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Week 3:

Emergency Fund,
Time Value of Money
and its Application

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Emergency Fund
• In life you should expect the unexpected,
and this is why you need an emergency
fund. The best you can do is to prepare for
emergencies that require access to
additional money and having an emergency
fund is the ideal solution.

Chapter # 2
Emergency Fund

• Financial emergencies can come

in the form of a job loss,
significant medical expenses,
home or auto repairs or
something you’ve never dreamed

Chapter # 3
Where to Save The Emergency
Three Criterias:
Easy Access
Safety (low risk)

Chapter # 4
Emergency Fund

Single: 3 x income or expenses

Small family with 2 kids: 6 – 9 x income or expenses

Big family with 3 kids or more: 9 – 12 x income or


Chapter # 5
Opening Case
You have won lottery and are being asked to
choose between two alternatives:
1. Receive IDR 400 million and will be paid
right away (NOW)
2. Receive IDR 55 million every year for the
next ten year
Assume interest rate at 5% a year.
Time Value of Money

A dollar today is worth more

than a dollar received in the
future because it can be
invested and earn interest
Types of TVM Calculations
Single sum Annuity
one lump sum series of equal
investment payments made
with no
at fixed time
additions or intervals for
subtractions specified number
of periods
Ways to Calculate TVM
• Formulas
• Tables TVM: B1, B2, B3 & B4
• We use the following notation for the various inputs:
FV = future value
PV = present value
r = annual rate of interest paid.
n = number of periods (typically years)
Future Value

The value invested money will grow to,

by earning a specific rate of interest
over a given time period

“compounding” – using compound

interest to grow today’s present
value to a larger future value
Calculating the Future Value of
a Single Sum

What will $5000 grow to become

if invested at 5% for 6 years?
Calculating the Future Value of
a Single Sum
• Using Formula:
• FV = PV  (1 + r)n

FV = $5,000 x (1+
5%) 6
FV = $5,000 x 1.34
FV = $6,700
Calculating the Future Value of a
Single Sum

Find Future Value Factor for 6 years and
5% (in Table B1)
FV = PV x Factor i,n
FV = PV x FVIF 5%,6years
FV = $5000 x 1.340 = $6,700
Calculating the Future Value of
an Annuity


What would you accumulate if you

could invest $5000 every year for
the next 6 years at 10%?
Calculating the Future Value of
an Annuity
• Using Formula:

• FVA = $5,000 x [(1+ 10%) 6 – 1]

FVA = $38,578.05
Calculating the Future Value
of an Annuity
(Find Future Value Annuity Factor for 6 years
and 10% in Table B3)

FVA = PMT x Factor i,n

FVA = PMT x FVIFA 10%,6 years

FVA = $5000 x 7.716 = $38,580

Rule of 72

Estimates how long it will take to double

a sum at a given interest rate

Number of years = 72
to double money Annual compound
interest rate
Present Value
Amount needed today to invest at a
specific interest rate over a given time
period to reach desired future amount
“Discounting” – reverse of
working from future value
back to present value
Calculating the Present Value of
a Single Sum

You wish to accumulate a retirement fund
of $300,000 in 25 years. If you can invest
at 5%, what single lump-sum deposit
must you make today in order to achieve
your goal?
Calculating the Present Value
of a Single Sum
• Using Formula:

PV = $300,000
(1+ 5%) 25

PV = $88,590.83
Calculating the Present Value
of a Single Sum

Find Present Value Factor for 25 years and
5% (Table B2)
PV = FV x Factor i,n
PV = FV x PVIF 5%,25 years

PV = $300,000 x 0.295 = $88,500

Calculating the Present Value of
an Annuity
Your rich uncle wishes to give you a
sum of money today to use for the next
4 years of college. If you need $10,000
a year and will leave the remainder
invested at 7%, how much should you
tell him you need?
Calculating the Present Value
of an Annuity
• Using Formula:

• PVA = ($10,000/7%) x [1-1/(1+7%) 4]

• PVA = $33,872.11
Calculating the Present Value
of an Annuity
(Find Present Value Annuity Factor for 4 years
and 7% in Table B4)
PVA = PMT x Factor i,n
PVA = PMT x PVIFA 7%,4 years

PVA = $10,000 x 3.387 = $33,870


• How to calculate the series of

cash flow BUT with the different
amount ?
Opening Case (Again..)
You have won lottery and are being asked to
choose between two alternatives:
1. Receive IDR 400 million and will be paid
right away (NOW)
2. Receive IDR 55 million every year for the
next ten year
Assume interest rate at 5% a year.

• Always draw a time line to

visualize (diagram Cash Flow)
Exercises: Use Future or Present Value
technique to solve the following problems

• a. Starting with $10,000, how will

you have in 10 years if you can
earn 8% on your money? If you
can earn only 5%

• b. If you inherited $25,000 today

and invested all of it in a security
that paid a 7% rate of return, how
much would you have in25

• c. If the average new home costs

$210,000 today, how much will it
cost in 10 years if the price
increase by 5% each year?

• d. If you can earn 5%, how much

will you have to save each year if
you want to retire in 35 years
with $1 million?
• Milley and Selena both are 25 years old and is preparing to
save for their old days when their age reach 65 using two
different ways.
• Milley start investing IDR 5 million annually for the next 10
years subsequently. After the 10 year period, she stop
investing but keep the previous investment growing.
• Selena postponing for 10 years and start investing at 35
years old for the next 30 years with the amount of IDR 7
million annually. Assuming 10% annual interest rate. Who is
going to be richer at 65 years old?

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