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Submitted by:-
G YOGESH (189201074)
8th semester
Mr. Samarendra Pratap Singh
Assistant professor

Fig 1 structure of power system

An electric power system is a network of electrical components used to supply, transfer, and consume electric power.
The power system is a network which consists generation, distribution and transmission system.

In generation side electricity is produced by converting mechanical energy into electrical energy (electromechanical
conversion systems).

In transmission system side, electricity is generated in bulk in the generating stations and then transmitted over long
distances to the load or demand points. The transmission system interconnects all the generating stations and major
load centres in the system.

The distribution is the final process of power transfer to the individual consumer.
Optimal Power Flow

Optimal power flow (OPF) is fundamental in power system operations as it underlies many applications such as
demand response, state estimation, economic dispatch, stability. Optimal Power Flow (OPF) is a well-studied
optimization problem in power systems. Optimal Power Flow was first proposed by Carpentier. The objective of
Optimal Power Flow is to find a steady state operating point that minimizes the cost of generation of electric
power while satisfying meeting demand and operating constraints.

efficient ways of doing power transfer need to be developed that

i) satisfy demand
ii) minimize the cost of power generation
These are the main objective of the so-called Optimal Power Flow (OPF) problem

Different methods for solving Optimal Power Flow problems: -

a) Traditional method.
b) Metaheuristic technique.
a) In traditional method there are five methods namely: Gradient, Newton, Quadratic
programming, Linear programming, interior point.

b) In metaheuristic technique there are four methods namely: Differential evaluation,

Genetic algorithm, Particle swarm optimization, Ant colony optimization.


Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a population-based optimization

technique inspired by the motion of bird flocks and schooling fish.
Optimal power flow on power system

In a power system, power flows from generating stations to load centers.

So investigation has been required to find the bus voltages and amount
of power flow through transmission lines.
Power flow study aims at reaching the steady state solution of complete
power networks. Performing a load flow study on an existing system
recommends optimized operation of power system.
This is a numerical analysis of the flow of power in an interconnected
power system. This analysis has been done at the state of planning,
operation, control and economic scheduling. Results of such an analysis
have been presented in terms of active power, reactive power, voltage
magnitude and phase angle.
Optimal power flow on nine-bus

Given power system network is Nine-bus system.

In this system there are nine buses(bus 1, bus 2, bus 3,

bus 4, bus 5, bus 6, bus 7, bus 8, bus 9), three generators
(G1, G2, G3), three loads(Load A, Load B, Load C), six
lines (line 4-5, line 4-6, line 5-7, line 6-9, line 7-8, line 8-
9), three transformers (T1, T2, T3)

To carryout optimal power flow of given power system

network we have to use a evolutionary algorithm so in
this work we are using PSO (particle swarm optimization)
as an evolutionary algorithm.
Fig 2 Single line diagram of the Nine-bus System in Dig silent power factory
Input data : -

Load demand, generation dispatch, lines data, transformers data are specified in table 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Table 1 Load demand

Table 2 Generator dispatch and voltage setpoints

Table 3 Data of lines

Table 4 Data of transformers

Fig 3 Calculating the results of nine-bus system

Fig 4 Results figure of nine-bus system

Table 5 Results of generators

Table 6 Results of Transformers

Table 7 Results of lines

Table 8 Results of bus voltages
Grid losses are 2.59 MW

This work done clearly gives us the minimization fuel cost, minimization of emissions, real power losses, and reduction of voltage deviation
with satisfying operational constraints in power systems.
This study will assist researchers in comparing and selecting an appropriate OPF technique, to find the optimal state of any system under
system constraint
• Kothari, D. P. (2012, March). Power system optimization. In 2012 2nd National conference on computational
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• Kundur, P., Balu, N. J., & Lauby, M. G. (1994). Power system stability and control (Vol. 7, p. 623). New York:
• Zhu, J. (2015). Optimization of power system operation. John Wiley & Sons.
• Marini, F., & Walczak, B. (2015). Particle swarm optimization (PSO). A tutorial. Chemometrics and Intelligent
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• Dommel, H. W., & Tinney, W. F. (1968). Optimal power flow solutions. IEEE Transactions on power apparatus
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