Republic Day 1642528401815

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Four house rules: 1. Brushing teeth twice a day 2. Taking a bath everyday 3.

Eating healthy food everyday

4. Going to school everyday

What were the four house rules?

Mummy says, “Rules are things that everyone must follow for their own good.”

What are rules?

Get ready to go to school for Republic Day celebration.

What was being celebrated in school?

Republic day is the day, when rules were written in a book , on how to live in our country.

Why do we celebrate Republic Day?

The school is taking you all to watch the parade.

Where was the school taking all the children?

A parade is when people march together and then salute.

What is a parade?
Maddy saluted

What is Maddy doing?

When we salute our palm is supposed to face the ground.

What did Babloo say?

Nas’s dad had taught her to salute.

Who taught Nas how to salute?

All the three argued to prove their way of saluting was correct.

Why did they argue?

Teacher said all three saluted the correct way.

What did the teacher say?

Here comes the army.

Who came marching first in the parade?

Next came the navy.

Who marched after the army?

Finally the air force.

Who marched after the navy?

Why did the teacher say all three saluted the correct way?
Happy Republic Day!

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