General Psychology Chapter 7 Summerized

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Reflective Activities
• Have you observed a behavior of a person who behaves
differently from others in your locality? What kind of name
they are given? Why?
• Do people who behave differently are all the same in their
• Do you think behavioral problems can be curable?

Criteria used for determining that person has a psychological

problem /disorder
1. Abnormality
• Does a person behavior that deviates from the behavior of
the “typical” person, the norm?

Criteria used for determining that person has a psychological

problem /disorder
2. Mal-adaptiveness
• Does a person’s behavior seriously disrupt the social,
academic, or life of an individual?
3. Personal Distress(Negative stress)
• Does a person’s behavior cause personal distress including
feelings of anxiety, depression( hopelessness) and self-
defeating thoughts?

Causes of Psychological Disorders (Based on Perspectives)

1. The Biological Perspective
• The biological perspective views psychological disorders as
linked to biological phenomena, such as genetic factors,
chemical imbalances, and brain abnormalities.
2. Psychoanalytic perspective
• Abnormal behavior, in Freud’s view, is caused by the ego’s
inability to manage the conflict between the opposing
demands of the id and the superego.

Causes of Psychological Disorders (Based on Perspectives)

3. Learning perspective
• Most mental and emotional disorders arise from inadequate
or inappropriate learning.
• People acquire abnormal behaviors through the various kinds
of learning.

Causes of Psychological Disorders (Based on Perspectives)

4. Cognitive perspective
• Cognitive perspective focuses on faulty thinking/distorted
• People's ways thinking (our thinking patterns ) about events in
their life determines their emotional and behavioral patterns
in either positive or negative ways.
• Hence, if there is a disturbance in on our thinking, it may
manifest in our display of emotions and behaviors.

Psychopathology and Psychological Disorder

• It is the study of psychological disorders, including their
symptoms, etiology (i.e., their causes), and treatment.
Psychological Disorder
• It is a condition characterized by abnormal thoughts, feelings,
and behaviors.
Types of psychological disorders

1. Mood Disorders
 What does moody mean?

• Have you ever meet someone who is extremely excited one

time but turns the other way shortly afterwards?
• What Affects Mood?

 Sleep
 Diet, medication, and other lifestyle factors can also affect
Types of psychological disorders

1. Mood Disorders
• Mood disorders are characterized by a serious change in
mood from depressed (unhappy) to elevated feelings causing
disruption (disturbance) to life activities.
• It also called affective disorders, involve persistent feelings of
sadness or periods of feeling overly happy, or fluctuations
from extreme happiness to extreme sadness.
Types of psychological disorders

1. Mood Disorders
A. Major Depression disorder
• It is characterized by depressed mood, diminished interest in
activities previously enjoyed, weight disturbance, sleep
disturbance, loss of energy, difficulty concentrating, and often
includes feelings of hopelessness, long periods of extreme
sadness and thoughts of suicide.
Major Depression Mood disorder

Suicidal Ideation
Types of psychological disorders

1. Mood Disorders
B. Dysthymic Disorder,
• Many of the symptoms are similar to depression disorder
except to a lesser degree.
• Some of the common symptoms of dysthymia includes low or
high appetite, fatigue and low energy as well as insomnia.
Types of psychological disorders

1. Mood Disorders
C. Bipolar Disorder
• The cycling between both depressed and manic moods
disorder. Characterized by recurrent episodes (incidences) of
mania and depression in the same patient at the same time.
Types of psychological disorders

1. Mood Disorders
D. Cyclothymic disorder: It often is considered to be a mild form
of bipolar disorder.
• It is a disorder that causes emotional ups and downs that are less
extreme than bipolar disorder.
Types of psychological disorders

2. Anxiety Disorders

• Characterized by frequent fearful thoughts about what

might happen in the future.
• It involve excessive fear or anxiety.
Types of psychological disorders

Types of Anxiety Disorders

a. Panic Disorder
• It is characterized by a series of panic attacks. A panic attack is
an inappropriate intense feeling of fear or discomfort.
• Symptoms: heart palpitations(an irregular or unusually rapid
beating of the heart ), trembling, shortness of breath, chest
pain, dizziness.
Types of psychological disorders

Types of Anxiety Disorders

b. Agoraphobia
• It is literally means fear of the marketplace.
• Agoraphobia is often a part of panic disorder if the panic
attacks are severe enough to result in an avoidance of places
like shopping centers, grocery stores, or other public place .
Types of psychological disorders

Types of Anxiety Disorders

c. Specific or Simple Phobia and Social Phobia
• They represent an intense fear and often an avoidance of a
specific situation, person, place, or thing.
Types of psychological disorders

