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Steps to Develop a JDBC Application

Register the JDBC Drive
Establish a Database Connection
Create and Execute an SQL Statement
Process the Results
Close the Database Connection
Loading a Driver
using the Class.forName() method.
Invoking the Class.forName() method creates an
instance of the specified driver class and registers it
with the DriverManager class.
Once the driver is loaded successfully, the connection
with a database can be established.
For mysql
Establishing a Connection
using the DriverManager.getConnection()
Connection URL The connection URL specifies
necessary information that will be required for
connecting to a particular database.
Syntax: protocol: <subprotocol>:<subname>
Syntax: Connection cn =
url,username ,password );
For mysql
Creating Statements and Queries
Statement object is the most frequently used object to
execute SQL queries that do not need any parameters
to be passed.

A Statement object can be classified into three

categories based on the type of SQL statements sent to
the database.
Statement and PreparedStatement is inherited from
Statement interface.
Statement st = con.createStatement();
executeQuery() select
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(“SELECT * FROM
The executeUpdate() method is used to execute
(Data Definition Language) such as CREATE TABLE,
DROP TABLE, and so on
Creating Parameterized Queries
PreparedStatement object implements the execution
of dynamic SQL statements with parameters.
Creating Parameterized Query The
PreparedStatement object is created by using the
preparedStatement() method of Connection class.
String sqlStmt = “UPDATE Employees SET Dept_ID
= ? WHERE Dept_Name LIKE ?”; PreparedStatement
pStmt = cn.prepared
Passing Parameters At the time of compilation, the
parameter values are passed and used in the place of
“?” placeholder. While compiling, the placeholder
becomes a part of the statement and appears as static
to the compiler.
To substitute the “?” placeholder with a supplied
value, one of the setXXX() method of the requird
primitive type is used.
pStmt.setInt(1, 25); pStmt.setString(2,
Executing Parameterized Query
The executeUpdate() method is used to execute both
the Statement and the PreparedStatement objects.
This is associated with the tasks like update, insert,
and delete. The return type of this method is integer
Handling Exceptions in JDBC applications
While loading a driver using Class.forName(), if the
class for the specified driver is not present in the
package, then the method invocation throws a
Every method defined by the JDBC objects such as
Connection, Statement, and ResultSet can throw
Hence, whenever, these methods are used, they
should be wrapped inside a try/catch block to handle
the exceptions.

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