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Muscle tissue also called Muscular tissue is composed of cell that have
ability to
 To contract
 To shorten
 To produce movement of the body part
 The tissue is highly cellular and is well supplied with blood vessels
The cells of muscle tissue are generally narrow but very long so referred as
These muscle fibers are aggregated in parallel arrays to facilitate the
contraction of muscle mass.
The contractile ability of muscle cell is derived from the presence of
myofibrils in their cytoplasm, which are thread like contractile structures .
Smooth muscles

 Smooth muscles are called so because they do not show any

cross striation because there occur in the form of bands,
bundles or sheets.
 There are found in the wave of hollow viscera such as
 stomach intestine
 urinary bladder
 uterus etc.
 It form an important component of blood vessel and
lymphatic vessels
Smooth muscles fibers

 They are spindle shaped fiber each of which is thick in the

central part but tapers towards the end.
 The fusiform shape of these fibers help smooth muscle
fibers to take the shape of bands bundles and or sheets
 Average of a smooth muscles fiber is about 6micrometer.
The length is variable from about 20micrometer in wall of
vessels to approx 200micrometer in wall of intestine.
Smooth muscles

 The fiber are connected to each other by maculae

communicate (gap junctions)
 To provide intercellular communication needed to regulate
concentration of an entire bundle or sheet of smooth muscle.
 Smooth muscles give a mosaic like approx. in longitudinal
 The cell membrane of the ear smooth muscle fiber is a
trilaminar structure
 Sarcolemma is surrounded by external lamina
 Each smooth muscle contains a rod shapes nuclease located
in center
Cytoplasm of smooth muscle

Cytoplasm of smooth muscle is called sarcoplasm which contain.

 Contractile apparatus of thin filaments.
 Thick filaments Cytoskeleton of intermediate filaments
The sarcoplasm also contains.
 Mitochondria
 Polysomes
 Small Golgi apparatus
 Some glycogen granules
Cytoplasm of smooth muscle

 The plasma lemma of smooth muscle cells shows numerous
invaginations called caveolae.
 Cavalla contains.
 Receptors Pumps Ion channels
 And they are usually found to be located close to the
mitochondria and SER.
Functions of Caveolae

 Caveolae function to organize signaling molecules in the

 Caveola also serve to regulate the entry of calcium ions into
smooth muscle cells or their ejection from these cells in
accordance with the contraction and relaxation of smooth
Contractile apparatus.

 Contractile apparatus enables smooth muscle to undergo

shortening as and when required.
 Thin filament. Composed of Actin protein Measure 5_7 nm
in diameter
 The thin filaments form bundles that are arranged
longitudinally and obliquely in the cytoplasm of smooth
muscle cell.
 Thick filaments
 Composed of myosin || Diameter 15nm average
 They run parallel to the thin filaments
Desman intermediate filaments.

 The cytoskeleton of smooth muscle cell consists of a

network of desmin intermediate filaments However in the
smooth muscle of blood vessels VIMENTIN FILAMENTS
are also present.
 Dense bodies.
 EM reveals that the actin filaments are inserted into electron
dense structures called dense bodies which contain actin
binding proteins (mainly alpha_actinin)
 The intermediate filaments of cytoskeleton are also inserted
into the dense bodies.
Functions of smooth muscle

 The smooth muscle carries out different functions in various

locations in the body.
 The smooth muscle in the walls of the blood vessels
(especially arteries) contracts and relaxes to regulate the blood
pressure and flow of blood
 The smooth muscle in the wall of the digestive tract
undergoes slow, rhythmic, involuntary contractions
(peristalsis) which propel the food through the digestive tube
 In urinary bladder, the smooth muscle helps to push the urine
 The smooth muscle in the wall of the uterus contracts during
the childbirth to push the baby to the exterior.
Functions of smooth muscle

 In the lungs the smooth muscle in the wall of the bronchi

and bronchioles contracts and relaxes to control the air flow
through the lungs
 In the male reproductive tract, the contraction of the smooth
muscle leads to onward movement of the spermatozoa and
 In the eye the pupillary smooth muscle controls the size of
the pupil to regulate the amount of light entering the eye.
 In the skin, the arrector pili muscles contrac to make the
hair stand erect
Nerve Supply of smooth
 The smooth muscle is supplied by sympathetic and
parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system
'all nerve fibers being postganglionic and unmyelinated.
 On the basis of innervation, two types of smooth muscle are
 Multiunit smooth muscle. Rich nerve supply Nearly all
muscle cell receive nerve terminals
 ➡Examples. Smooth muscle of iris and ductus
deferens.Unitary smooth muscle
Nerve Supply of smooth
 Poor nerve supply Only a few muscle cells having nerve
terminals The nerve impulse passes from one cell to another
through gap junctions and the muscle functions in a
syncytial fashion(because individual muscle fibers cannot
contract separately)
 Examples.
 Unitary smooth muscle occurs in the walls of most of the
hollow viscera.
 The smooth muscle in the walls of the blood vessels also
belongs to the unitary variety.

 skeletal muscle, also called voluntary muscle, in vertebrates

 Skeletal muscles are attached to bones by tendons, and
they produce all the movements of body parts in relation to
each other.
Properties Of Skeletal Muscle

The skeletal muscles have the following properties:

