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Newton’s Discovery

One day, he got tired after playing.

He wanted to rest for some time.

Why was Newton tired?

While he was sitting under a tree,
suddenly, an apple fell on his head.

What happened while he was sitting under a tree?

He wished that the apple would
have fallen up on the clouds and not
down on him.

Describe the picture.

The whole incident made him think.
Why the apple fell down and not fly
up in the air?

What was Newton thinking?

1 2 3

Isaac observed that everything that he would throw in the air would eventually come down.
Nothing that went up stayed there forever. It would fall down as if something just pulled it
right back to Earth.

What did Newton observe?

Then he found out that it was the Earth that would pull everything
back down. Earth had the pull back power called Gravity.

What did Newton find out about the Earth?

Gravity is like a string. If something went up, that string called gravity will pull it right back.

What pulls any object down to the Earth?

Finally, Newton found that the apple
fell down because Earth’s gravity pulled
it down.

Isaac Newton discovered that Earth has

gravity, the power to pull everything

What did Isaac Newton discover ?

Gravity makes sure that everything is down on the ground. Imagine, what it would be
like, if everything was flying in the air. It would be so hard to do anything around us.

What would happen if there was no gravity on Earth?

What did you learn from this story?

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