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Submitted by: Adab Mehta
Submitted to: Prof Anjali Bennet
is it okay to take her to
lunch to discuss about the
is it okay if I
compliment a
female employee
that I liked her dress

Case Study -
Sexual Harrasment
Should I just not allow
in workplace anybody to touch me,
even if it is supposed to
be a congratularory pat?.
The Case Study reflects why there is a need to have well aware human resources in the organization to ensure proper
behavior and inculcate the much needed ethics and values. These days while recruiting companies not only want your
better IQ but also a sound EQ i.e. emotional quotient.

values are beliefs

that affect an ethics is the way the
individual's values are acted
judgmental ideas out.
about what is good
or bad

the types of values required in Values could be:

business are:
terminal : desired state which we wish to
• social, about human relationsips, persue - freedom, comfort, security,
• aesthetic about beauty and art,
• political about power and influence, instrumental means of behaviour which we
• religious about God, use to reach these goals, like being honest,
• theoretical about reasoning and being polite, or being responsible
systematic thinking of an individual.


which is more of a duty

based approach which
involves taking humane
values and consideration of
UTILITARIANISM their needs also.
in 3 words is simply:
ends justifies means. PRINCIPAL
if an action produces the APPROACHES
greatest good outcome by
whatever means, it is
morally right
Ethical Theories
Developed by management thinkers


Rule based theory Consequential theories

which focusses on the Cultural theories say that emphasize that how
character of the action there are no universal right/wrong, good/bad
itself, not its results. principles or standards to is something it is all
be imposed, rather local decided by the result of
Like moral/legal rights standards should guide your behaviour
the behavior

like they say, when

you’re in Rome, do what
the romans do.
Co A is providing quality products at a not so fair price and the higher
price charged is given as bonus to employees.
Here, company although is kind to its employees, but is not following
ethical behavior towards its customers
Co B which is providing quality products at fair price, but cuts down
the salary of its employees to make sure of it. Here company is
although ethical towards customers, but not following ethical
behavior towards its employees.
What determines the application of these ethical behavior,
depends on a number of factors:

• Political
• Legal
• Competitors
• Values of top management
• Culture
Now let us look at some of the findings of a major management thinker Archi B
Carroll, notes that three major levels of moral or ethical judgement characterize
every management: moral, immoral, and amoral management

moral immoral amoral

The amoral management approach is neither immoral
Moral management Immoral management or nor moral but, rather it ignores ethical considerations.
cutting corners type approach: • could be Intentional where they do not include
aims to perform all
this is characterized by principal ethical concerns in their decision-making because
activities within the or exclusive concern for they basically think that general ethical standards
parameters of ethical company gains, emphasis on are more appropriate to other areas of life than to
standards and the profits and company success at business
• could be unintentional: now they also do not think
ideals of fairness, virtually any price, lack of
about ethical issues in their business dealings, but
justice, and due concern about the desires of their reason is different. These managers are
process. others to be treated fairly, views basically inattentive to the moral implications of
of laws as obstacles to be their decision-making,
overcome Overall amoral managers pursue profitability as a goal
but intentionally or unintentionally they pay little
attention to the impacts of their behaviours on others.
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We say that business runs on three objectives of
survival , profit and growth, so why are we do
companies need to be so concerned about

Well to achieve these objectives in long run, we

definitely cannot ignore important factors like
• reputation of our business,
• the morale motivation of our human resorces,
• gaining the investor’s confidence
• customer satisfaction

and all these factors are influenced majorly by

values and ethics. Hence we say that values are
those key element that rules, or I should say,
should rule all the activities that take place in an
organization for achieving the objectives in longer
12/28/2022 10
Thank You

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