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-The ability to identify, understood, interpret, create,

communicate and compute, using printed and written materials
associated with varying contexts.
-Literacy in its broadest sense describes “particular ways
of thinking about and doing reading and writting.” with the
purpose of understanding or expressing thoughts or ideas in
written form in some specific contex of use.

-Media are the communication outlets or tools used

to store and deliver information or data. The term refers
to components of the mass media communications
industry, such as print media, publishing, the news
media, photography, cinema, broadcasting (radio and
television), digital media, and advertising. It also refers
to any physical object used to communicate messages.

-A knowledge obtained from experience, investigation,

study, or instruction.
Media Literacy
is an expanded conceptualization of literacy that includes
the ability to access and analyze media messages as well as
create, reflect and take action, using the power of
information and communication to make a different in the
world. It aims to empower citizens by providing them with
the competencies (knowledge and skills) necessary to
engage with traditional media and new technologies.

Media Literacy
is not restricted to one medium and is understood as a set
of competences that are essential for work, life, and
Modern media comes in any different
format, including;
- Print Media (Books, Magazines, Newspapers)
-Video Games
-Cell Phones
- Various Kinds of Software
“Is a set of abilities requiring individuals to
“recognize when information is needed and have the
ability to locale, evaluate, and use effectively the
needed information.”

The Information Literacy is about using,

managing, gathering, and verifying information.

Technology Literacy is the ability to use, manage,

understand, and assess technology. Technology literacy is
related to digital literacy in that when an individual is
proficient in using computers and other digital devices to
access the internet, digital literacy gives them the ability to
use the internet to discover, review, evaluate, create, and use
information via various digital platforms, such as web
browsers, databases, online journals, magazines, newspapers,
blogs, and social media sites.
Media literacy, information literacy, and
technology literacy are all similar in terms of
goals. They all share the common goal of
cultivating people's ability to access,
understand, use, evaluate, and create media
messages, information, or content using
information technology.
Eight (8) Fundamental Elements of Media Literacy
(by Art Silverblatt, The medi scholar)

1. A critical thinking skill enabling audience members to develop

independent judgements about media content.
2. An understanding of the process of mass communication.
3. An awareness of the impact of media on the individual and society.
4. Strategies for analyzing and discussing media messages.
5. Understanding of media content as a text that provides insight into our
culture and our lives.
6. The ability to enjoy, understand, and appreciate messages.
7. Development of effective and responsible production skills.
8. An understanding of the ethical and moral obligations of media
Media and Information Literacy
enables people to show and make informed
judgements as users of information and media, as
well as to become skillfull creators and producers of
information and media messages in their own and
empowers people to think critically about
information and use of digital tools. It helps people
make informed choices about how they participate in
peace building, freedom of expression, dialogue,
access to information, and sustainable development.
Being Media and Information Literature Individual
There are two factors that can influence you to
become a media and information literate individual.
One is clarifying your goals and motivations for seeking
information. The greater you need, the more effort you
exert to become selective of the information at your
disposal. Second is acquiring more skills in discerning,
appreciating, and filtering information. This involves
being more media savvy and better acquainted within
information sources.
Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined

process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing,
applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating
information gathered from, or generated by,
observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or
communication, as a guide to belief and action.
Pre-Industial Age (Before 1700s)
-People discovered fire, development paper from plants and forge weapons
and tools with stone, bronze, copper and iron.


Cave Paintings (also known as “parietal art”)

are numerous paintings and engravings
on cave walls or cellings around
38 000 BCE.
Clay Tablets Development in Ancient
Mesopotamia, clay tablets were used for 3,000
years. The tablets were usually dried in the
sun or sometimes fired in kilns. clay tablets
are used as a writing medium especially for
writting in cuneiform. Cuneiform is one of the
oldest forms of writing.

Papyrus is a material similar to thick paper

that was in ancient times as a writting surface.
It was made from the pith of the papyrus plant,
Cyperus papyrus, a wetland sedge. Payprus can
also refer to a document written on sheets of such
materials, joined side by side and rolled up in a
DURING THE 1700s-1930s
Industrial Age
People used the power of steam, developed machine tools, established iron
production, and the manufacturing of various products (including books
through the printing press).


