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Trade Craft
It pertains to the skill and techniques by intelligence personnel in the conduct of
intelligence missions.
Two (2) Types of trade Craft:
1. Rural
2. Urban
Basic Principles of intelligence tradecraft:
Clandestine Activity – one of the basic principles of intel tradecraft is that is primarily
used and is considered the best weapon in the conduct of clandestine activities so as to
achieve a given specified mission. This involves the following.
a. General Principles of clandestine activity
b. Need for secrecy; and
c. Scope of the clandestine activity (elements, collection techniques and reporting)
Casing – is reconnaissance or surveillance of a building, place or area to determine its
suitability for intelligence use or its vulnerability in an intelligence operation.
Method of Casing
1. Personal Reconnaissance– A personal reconnaissance of an area is the most effective method and will
produce the most information since you know just what you are looking for.

2. Map Reconnaissance– A map reconnaissance alone may not be sufficient but it can produce a certain
amount of usable information. From a map, it is possible to get a good survey of road and street network.
3. Research– Such information can be acquired through research. Research normally entails a study of
unclassified sources such as local newspapers, periodicals, public bulletins, telephone and city directories,
radio and television broadcasts, and other available references. 

4. Prior Information– Your unit will have on file reports from other activities within your unit, and also
from other intelligence units that may provide you with information. In addition, town studies, geodetic
surveys, etc., can provide you with valuable information.
5. Hearsay – This type of information is usually gained by the person operating in the area of performing
the casing job. Casing should always be done with your ears open
when visiting such places as restaurants, bars, places of amusement, and while riding on a public
transport facility. Some hearsay information may be gained by discreet questioning of the people in the
Cover – Device or stratagem by which the selected investigator conceals his identity and
his relationship with the investigating agency.
Undercover – an investigative techniques in which the investigator conceals his true
identity and status and adopts an assumed role in order to obtain access to information
or evidence which would not be available through other investigative means.
Types of Cover

1. Natural cover – using true or actual personal background.

2. Artificial cover – using biographical data adopted for the purpose that is fictitious or

3. Cover within a cover – use of secondary cover in case of compromise which

necessitates the admission of a lesser crime.

4. Multiple cover – any cover wished.

Three (3) Types or Organizational Cover
1. Cell cover – intended for small operating groups, wherein the numbers of the group
are not working together.

2. Group cover – provides security for three (3) or more individuals appearing to be
working together

3. Cover family – combination of compartmental.

Types of Cover Story
1. Natural Cover Story – story using actual background data with minor adjustments to
fill and/or fit the situation.

2. Artificial Cover Story – using biographical data which are invented for the purpose.

3. Combination of True and False Personal Data.

Backstop – refers to falsified documents and materials prepared by an undercover to make his cover story
Method of Collection of Information
a. Covert; Method – this is a clandestine or secret means of obtaining information and would include the
following activities:
1. Infiltration – Gradual penetration into enemy domain and territory

2. Surveillance – by utilizing satellite, photos. Audio electronics gadgets and advance

communication system
3. Elicitation – made through interviews, interrogation and instrumentation
b. Overt Method – it is the collection of information in the open by means of government records,
census and statistics, residential and business listings, other printed materials available to the public,
internet and interview.
Surveillance – is the secretive continuous process of watching persons, things or places to obtain
information concerning activities, operations, identities and contracts of persons.
1. Moving surveillance – the officers follows the subject on foot, in a vehicle, in an air, or on a ship
2. Stationary or fixed Surveillance – is the continuous watching of a place, object or a person from fixed point

3. Audio-visual and technical surveillance – this involves the use of sophisticated scientific equipments and devices.
It may include both moving and stationary surveillance.
Surveillance Methods:
1. Foot Surveillance
a. One-man Shadow
b. Two (2) Man Method
c. Three (3) man Method or ABC Method
2. The leapfrog Method
3. Fixed surveillance
4. The open Shadow
5. Automobile Surveillance
Undercover – it is a work that requires the assumption by police agent of an identity in keeping with the situation to be explored.
Purpose of Undercover Work
1. To acquire information necessary to block the criminal plans of the subjects.
2. To effect arrest of the subject/s while in the act of committing a crime.
Kinds of Informants:
1. Ordinary informants
2. Mercenary informants
3. Rival elimination informants
4. Double Cross informants
5. Voluntary informants
6. Self aggrandizing informants
7. Confidential informants

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