxicity of the contaminants.
2. k ranges from 1 (perfect mixing) to more than 10.
3. k can be determined by measuring Q, G and C.
4. If only one air mover (blower or exhaust fan) is used, the air
distribution is rated as poor or fair depending on the location
of the air mover.
5. If both blower and exhaust fan are used, the air distribution is
rated as good or excellent depending on whether diffusers
are used.
6. Air mover(s) used within a confined space will improve air
circulation / mixing (i.e. lower the k value) but will not
increase the dilution rate Q.
Re-cap : Dilution Ventilation for Flammable Gases / Vapours

24.1 x SG x 100 x E (l/hr) x S

Q cmh = --------------------------------------- at steady state
MW x LEL (%vol) x B x d

S = 4 for continuous ovens (25% of LEL)

= 10 for batch oven (10% of LEL)
B = 1.0 for temperature < 121 °C
= 0.7 for temperature > 121 °C

For mixture of flammable gases / vapours

Dilution rate Q is determined for the component with the
largest value of SG / (MW x LEL) and consider the entire
mixture as consisting of this component.
Re-cap : Dilution Ventilation for Heat

Hs (watt)
Q (cmm) = --------------------
20 (Ti -T0) °C
Heat Hs(BTU / hr)
Q (cfm) = -----------------------
1.08 (Ti -T0) °F

Q (cmm) = -------------------------------------------
45,000 x h (kg water / kg dry air)
Hl (BTU / Hr)
Q (cfm) = -----------------------------
0.67 x h (grains / lb)

If both sensible heat and latent heat are present, use the higher Q for dilution
as both the heat will be absorbed by the dilution air.
Re-cap : Air Movers

1. Axial fan
2. Centrifugal fan
3. Eductor (air horn or air ejector)
Re-cap : Air Mover Capacity
1. Free air delivery - cfm or cms delivered without any outlet
2. Effective blower capacity - cfm or cms delivered at the end of
the (depends on duct length, roughness & no of bends)

Free air delivery

Re-cap : Dilution Ventilation for Confined Spaces

1. Always use the blowing end for dilution (use exhaust or suction end
only for localized source release i.e. as LEV hood).
2. If there are 2 or more openings, use one for blowing or supplying
outdoor air into the space and use the other for exhausting the
diluted air.
3. Locate the blower and the exhaust fan so that there is no short
circuiting and recirculation.
4. For big confined space, use air mover(s) inside the space to improve
air circulation or mixing.
5. For long confined spaces, use relay fans to move the air through.
6. For deep confined spaces with lighter than air contaminants, supply
dilution air to the bottom and exhaust the diluted air from the top.
7. For deep confined spaces with heavier than air contaminants,
supply dilution air from the top and exhaust the diluted air from the

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