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Peer Pressure on Youth



M.V.JISHNU 1848285
M.ROHITH 1867787



A project is a golden opportunity for learning and self-development. We

consider ourselves fortunate and privileged to have such wonderful
mentor guide us through the journey for the completion of the project.
We would like to extend our sincere and heartfelt obligation towards all
those who have helped (me / us) in making this project. Without their
active guidance, help, cooperation and encouragement, We would not
have been able to complete the project on time.
We are extremely thankful and pay our sincere gratitude to our Mentor
Mrs. Sujatha Biju, for her patience and belief in us. Her exemplary
investment in the complete process, constant encouragement and
insightful feedback helped us achieve our objectives.
Our sincere thanks to our Academic Dean and Principal, OMR
Lastly, We would like to thank our family members and friends for their
support and valuable suggestions helped us to complete the project
within the deadline.
Place : Sholinganallur S.R.JAKKY ESHWAR 1827892
M.V.JISHNU 1848285
M.ROHITH 1867787



This is to certify that the Project Report titled Topic, Term 2,

English Core is a bona fide work carried out and successfully
completed by F.Chris Richard , S.R.Jakky Eshwar , Hardhik
Shankar, M.Rohith , Ashwanth Subramani , M.V.Jishnu,
Dukkipati Hemanth of Grade 12 IIT of Narayana e- Techno
School, OMR, for fulfilment of the ASL Project Work.

Principal Teacher Guide

Mrs. Nirmala Mrs. Sujatha Biju

Place : Sholinganallur

The main objective of the project is to research about the negative

and positive sides of peer pressure. To bring awareness among
teens to make the right choice instead of changing themselves just
to get accepted by people around them. And to find weather people
around me are good or bad influence on my friends.

This topic is something we want to bring awareness
about. My part was to collect some relevant data on this
topic and make sure that all the information are reliable
and accurate sources which would be really handy

Survey was conducted through Google Forms. In the

following topic findings from the survey will be presented
in order to make the viewers more attentive and make the
presentation wanting them to put more attention into our

Table 1:Outlining the process of the project

Who? Chris , Jakky Eshwar , Hardhik , Rohith ,

Ashwanth , Jishnu, Hemanth

What ? Studying on Peer pressure on youth.

Where ? In the Family and Friends circle.
When? Across December – December 2022
Why? We want to study about how peer pressure
makes an impact on people.
How? By creating a survey report on usage of
Peer pressure on youth.

Table 2:All tasks that need to be done to complete

the project

Total Duration: December 1 to December 20

Tasks Time required
1.Create Questionnaire 5 Days
2.Conduct survey and 5 days
create result of survey
3.Collect data about peer 5 Days
4.Collect data about effects 5 Days
of peer pressure
Approx. Time 15-18 Days
Table 3:Deciding the responsibility of individual tasks from
table 2

Task: 1
Who? Chris and Hardhik.
What? Will create 10-15 questionnaires.

Where? Across Discord/ Google meet

When? December 1-december 5
Why? To enable Rohith, Jakky
Eshwar ,Ashwanth to conduct survey
How? We will use Google forms and upload
each question.

Task: 2
Who? Rohith ,Jakky Eshwar ,Ashwanth.
What? Conduct survey and note the result we
Where? Across Discord/Google meet
When? December 5-December 10
How? We will share the survey to people and
create a word document on the result we
Task: 3
Who? Rohith ,Hemanth, Ashwanth.
What? We will collect data about Peer pressure
on Youth
Where? Across Discord/Google meet

When? December 10-December 15

How? We will surf through the collect

information about peer pressure on youth

Task: 4
Who? Jishnu, Chris and Hardhik.
What? We will collect data about effects of Peer
pressure on Youth
Where? Across Discord/Google meet

When? December 15-December 17

How? We will surf through the internet to collect

information about effects of Peer pressure
on youth addiction
Peer Pressure On Youth
Project Report


Peer pressure is when you do something because you

want to feel accepted and valued by your friends. Peer pressure is
a feeling that a person must do all the activities that other person
is doing who is of the same age and social community in order to
be recognized and respected by other people. It is
when you choose to do something you wouldn’t otherwise do,
because you want to feel accepted and valued by your friends. It
isn’t just or always about doing something against your will.

