ELING719 Audio Lingual Method - 3270

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• What is Audio-Lingual-Method?
• History of Audio-Lingual Method
• Structuralism
• Behaviorism
• What is the Audio-lingual Method and its principal principles?
• What are the goals of the Audio-lingual Method?
• What techniques are involved in this Method?
• What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Audio-lingual Method
Audio-Lingual Method
What is Audio-Lingual Method

• The Audio-Lingual Method, like the Direct Method we have just

examined, is also an oral-based approach.

• The Grammar-Translation Method did not prepare people to use the

target language. While communication in the target language was the
goal of the Direct Method, there were at the time exciting new ideas
about language and learning.
What is Audio-Lingual Method

• The Audio-lingual Method also called The Oral Method, acts as a supporting
for improving the speaking skills, because it helps to pronounce a word in a
correct form by using some drills like repetition, transformation, chain etc.

• It was thought that the way to acquire the sentence patterns of the target
language was through conditioning- helping learners to respond
correctly to stimuli through shaping and reinforcement.
What is Audio-Lingual Method

• However, it is very different in that rather than emphasizing

vocabulary acquisition through exposure to its use in
situations, the Audio-Lingual Method drills students in the
use of grammatical sentence patterns.

• Learners could overcome the habits of their native language

and form the new ha bits required to be target language
What is Audio-Lingual Method

• It also, unlike the Direct Method, has a strong theoretical base

in linguistics and psychology.

• Learners could overcome the habits of their native language and

form the new ha bits required to be target language speakers.
History of Audio-Lingual Method
• The United States involvement in World War II brought a significant
change in the teaching of languages in U.S. schools.

• It quickly became apparent that the grammar-translation method had not

produced people who were able to speak the foreign languages they had
History of Audio-Lingual Method
• The U.S. government asked the universities to develop foreign
language programs that produced students who could communicate
effectively in those languages.

• Based on the behaviorist psychology, the audio-lingual method was


• In the audio-lingual method, the emphasis was on the memorization of a

series of dialogues and the rote practice of language structures.
History of Audio-Lingual Method

• The use of the native language was avoided . The method became very popular in the

• Language laboratories began to surge, and students were required to listen to audiotapes
and repeat dialogues that captured aspects of daily living. In addition, specific structural
patterns of the language studied were embedded in those dialogues
History of Audio-Lingual Method
• The belief was that students, through much practice, would form a “habit”
and be able to speak the language when needed.

• Years later, students who studied with the audio-lingual method still
remembered the dialogues but could not speak the foreign language they
had studied. Thus , the method was not successful at accomplishing the
main goal.
• The structural view to language  is the view behind the audio-lingual method.

• This approach focused on examining how the elements of language related to

each other in the present, that is, ‘synchronically‘ rather than
• It was also argued that  linguistic signs were composed of two parts, a signifier
(the sound pattern of a word) and a signified (the concept or meaning of the

• The study of language aims at describing the performance ,the“parole” as it is the

only observable part of language.

• Behaviorism is a philosophy of psychology based on the proposition that all

things which organisms do — including acting, thinking and feeling—can and
should be regarded as behaviors.

• It contends that leaning occurs through associations, habit formation and


• When the learner produces the desired behavior and is reinforced

positively, it is likely that behavior be emitted again.
What is the Audio-lingual Method and its principal principles?

1. Language forms do not occur by themselves ; They occur naturally within a


2. The native language and the target language have separate linguistics systems..
What is the Audio-lingual Method and its principal principles?

3. One of the language teacher's major roles is that of a model of the target
language. Teachers should provide students with good model. By listening to how
it is supposed to sound , students should be able to mimic the model.

4. Language learning is a process of habit formation. The more often something is

repeated. the stronger the habit and the greater the learning.
What is the Audio-lingual Method and its
principal principles?

5. It is important to prevent learners from making errors. Errors lead to the formation of
bad habits. When errors do occur, they should be immediately corrected by the teacher.

6.The purpose of language learning is to learn how to use the language to communicate.
What is the Audio-lingual Method and its principal principles?

7. Particular parts of speech occupy particular 'slots' in sentences . In order to create new
sentences students must learn which part of speech occupies which slot.

8. Positive reinforcement helps the students 10 develop correct habits.

9. Students should learn to respond to both verbal and nonverbal stimuli.

What is the Audio-lingual Method and its principal principles?

10. Each language has a finite number of patterns. Pattern practice helps
students to form habits which enable the students to use the patterns.

11. Students should 'overlearn’: i.e. learn to answer automatically without

stopping to think.
What is the Audio-lingual Method and its principal principles?

12. The teacher should be like an orchestra leader-conducting guiding, and controlling the
students' behavior in the target language.

13. . The major objective of language reaching should be for students to acquire the
structural patterns students will learn vocabulary afterwards.
What is the Audio-lingual Method and its principal principles ?

14. The learning of a foreign language should be the same as the acquisition of the native
language We do not need to memorize rules in order to use our native language.