Types of Anxiety Disorders

d. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
• Obsessions are defined as recurrent, persistent thoughts,
impulses, and urges that lead to distress or anxiety.
• Compulsions are repetitive and excessive behaviors that the
individual feels that they must perform to reduce the obsession
or anxiety or to prevent some dreaded outcome from occurring.
Types of psychological disorders

Types of Anxiety Disorders

d. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Examples of Compulsions
• For example: People with an intense fear of dirt or of being
infected are repeatedly wash their hands.
• People having OCD sometimes repeatedly do things which
were completed successfully already such as checking,
counting, cleaning, or bathing or hand washing.
Types of psychological disorders

Types of Anxiety Disorders

e. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
• It occurs only after a person is exposed to a traumatic event
where their life or someone else's life is threatened.
• The most common traumatic events are war, natural
disasters, major accidents, and severe child abuse.
Types of psychological disorders

Types of Anxiety Disorders

e. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

• Once exposed to an incident(to traumatic event) the disorder
develops into an intense fear of related situations, avoidance
of these situations, reoccurring nightmares, flashbacks, and
heightened anxiety to the point that it significantly disrupts
their everyday life.
Types of psychological disorders

Types of Anxiety Disorders

f. Generalized Anxiety Disorder
• It is diagnosed when a person has extreme anxiety in nearly
every part of their life.
• The anxiety must be significant enough to disrupt the person's
everyday life for a diagnosis to be made.
Types of psychological disorders

3. Personality Disorders
• A personality disorder is a type of mental disorder in which
you have a rigid and unhealthy pattern of thinking, functioning
and behaving.
• It is characterized by an enduring pattern of thinking, feeling,
and behaving which is significantly different from the person's
culture and results in negative consequences.
Types of psychological disorders

3. Personality Disorders
a. Paranoid personality disorders
• It is characterized by a distrust of others and a
constant suspicion that people around you have
sinister motives.
• They search for hidden meanings in everything and
read hostile intentions into the actions of others.
Types of psychological disorders

3. Personality Disorders
Paranoid personality disorders
• They are quick to challenge the loyalties of friends
and loved ones and often appear cold and distant to
• They usually shift blame to others and tend to carry
long grudges
Types of psychological disorders

3. Personality Disorders
b. Schizoid: inability to form and lack of interest in social
• They tend to seek jobs that require little social
• Their social skills are often weak and they do not
show a need for attention or acceptance
Types of psychological disorders

3. Personality Disorders
c. Schizotypal: Strange thought patterns, magical thinking, odd
• Exhibit eccentric behavior. Eccentricity (also called
quirkiness) is an unusual or odd behavior. 
Types of psychological disorders

3. Personality Disorders
d. Antisocial
• It is a pattern of disregard for the rights of others,
including violation of these rights and the failure to
feel empathy.
• Someone with ASPD might show a consistent failure
to obey the law and may engage in such acts as
destruction of property, harassing others, or theft.
Types of psychological disorders

3. Personality Disorders
• Suicidal threats and actions are common. They are
quick to anger when their expectations are not met.
• They will take their anger out on themselves, causing
themselves injury.
Types of psychological disorders

3. Personality Disorders
f. Histrionic
• It is pattern of excessive emotional behavior and
attention seeking.
• They need to be the center of attention all the time,
often interrupting others in order to dominate the
Types of psychological disorders

3. Personality Disorders
• They also tend to exaggerate friendships and
relationships, believing that everyone loves them
Types of psychological disorders

3. Personality Disorders
g. Narcissistic
• It is pattern of grandiosity, exaggerated self-worth,
and need for admiration.
• characterized by self-centeredness
Types of psychological disorders

3. Personality Disorders
• They exaggerate their achievements, expecting
others to recognize them as being superior
Types of psychological disorders

3. Personality Disorders
• They tend to be choosy about picking friends, since
they believe that not just anyone is worthy of being
their friend.
Types of psychological disorders

3. Personality Disorders
h. Avoidant
• It is pattern of feelings of social inadequacies, low
self-esteem and hypersensitivity to criticism(extreme
sensitivity to negative evaluation).
• consider themselves to be socially inept or personally
unappealing, and avoid social interaction for fear of
being ridiculed or humiliated.
Types of psychological disorders

3. Personality Disorders
i. Obsessive-Compulsive
• It is pattern of obsessive cleanliness, perfection, and
• characterized inflexibility, rigid conformity to rules
and procedures, perfectionism and excessive
people with OCPD tend to stress perfectionism above
all else, and feel anxious when they perceive that
things aren't "right".
Treatment Techniques

Treatment of mental illnesses can include

• Medication,
• Talk-therapy, or a combination of both

• It is Providing psychological treatment to individuals
with some kind of psychological problems

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