Printing press for mass production

(19th century)
The printing press is a device that allows for the mass
production of uniform printed matter, mainly text in the
form of books, pamphets and newspaper.
Telegraph is a device for transmitting and
receiving messages over long distances, for

Motion Picture also called a film or

movie, a series of pictures projected on a screen
rapidly one after another so as to give the
appearance of continous picture in which the
object move.
Other Examples:
 Newspaper- The London Gazette (1640)
 Typewriter (1800)
 Telephone (1876)
 Motion Picture Photography/Projection (1890)
 Commercial Motion Pictures (1913)
 Motion Picture with Sound (1926)
 Punch Cards
Electronic Age (1930-1980)
The invention of the transistor ushered in the electronic age.
People harnessed the power of transistors that led to the transistor
radio, electronic circuits, and the early computers. In this age, long
distance communcation became more efficient.

Transistor Radio
A transistor radio is a small
portable radio receiver that uses
transistor-based circuitry.
Large Electronic Computers
People living in the beggining o the
21st century use digital electronic computers
for storing data, such as photos, music,
documents, and for performing complex
mathematical computations or for

Mainframe Computers
Informally called a mainframe or big ron, is a
computer used primarly by large organizations
for critical applications like bulk data
processing for task such as censuses, industry
and consumer statistics, enterprise resource
planning, and large-scale transaction planning.
New Age or Information Age
The Information Age began around the 1970s and still going on
today. It is also known as the Computer age, Digital age, or New
media age. This era brought about a time period in which people
could access information and knowledge easily.

Laptop Facebook Smart Phones

Other Examples;
 Google Meet (Video Chat)
 Web Browser (Mosaic, Internet Explorer)
 Blog (Blogspot, LiveJournal, Wordpress)
 Social Networks (Friendster, Multiply, Facebook)
 Microblogs (Twitter, Tumblr)
 Video (Youtube)
 Augmented Reality/ Virtual Reality
 Video chat (Skype, Google Hangouts)
 Search Engines (Google, Yahoo)
 Wearable Technology
 Cloud and Big Data
Function Of Communication of Media

1. Monitoring Function. This is to inform the citizens on what is

happening around them.
2. Information Function. This is to educate the audience on the
meaning and significance the facts.
3. Opinion Function. This is to provide a platform for public
political discourse. It is to facilitate public opinion and expression
of dissent.
4. Watchdog Role of Journalist. It denounces the wrongdoimg
of the government and the private which leads to increasing of
accountability and speaheading positive changes.
5. Channel for advocacy of Political viewpoint
Sources of Information

Indigenous Media
Indigenous media is the use of communication tools, pathways,
and outlets by indigenous peoples for their own political and cultural

Indigenous Knowledge is a unique knowledge from a specific culture or


Indigenous Communication includes the transmission of information,

entertainment, news, persuasion, announcements, and social exchanges
of every type.
Characteristics of Indigenous Media
 Oral tradition of communication
 Store information in memories
 Information exchange is face-to-face
 Information is contained within the border of the community

Forms Indigenous Media

 Folk or tradition media
 Gatherings and social organizations
 Direct observation
 Records (written, carved, oral)
 Oral instruction
Sources of Information
Library a building or room containing collections of books,
perodicals, and sometimes films and recorded music for to people to
read, borrow, study, and use in researching.
Types of Libraries
 Academic Libraries. is a library that is attached to a higher
education institution.
 Public Libraries. This is for cities and towns.
 School libraries. This is for the students from Kindergarten to
Grade 12.
 Special Libraries. This is in specialized environment such as
hospitals, private business, and the government.
Sources of Information

Internet is a global network providing a variety of information

and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected
networks using standardized communication protocols.

Since it is easy to access information from the internet, the

following evaluation criteria will help you how to assess online
 Currency. It is the timeliness of information.
 Relevance. It is the significance of the information that you need.
 Authority. It is the source of information.
 Accuracy. It is the closeness of the report to the actual data.
 Purpose. The reason why it is created.

1. Check the Author

2. Check the Date of Publication or update
3. Check for Citations
4. Check the Domain or owner of the site/page.
.gov -government
.org -nonprofit organization
.mil -military
Types of Media
Print Media

Print media is also known as “Press” one of the oldest and

basic forms of media communication. This type of media refers to
materials that are written and are physically distributed.
Example of Print media are; books, newspapers, magazines,
and other periodicals, manuscripts, corespondence, memorada, loose
leaf materials, notes, and brochures.
Books are the very first mass media in human history. A
handwritten or printed work of fiction or nonfiction, usually in sheets
of paper fastened or bound together within covers.
Newspaper is a paper that is printed and distributed usually
daily or weekly and that contains news, articles of opinion, features,
and advertising.
Memorada is an informal record also a written reminder.
Broadcast Media (Broadcasting)

