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A man with a good attitude can accomplish anything. Thomas Jefferson

Stanford study
92% of your professional success can be traced to attitude while only 8% is related to innate ability (what you inherit from your parents)

Harvard Study
85% of the reason why someone gets, keeps, and moves up in a job is attitude. Only 15% is traced to technical skills or knowledge.

What is Attitude?

It is how you respond to circumstances or events.

5 steps to developing an attitude of excellence

1. Proper beginning 97% of CEO s read something positive first thing in the morning 2. Greet people properly 3. Responding without reacting 4. Look for the good in others 5. Feed your mind daily

Greeting people
How are you doing? - fine, so far - great since this class is about over - wonderful since school s over in 25 minutes - okay, since it s friday!

Greet people instead with:

How are you doing? super good, and I am getting better outstanding, but I m improving Terrific if I felt any better, I would be twins

Respond vs. react

Responding to something is thought out and carefully delivered. Reacting to something is emotional and often ends with regret. Respond don t react.

Look for the good in others

How did you develop 42 millionaires? You develop people in the same way you mine for gold look for the gold, not the dirt. Expect the best, you ll get the best. Expect the worst, you ll get the worst.

Feed your mind daily

The mind is like a computer
Garbage in, garbage out You put the good stuff in, you get the good stuff out Your input determines your outlook; your outlook determines your output; and your output determines your future.

A negative world
90% of an average person s input is of a negative nature. Dr. J. Allen Peterson By age 18 a person is told, on the average, 148,000 times: no or you cant do it Every negative statement needs 11 positive statements to restore you positive self image. Start the day, and end the day with positive input in your mind.

Become responsible
Taking responsibility for our own actions involves admitting our mistakes, learning from our mistakes, and learning to face the consequences of our actions. This is also a process by which we grow to become more and more responsible adults.

Get rid of the losers limp

Physical limp a runner pulls up lame when he s getting beat so he doesn t look bad. Mental limp pretending not to want to get good grades so it doesn t look bad if you don t. The antidote for all this is to finish well. Give it your best and you do not have to hang your head in shame.

Take responsibility for where YOU finish

300 of the world s greatest leaders were studied 75 % were raised in poverty or had some serious physical defect, or had been abused as children. It is not what happens to you, its how you handle it. You, and only you are responsible for where you finish.

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