Peer pressure on youth:

Peer pressure and influence can be positive. For example,

your child might be influenced to become more assertive, try new
activities or get more involved with school and do new stuff
which may improve their character. But it can be negative too.
Some teenagers might choose to try things that they normally
wouldn’t be interested and bad for them in, like smoking or
behaving in antisocial ways which could cause issues for both
them and people surrounding them.
Peer pressure and influence might result in:
Copy the style of dress others wear.
Listening to same kind of music taste others and
watching some series others watch.
Working harder or not working at all in at school.
Usage of drugs or some other unnecessary antisocial

A balance for peer pressure and peer influence:

It’s normal to worry that a teenager is being influenced too

much by their peers, or that they’re compromising on their
values to fit in with their friends. It’s also normal to worry that
your child won’t be able to say no if they get pressure to try risky
things, like wagging school or smoking. But listening to the
same music and dressing in the same way as friends doesn’t
necessarily mean that they will also do antisocial or risky things.
If they are happy with who they are and their choices and
values, they’re less likely to be influenced by other people. They
might choose to do some things that their friends do, but not
When does Peer pressure start?

Though peer pressure is often thought of as something that

happens primarily during adolescence, research suggests peer
pressure begins in elementary school, often around the age of 9.
At this age, research suggests, group dynamics begin to form
among children, and some may be excluded from the larger
group. Peer pressure can begin in early childhood with children
trying to get other kids to play the games they want. It generally
increases through childhood and reaches its intensity in the
preteen and teen years. Virtually all adolescents in middle and
high school deal with peer pressure, often on a daily basis. Peer
pressure itself hasn't changed much. There's both direct pressure,
with friends and acquaintances making demands, and indirect
pressure, the “everybody is doing it” form of pressure. Peer
pressure peaks in the adolescent years, but oddly enough, it begins
to wean around ages 17 and 18 years old and just in time to be on
your own and off to college.
Start of the peer Peer pressure being Peer pressure at its
pressure common peak

Age 8-11 Age 12-13 Age 14-16

Peer pressure Peer pressure This is when a child is

begins in can be common forming new
elementary school , at this age of friendships and
often around the kids as they have choosing an identity
age of 9. At this group of friends among those friends. It
age, research who got a is also the most
suggests, group different point of common age for kids to
dynamics begin to view and the kids start experimenting
form among want them to be with alcohol, drugs and
children same as their other risky behaviors.
Advantages of peer pressure:
Peer pressure is beneficial in many ways. Most honorably it creates
a sense of enthusiasm in the person. Which moreover forces
someone to cross the obstacle and accomplish something big. 
Likewise, it boosts the confidence of a person Because our brain
contemplates people’s opinions and makes them a priority. Several
salesmen and Entrepreneurs use this strategy to impact people to
buy their products. Whenever we are in a social meet we constantly
get numerous suggestions. Accordingly, when a person gets these
suggestions the brain already starts liking them. Or it establishes a
better image of that aspect. This compels the person to buy the
product or at least consider it.

Inspiring positive choices:

There are plenty of ways young people influence others to make

good choices. For example, If a group of friends take part in a
sports event or a school activity it may inspire others to join in with
them and do something that they wouldn’t have done otherwise

Picking up healthy habits:

Fitting in with others feels good. It can even help someone's mental
health. Friends who make healthy choices can encourage others
and making others also take part in it. whether its joining in a sports
, choosing a hobby and saying no to unnecessary anti social
negative peers and inspire them to give up on negative peers and
being a new healthier one.
Disadvantages of Peer Pressure:

There are several disadvantages of peer pressure which can

damage a person in many ways. If any individual is not
willing to execute a task then the peer pressure can be
baffling to him. Furthermore, peer pressure should not be in
an unreasonable manner. Because it lands a pessimistic
impact on the person. A person should be of the mindset of
hearing to himself first. While considering opinions in favor
of him. Peer pressure in youth from bad companies can lead
a person to a nasty situation.