Broadcast media involves electronically and

simultaneously sending information containing signals and
audio or video content to a vast group of recipients using
television and radio.
Using telvision and radio people are also aware of the
programmes and policies of the government.They provide
educational programmes that can be understood even by the
illiterate people. The media also give information involving
various natural and man-made disasters. It helps in
broadcasting early warning.
Movies (Film/ Cinema)

It is one of the oldest platforms of media

and people went to the theaters to watch it. A
movie is a recording of moving images that tells
a story and the people watch on a theaters.
Film is a thin flexible strip of plastic or
other material coated with light-sensitive
emulsion for exposure in a camera, used to
produce photographs or motion pictures.
Internet/New Media
The internet is the newest sources of media.
It is more fast and capable in compare to any other
source of media. The internet also gives you a
chance to express your ideas all over the globe.
Internet is an electronic communications network
that connects computer networks and organizational
computers facilities around the world.
Internet and new media help young people
easily access information to inform and educate
themselves. Children and teenager use social media
to have fun, make and maintain friendships, share
interest, explore identities and develop relationships
with family.
Video Games

An electronic game played by

manipulating moving figures on a display
screen, often designed for play on a special
gaming console rather than a personal computer.
Video games continue to grow popular to both
young and old because of their increased
interactivity and interconnectivity. It is only grown in
youth with high dimentions and more graphics.
What is Media
Converge means to meating at a point, it is synonymous
to the words: join , unite, interest, merge, connect, concide.

Media Convergence happens when different (two or

more) media sources join together. It allows media texts to be
produced on distributed on multiple media devices.
Media convergence refers to the merging of previously
distinct media technologies and platforms through digitization
and computer networking.
Media convence is the ability to transform different
kinds of media into digital code, which is then accessible by
a range of devices. Media convence usually occurs in various
platforms such as:
1. Social Network
2. Learning Management System
3. Product Advertisement
4. News Agency
5. Multimedia Personality
Device/ Media Converged Media
Types or Forms
Smartphones  Camera
 TV
 Telephone

 Web Browser
 Digital map
 Radio, etc.

Computers 

Music player
Video player
Web browser, etc.
of Media
Google  Google search, drive, email,
 Youtube, google wallet, android,
 Google chrome, google plus
 Blogspot, google map
Book  E-books
 Print on Demand (POD)
Newspaper  Online version
 Mobile application version

Example of
 Online and costume
Magazine publishing
 Movement from print to
television (or vice versa)
 Advertorial
 Concept movies
Film  Sequels, remakes, and
 Television, comic book, and
video game remakes
Device/ Media Converged Media
Type or forms

Example of
Radio  Digital Radio
 Internet-based radio and podcasting
 Radio on television (and vice versa)

Television  Video cassette recorders(VCR)

 Digital Video Disk (DVD)
 Digital Vide Record (VCR)
 Digital Television or high-definition
 Internet-based television
 Video on the internet
 Interactive television
 Phone-over-cable
 Mobile video
 Television Recording
 Online interactive gaming
 Internet-capable handheld
Video game devices
Games  Advocacy gaming
Example of
 Functionalities of the
traditional media moving to the
web platform.
Internet and
the World
Wide Web
 Internet
incorporated to
technology (e.g. smartphones
and tablets)
 Internet connected , WI-FI
capable television monitor.
There are different ways to classify media.

1. Print media, non-print media, electronic media

 Print media:They include: books, journals, magazines, newspapers, workbook,
 Non-print media: they include: projected and non-projected media
 Electronic media: they include: Audio media, Visual media and Audio-visual
2. Projected Media & Non-projected media
 Projected Media: they require light source for projection. E.g. film projector
slides etc.
 Non-projected media: they do not require light source. They include 3
dimensional objects, 2 dimensional objects, prints, charts, models etc.
3. Audio media, Visual media & Audio-visual
Audio Media: this form of media carry sounds alone E.g. audio tapes, record
Visual media: these are the ones that can be seen. E.g. T.V, computer, white
Audio-visual: this refers to those instructional materials which provide students
with audio and visual experiences by appearing to the hearing and seeing senses
at the same time. E.g. T.V, video tapes, closed circuit television (CCTV)
4. Hardware & Software
Hardware: this classification of machines or equipment used in the instructional
process. I t is upon this gadgets that the software is transmitted. E.g. Television
set, tape recorder etc.
Software: this classification consists of all materials used with the machine.
They are the real carrier of knowledge or information. They include, films, tapes
and tranparencies.

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