 Extensibility: It is the ability of the muscles to extend when
it is stretched.
 Elasticity: It is the ability of the muscles to return to its
original structure when released.
 Excitability: It is the ability of the muscle to respond to a
 Contractility: It is the ability of a muscle to contract when in
contact with a stimulus.
Cytoplasm of skeletal
 Known as sarcoplasm.
 It contains:
 Golgi complex
 Small amount of rough endoplsmic retieulum
 Large number of mitochoandria and glycogen granules
 Abundant provide energy needed for chemical reactions
involves in contraction.
Cytoplasm of skeletal
 Smooth endoplasmic reticulum called sarcoplasmic
 Very extensive involve in Ca2+ release helpful in muscle
 Cytoplasm is filled with MYOFIBRILS.
Under Light Microscope
 Longitudinally sectioned skeletal muscle fibers show cross
 Actually prasent on myofibrils.
 In forms of alternate light and dark bands.
Light band Dark band
A Band I band
Anisotropic Isotropic
Under electron Microscope

 “thin , cylindrical , thread like structures composed of long

proteins called ”
 1-2 wm in Diamater
 Varying great length
 Extending form one and to other.
 Parallel to long axis.
 Closely packed.
 Structure
Transverse tubule System

 T-tubules (transverse tubules) are extensions of the cell

membrane that penetrate into the centre of skeletal and
cardiac muscle cells. ... Through these mechanisms, T-
tubules allow heart muscle cells to contract more forcefully
by synchronising calcium release from the sarcoplasmic
reticulum throughout the cell.
 T-tubules are tubules formed from the same phospholipid bilayer as the
surface membrane or sarcolemma of skeletal or cardiac muscle cells.
  They connect directly with the sarcolemma at one end before travelling deep
within the cell, forming a network of tubules with sections running both
perpendicular (transverse) to and parallel (axially) to the sarcolemma.
  Due to this complex orientation, some refer to T-tubules as the transverse-
axial tubular system. 
 The inside or lumen of the T-tubule is open at the cell surface, meaning that
the T-tubule is filled with fluid containing the same constituents as the
solution that surrounds the cell (the extracellular fluid).
 Rather than being just a passive connecting tube, the membrane that forms T-
tubules is highly active, being studded with proteins including 
L-type calcium channels, sodium-calcium exchangers, calcium ATPases and 
Beta adrenoceptors.
 T-tubules are found in both atrial and ventricular cardiac muscle cells (
cardiomyocytes), in which they develop in the first few weeks of life.
  They are found in ventricular muscle cells in most species, and in atrial
muscle cells from large mammals.
 In cardiac muscle cells, across different species, T-tubules are between 20
and 450 nanometers in diameter and are usually located in regions called 
Z-discs where the actin myofilaments anchor within the cell.
  T-tubules within the heart are closely associated with the intracellular
calcium store known as the sarcoplasmic reticulum in specific regions
referred to as terminal cisternae. The association of the T-tubule with a
terminal cistern is known as a diad.
 In skeletal muscle cells, T-tubules are three to four times
narrower than those in cardiac muscle cells, and are
between 20 and 40 nm in diameter.
  They are typically located at either side of the myosin strip,
at the junction of overlap (A-I junction) between the A and I
  T-tubules in skeletal muscle are associated with two
terminal cisternae, known as a triad.
 Straited and involuntary
 They are also called "Cardiomyocytes".
 They are present in form of chains and bifurcate to form
junctions called as "Intercalated discs".
 20 um diameter
 90-120 um length NUCLEUS:
 Each muscle cell contain oval nuclei but cardio my cotes are
bi nucleated.

 Occupied by myofibrils
 Myofibrils contain thick and thin myofilaments.
 Due to my filaments they exhibit dark and light bands.
 Contain large number of mitochondria ; occupy 50%
cytoplasmic volume.
 Ordinary size mitochondria: beneath sarcoplasma and
prenuclear zone
 Large size mitochondria: present between myofibrils.
 Number of mitochondria depend on need for aerobic
 In sarcoplasm golgi apparatus, S.E.R , glycogen granules
and fat droplets are present

 Cardiac muscles of atria

 They contain membrane bounded granules
 0.2 to 0.4 diameter
 Hormone present named as ANF ( Atrial natriuretic factor)
 It is released when atria is distended.
 Atria is distended when plasma volume expands and
diuresis( increased excretion of urine)

 They are dark straining cross/transverse bands.

 These bands cross the chains of the cardiac muscle fibers.
 Present at the level of Z- line.
 They contain 3 varities of inter cellular junctions
 Desmosomes
 Fasciae adherents
 Gap junctions
 Desmosomes and fascia adherent provide mechanical attachment so
during contraction muscle fibers do not separate.
 Gap junctions provide electrical coupling which permit transfer of ions
between the adjacent cells and allow conductance of electric impulse
from one cardiac muscle to other so that a coordinating contraction of
cardiac muscles take place
 Invagination of sarcolemma
 Greater diameter lie at level of z-line.
 Sarcoplasmic reticulum contain longitudinally running tubules
which interconnect and anastomose with each other.
 And they form plexiform pattern unlike SKELETAL muscle
and they donot form triads because no large terminal cisternae
are present.
 They form diads because each t.tubule is associated with one
small terminal cisternae.

 Branches of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve
 Skeletal muscle contains numerous 'satellite cells'
underneath the basal lamina, as shown in the photograph
 These are mononucleated quiescent cells.
 When the muscle is damaged, these cells are stimulated to
 After dividing, the cells fuse with existing muscle fibres, to
regenerate and repair the damaged fibres.
 The skeletal muscle fibres themselves, cannot divide.
However, muscle fibres can lay down new protein and
enlarge (hypertrophy).
 Cardiac muscle can also hypertrophy. However, there are
no equivalent to cells to the satellite cells found in skeletal
muscle. Thus when cardiac muscle cells die, they are not
 Smooth cells have the greatest capacity to regenerate of all
the muscle cell types. The smooth muscle cells themselves
retain the ability to divide, and can increase in number this
 As well as this, new cells can be produced by the division of
cells called pericytes that lie along some small blood
 Smooth muscle can also hypertrophy.

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