15. The major challenge of foreign language reaching is getting students to overcome the
habits of their native language. A comparison between the native and target language
will tell the teacher in what areas her students will probably experience difficulty.
What is the Audio-lingual Method and its
principal principles
16. Speech is more basic to language than the written form . The natural order'- the
order children follow when learning their native language of skill acquisition is listening,
speaking, reading and writing.

17. Language cannot he separated from culture. Culture is not only literarure and the arts,
hut also the everyday behavior of the people who use the target language.
What are the goals of the Audio-lingual

• Using target language communicatively.-

• Over learn language so as to use it automatically without stopping to think.-

• Learn the language by habit formation and language habits.-

• Overcome old habits of native language.

Techniques In Audio-lingual Method
Dialog memorization
Expansion Drills
Repetition drills
Chain Drills
Single-slot substitution drills
Multiple slot substitution drill
Transformation drill
Question answers drill
Use of minimal Pairs
1.Dialogue Memorization:

• In this drill, the students have to memorize a short conversation or dialogue between two people (“A”
and “B”), the students perform role “A” and the teacher performs role “B”, and then they change roles
in order to  perform both of them.
Expansion Drills

• This drill is used when a long line of dialogue is giving students troubles.
The teacher breaks down the line into several parts.

• The students repeat a part of the sentence, and if the students have done it
good, the teacher will add another word or two words of the line for being
Example of Expension Drill
T: Repeat after me: post office.
C: Post office.
T: To the post office.
C: To the post office.
T: Going to the post office.
C: Going to the post office.
T: I’m going to the post office.
C: I’m going to the post office.
Repetition drills

• Students are asked to repeat the teacher´s model as accurately and as

quickly as possible. This drill is often used to teach the lines of the dialogue.
Chain Drills
• A chain drill gets its name from the chain of conversation made by the students in the

• The teacher starts the chain, he/she asks something to any student or simply a greeting,
and the student has to answer the teacher, then, the student has to turn and ask to the
student next to him/her.
Single-slot substitution drills

• The teacher says a line, usually from the dialogue.

• Then, the teacher says a word or a phrase (called “cue”).

• The students have to Repeat the part of the dialogue by using the word or
phrase that the teacher has given the min order to they recognize where
the word or phrase fits in the part of the dialogue.
Example of single slot substitution.

• T shows the picture of the bank and says, ‘the bank’ (cue)
pause then says, ‘I’m going to the bank.’
Multiple slot substitution drill

• This one is different than the single-slot substitution, because in this one,
the teacher gives two or three words that fit in different parts of the
dialogue line.

• And the students have to recognize which part of speech fits into the
sentence and where to put them.
Example of Multiple slot substitution
T: ‘she’
S: ‘She is going to the post office.’
T: ‘ to the park’
S: ‘She is going to the park.’
Transformation drill

• Students are asked to change a sentence, for example, from an

affirmative to a negative sentence, or a question.
Example of Transformation drill

T: ‘They are going to the bank.’

C: ‘Are they going to the bank?’
T: ‘Are you going to the library?’ (show the picture)
C: ‘Yes, I’m going to the library.’
Question answers drill

• This drill gives students practice with an answering questions. The students should
answer the teacher's questions very quickly

• . This gives students practice with the question pattern

Use of minimal Pairs

• The teacher works with pairs of words that differ just in one
sound; for example, “leave/live”, the students are asked to
recognize the difference between both sounds and then they are
able to repeat them.
Advantages Of Audio-Lingual Method
• Learners through the ALM are able to participate in situational context

• In addition, learners are more aware about the phonologic aspects of the

• When the students have a model to imitate, in this case, the teacher, the
students use to pay more attention to proper pronunciation and intonation.
Advantages Of Audio-Lingual Method

• Mispronunciation mistakes are corrected immediately by using

positive reinforced.

• Here the students are more sensible to the changes in the

intonation of a sentence, question, request, etc.
Advantages Of Audio-Lingual Method

• They are also exposes to a different sentence structure by using repetition

drills as well.

• Transformational drill helps students to familiarize with question forms,

like tag questions and their answers, affirmative and negative sentences,
and even some difficult structures for some students as passive and active
Disadvantages Of Audio-Lingual
• The basic method of teaching is repetition, speech is
standardized and students turn into parrots that can produce
many things but never create anything new.

• Teachers got the tendency to use the audio-visual materials as a

method by their own, instead of using them as a teaching aid.
Disadvantages Of Audio-Lingual

• More subtle classroom skills were needed for students to assimilate

material and use it creatively.

• Technology was needed sometimes in order to set the example of a

dialogue or a conversation,
Disadvantages Of Audio-Lingual

• All that equipment has a cost, and some schools cannot afford
them, and teachers sometimes avoid giving the example of some
pronunciations because they are becoming lazy

• This method has good results, if we mix it with another method, like the Grammar
Translation Method in order to have a better teaching-learning process, because the
Audio-lingual Method is useful by its own, but not complete, because grammar is not init
and as we know, grammar is important when we are learning another language

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