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Excel Basics -4

Dr. Mamta Santosh Nair

Custom Lists
• If you create a custom list in Excel, you can
easily fill a range with your own list of
departments, clients, cities, credit card
numbers, etc. This can save time and reduce
Click on Add and type the new entries
Combine data from multiple sheets
• If you receive information in multiple sheets or workbooks that you want
to summarize, the Consolidate command can help you pull data together
onto one sheet. For example, if you have a sheet of expense figures from
each of your regional offices, you might use a consolidation to roll up these
figures into a corporate expense sheet. That sheet might contain sales
totals and averages, current inventory levels, and highest selling products
for the whole enterprise.
• To decide which type of consolidation to use, look at the sheets you are
combining. If the sheets have data in inconsistent positions, even if their
row and column labels are not identical, consolidate by position. If the
sheets use the same row and column labels for their categories, even if the
data is not in consistent positions, consolidate by category.
• Open each source sheet and make sure that your data is in the same
position on each sheet.
• In your destination sheet, click the upper-left cell of the area where you
want the consolidated data to appear.
• Note: Make sure that you leave enough cells to the right and underneath
for your consolidated data.
• On the Data tab, in the Data Tools group, click Consolidate.
• In the Function box, click the function that you want Excel to use to
consolidate the data.
• In each source sheet, select your data.
• The file path is entered in All references.
• When you have added the data from each source sheet and workbook,
click OK.
References or addressesRelative Referencing –
Changes with the cell . Changes the address
after copying as per the position.
e.g. A10
Absolute referencing – Doesn’t change with
copying or dragging. Remains fixed .Uses $
symbol. E.g. $A$10
Relative Referencing
• Its is the default referencing method.
• Whenever we type a formula and we give address
in the formula in relative form which is a
combination of column name and row number. Like
• When this formula is copied to some other location
using copy paste or fill handle , then the address
changes relative to its position where it is copied.
• e.g. =Sum(a12:b20) , =a3+b3+c3
Absolute Addressing
• This addressing is used when we want to make
a certain cell address fixed or constant in a
formula. To imply this, we need to prefix the
cell address with a dollar $ symbol.
• Wen we use absolute addressing, copying the
formula to any other cell will not change that
• E.g.=b2*$c$5
address returns the address of the first cell in reference (as text).

col returns the column number of the first cell in reference.

color returns the value 1 if the first cell in reference is formatted

using color for negative values; or zero if not.

returns the value of the upper-left cell in reference.

contents Formulas are not returned. Instead, the result of the
formula is returned.

returns the file name and full path as text. If the worksheet
filename that contains reference has not yet been saved, an empty
string is returned.

returns a code that corresponds to the number format of

the cell. See below for a list of number format codes. If the
format first cell in reference is formatted with color for values < 0,
then "-" is appended to the code. If the cell is formatted
with parentheses, returns "() - at the end of the code

parentheses returns 1 if the first cell in reference is formatted with

parentheses and 0 if not.

returns a text value that corresponds to the label prefix -

of the cell:  a single quotation mark (') if the cell text is left-
prefix aligned, a double quotation mark (") if the cell text is right-
Format Codes
G General
F0 0
,0 #,##0
F2 0
,2 #,##0.00
C0 $#,##0_);($#,##0)
C2 ($#,##0.00)
P0 0%
P2 0.00%
S2 0.00E+00
G # ?/? or # ??/??
D1 d-mmm-yy or dd-
D2 d-mmm or dd-mmm
D3 mmm-yy
m/d/yy or m/d/yy
D4 h:mm or mm/dd/yy
D5 mm/dd
D6 h:mm:ss AM/PM
D7 h:mm AM/PM
D8 h:mm:ss

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