A dip in self confidence:

Peer pressure can take a normally confident child and make

them someone not sure about themselves and have low esteem
over themselves and losing of confidence in turn might
impact a child’s general mental health and their well being.
Academics are affected:

For teenagers, it is important that they are accepted and

respected by their group members. When they get into a bad
company of peer group they might get into sticky situation
and get under drug or alcohol usage this might affect their
academics because of an effort to fit in a peer group, they are
more emphasized about social status than academics.

Distances them from their family and friends:

It is common for teenagers to think that nobody

understands them and that the whole world is against them.
However, in a few cases, the influence of peer pressure is
such that it draws teenagers completely away from the family
and friends who mean well, they totally shut themselves off
and fall into bad company of peer group which will affect
them mentally and physically.
Survey result

1. Do your friends influence you?

> From the above graph we can observe that 68.6% are
influenced by their friends and 11.8% are not influenced.

2. How are the influences?

> From the above graph we can observe that majority(76.5%)

of them are influenced in both positive and negative way.
> Whereas 11.8% did not have any influence
> 7.8% of it were negative and 3.9% positive.
3. Do you yield to peer pressure?

> From the 3rd graph we can say that 26% of them yield to
peer pressure and majority 74% of them do not yield to it.

4. Do you do things against your will?

> From the 4th graph we can say that 25.5 of them do things
against their will.
> 74.5% do not do things against their will.
5. If Yes, What is the influence on you?

> From the above graph 5, we can say that most of them
are not influenced at all
> Well 19.6% are influenced in both positive and
> 9.8% are influenced negatively.

6. Do you want to stop being affected

by peer pressure?

> Peer pressure also has negative impact. 88,2% of

them want to stop being affected by peer pressure.
7. Do you make fun of someone because they
aren’t doing the normal thing?

> From the graph we can say that 90.2% of the do not
tease their fellow mater for their weird and odd

8. Do you act differently when you are with

your friends compared to at home?

>From the graph we can say that 66.7% of them act different
at their home when compared with them being around with
their friends.
9. Do you peer pressure people to try impress
your friends?

>From the above graph we can say that majority 94.1%

of them try to be themselves and not to impress others.

10. Are you the kind of who wants to impress


>From the above graph we conclude that most of them

(90.3%) are not interested in impressing others.
From the above result we conclude that most of them are
getting influenced by their friend group and people around
them. The influence is in both positive and negative
manner. Many want to stop getting affected by peer
pressure. Most of them yield to peer pressure and what they
yield is both positive and negative .

A few people are bothered about getting attention from the

people they are surrounded by and while some try to
change themselves to try fit in with others. They try to get
their acknowledgement by the group of people surrounding
them and doing things against their will. There are only
few who are not affected by peer pressure and are accepted
by others for being themselves and not changing.

I have learnt from my survey that most of them are affected by peer
pressure in negative and positive ways. A few try to change
themselves to be accepted by people around them and loose who
they truly are . I know being under peer pressure is not a great
feeling. Being left alone or going through changes without a person
to really on during your hard times is difficult. Finding some one who
understands you and someone whom you can ask help for is difficult
and something not easy . I hope that you take time and be yourself ,
people will start liking you and accept you for who you are.





1. Do your friends influence you ?

> Yes
> No
> Maybe

2. How are the influences?

> Positive
> Negative
> Both
> None

3. Do you yield to peer pressure?

> Yes
> No

4. Do you do things against your will?

> Yes
> No

5. If yes , what is the influence on you?

> Positive
> Negative
> Both

6. Do you want to stop being affected by peer pressure.

> Yes
> No

7. Do you make fun of someone because they aren't doing

the 'normal' thing? (not normal: in case of their unusual or
weird habits?)
> Yes
> No

8. Do you act differently when you are with your friends

compared to at home?
> Yes
> No

9. Do you peer pressure people to try to impress your

> Yes
> No

10. Are you the kind of person who wants to impress others?
> Yes
> No

The Research design is of an online survey

The data was collected from our classmates and friends

through online survey. I have taken my references and
information from google.

Reference Links:

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