QS Bussiness

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 Fill in the blanks:

1- Efficiency is the ability to make the best use of available resources in the
process of achieving goals .

2- Objectives are the desired states of affairs which the organization attempt
to realize .

3- Management interacts human , financial resources and non-human resources


4- Continuous , pervasive , goal oriented are form characteristics of

management .
5- Management is a science that’s why it contains general facts which explain a
phenomenon .

6- Management requires combination of intelligence , imagination to be creative .

7- We refer to Management as discipline because it includes various relative

concepts , principles ,and knowledge .

8- Middle level of management is responsible for executing of plans in accordance

with policies .

9- Top managerial level formed of board of director , CEO who are responsible for
formulating plans .
10- Lower level of management is known as operational and consists of supervisor , foreman , section officers .

11- Requiring extensive knowledge of roles and skills of managers is the responsibility of top level management .

12- The scope of planning is not the same at each level of organization higher the level of organization broader
scope of planning .

13- Planning helps in avoiding confusion and uncertainties .

14- Staffing involves manpower panning recruitment , selection.

15- Direction is interpersonal aspect of management which deals with motivation , leadership , supervision .

16- The first step of controlling is establishing performance standard .

Note : standard is objective/target .
17- The purpose of controlling is to ensure that everything occurs in conformities with Standards .

18- The steps of controlling ends with corrective action .

19- The qualities of a successful manager are good negotiator ,demonstrates integrity ,demonstrates

20- The roles of managers are classified into three main groups .

21- There are four decisional roles of managers .

22- The role of manager which concerned with receiving and collecting information is monitor.

23- The entrepreneur role of manager is related with initiating changes .

24- The spokesperson Role of manager is related with disseminating the information
about organization to outsiders .

25- The liaison role is one of the interpersonal roles of managers .

26- The role of manager which permeates all activities of organization is leader role.

27- The skills needed in Administration are human and conceptual skills .

28- Administration is a thinking function whereas Management is a doing function .

29- Planning is the first function of Management.

30- Business plans can be of various types due to some basis such as scope of
operation , time span , repetitiveness.

31- Operational plans are related to short period of time.

32- Strategic plan has a long-term perspective as it is normally prepared for a

period at least five years.

33- Training program can be considered as single-use plan .

34- Standing plan is that type of plan based on repetitiveness.

 Compare between :
1- Management and Administration : (P.42,Management an Overview)

Basis Management Administration

Nature Management is an executing function. Administration is a decision-making function

Process Management decides who should as it & Administration decides what is to be done &
how should he do it. When it is to be done.

Skills Technical and Human skills. Conceptual and Human skills.

Level Middle & lower level function Top level function

2- Single-use plan and Standing plan(repetitive) : (P.37-38,Planning)

Single-use plan Standing plan (repetitive)

Non-repetitive. Repetitive(routine when saying

Short period of time. Long period of time.
Temporary Permanent

Ex. - Budget Ex. – Policies

- Strategy - Procedures
- Program - Methods
3- The role of top level management and middle level management : (P.16-17, Management an Overview)
Top level Management :
Their role can be emphasized as:
• Require an extensive knowledge of management roles and skills.

• They have to be very aware of external factors such as markets.

• Their decisions are generally of a long-term nature

• Their decisions are made using analytic, directive, conceptual and/or behavioral/participative processes

• They are responsible for strategic decisions.

Middle level Management :
Their role can be emphasized as:

• They execute the plans of the organization in accordance with the policies and directives of the top management.

• They make plans for the sub-units of the organization.

• They participate in employment & training of lower level management.

• They interpret and explain policies from top level management to lower level.

• They are responsible for coordinating the activities within the division or department.

• It also sends important reports and other important data to top level management.
4-Operationl plan and Strategic plan : (P.36,Planning)

Operational plan Strategic plan

Middle and lower of management. Top level of management.

Short term plan. Long term plan.

Simple relate to day to day Requires extensive knowledge on

activities. environment .(complex)

Repetitive. Till long period.

5- Interpersonal role of management and informational role of management : (P.27-28, Management an
Interpersonal role :
• The interpersonal roles ensure that information is provided.

• The three interpersonal roles are primarily concerned with interpersonal


the figurehead role, the manager represents the organization in all
matters of formality .

the liaison role, the manger interacts with peers and people outside the

leader role defines the relationships between the manger and
Informational role :

•The informational roles link all managerial work together.

•Thus, the three informational roles are primarily concerned with the
information aspects of managerial work :

1. In the monitor role, the manager receives and collects information.

2. In the role of disseminator, the manager transmits special information into

the organization.

3. In the role of spokesperson, the manager disseminates the organization's

information into its environment.

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