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Features and Aspects of

Academic and Professional

a system of spoken, signed, and/ or
written communication used by humans
to express themselves.

● It us use for professional and ● It is use when

academic purposes communicating, writing or
● No colloquialism and having conversations with
contractions involved family and friends
● No using of personal ● It is more casual and
pronouns spontaneous
● Less personal ● It is more personal
Recognizing Social vs Academic Language


● Repetition of words ● Variety of words, more
● sentence start with "and" sophisticated vocabulary
● Sentences starts with transition
and "but"
words, such as "however,"
● use of slang: "guys" cool
"moreover," and "in addition"
and "Awesome"
● It do not use slang
Aspects of Academic and
Professional Languages
Formality Hedging Precision

Explicitness Objectivity

Complexity Accuracy
● Use of language appropriate in
academic and professional
● It follows accepted rules,
forms and conventions of
writing in a particular
community or discipline.

Things to avoid to achieve formality
● Avoid using colloquial words and expressions
● Avoid using of contractions and abbreviations
● Avoid using of two-words verbs
● Avoid asking questions (is it raining outside, isn't it?
remove the contraction and reconstruct)
● Avoid using of subheading, numbering, bullets-point (in
essay, complete sentences, paragraph, transition smoothly.
● Use of more lexical
words than
grammatical words
● Shorter in length, but
uses longer, more
complex words and
The participant was admitted to the graduate program. It came to
him as a surprise.

The participant’s admission to the graduate program came to him as

a surprise.

How much money will be invested should be


The amount of money to be invested should be


Finding also suggest the positive reactions of the participants to the

intervention was associated with the new information. The acquired was
about themselves.

Finding also suggest that the positive reactions of the participants to the
intervention was associated with the new information that they acquired
about themselves.

Because the technology has improved risky than it used to be when

you install them at the same time, and it doesn't cost so much either

Improvements in technology have reduced the risk and high

costs associated with simultaneo installation
● It emphasis should be on the
information that you to give
and the arguments you want
to make, rather than you as a
● It characterized by the use of
the third person rather than
first person. OBJECTIVITY

In my opinion, this is a very

interesting study.

This is a very interesting study.


You can easily forget how different

life was 50 years ago.

It is easy to forget how difficult life

was 50 years ago.

As a teacher, we need to realize the value of

feedback on student writing.

The teacher needs to realize the value of

feedback on students writing.

We should consider the impact of motivation on

student achievement.

Motivation impacts student achievement.

● Avoid making statements
that are not supported by
examples and evidence.
● Avoid adverbs or adjectives
that tend to exaggerate your
● It is refers to the
organization of ideas in the
● It shows relationship and
connection of the ideas in
the text (writing or
● It indicates the source of
Explicitness the idea.
Summary Word
● A catch- all noun that
functions as a lexical tie
between sentences.
● Follows the pattern:
● This/ these + summary

The university decided to use English as medium of instruction

in literature classes. This decision was met with negative
reactions from the faculty.

The study revealed that scores in reading comprehension did not increase
after using the approach. This finding resulted n changes in certain
policies in the teaching of reading.
● It express tentativeness and
possibility in communication.
● It is cautious or vague
● It enables you to express a
perspectives on claims that
have not been acclaimed yet
by others.
Reason for hedging
● When there are exceptions to the finding or results are
● When they are sure about what they are saying but want to appear
more modest or show deference to their readers or colleagues.
● When they want to open up possibilities for discussions.

In both cases, if the policy stipulates us of either English or

Filipino, the faculty, stay, and student will not support it.

In both cases, if the policy stipulates the use of either English or

Filipino, this might not gain a strong support from the faculty ,
staff and students.

There are certainly cases where this would seem to have been
the only possible method of transmission.

There are cases where this would have been the only possible
method of transmission.

The commitment to some of the social and economic

concepts was less strong than it is now.

It may be said that the commitment to some of the social and

economic concepts was less strong than it is now.
● Specifying information,
dates, or figure
● Examples: Do not use
'a lot of people' when
you can say '50 million


The Chemist had attempted to synthesize quinine for the previous

hundred years but all they have achieved wa to discover the
extreme complexity of the problem.

The volatile oily liquid bea-chloro-beta- ethyl sulphide was synthesized

in 1854, and in 1887 it as reported to produce blister if it touched the
skin, ot was called mustard gas and was used at Ypres in 1917, when it
causes thousands of casualties
● Sentences are free
from grammatical
● Correct and
appropriate words are

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