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Time Driven Diagram
● I choose this strategy for the story “
The Necklace” . This strategy will
help students to highlights the
different happening in the story. It will
improve also their thinking skills to
fully understand what context or story
their reading. It will students to easily
understand what they read and easily
gather the information in the story.
The Necklace

Resolution Rising Action

Mathilde had everything but he
When Mathilde decided to visit
always though she had
her friend. Madam Forestier
nothing. Its all about
and borrowing what she
happiness and honest was
believes is a very expensive
more important.
necklace to go with the
expensive dress she
convinces her husband to
buy for her. 
The Necklace

Exposition Conflict

Mathilda was unhappy with her Mathilde is in conflict by

position, , despite their herself. Status and Pride are
current situation , she brought by Mathilde desire
always crave attentions and to look rich .
Flow Chart
I’ll apply the flow chart in this
story to visualize and
understand the story more. In
this strategy students can
identify more easily the
different stages of the story.
A Bad Case of Stipes
The story poses the questions of
whether or not it is significant to care
about other people's opinions as well
as the implications of such worry. There are ethical issues with how Camilla's peers treat her.
Though she doesn't seem to lose her The classmates of Camilla serve as a textbook illustration of
kids who bully other kids by making fun of them. Bullying is a
sense of self, Camilla eventually
significant moral problem, although philosophers disagree as
transforms to the point that she is to what exactly constitutes a morally reprehensible act. How
almost unrecognizably may bullying harm a victim? What ought a person to do if they
unrecognizable, and this affects how witness bullying in action? These are the kinds of ethical
we see her. concerns A Bad Case of Stripes raises regarding bullying.

Camilla's mental and physical health are impacted by the teasing she receives from
her classmates and the media coverage of her. Interesting question: Does what the
reporters do constitute bullying? Are there instances when news reporting goes
beyond what the media is expected to do, which is deliver information objectively?
Although the reporters' actions may appear intrusive, one must question whether
they have a moral obligation to inform the public about stories like Camilla's.

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