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Life without the internet is pretty hard to fathom. We use it for virtually
everything in our lives, even for connecting with those around us. So, what
would happen if the internet suddenly disappeared?

The internet is a big place. In fact, 

over 53% of people on the planet are actively using it.
Education is just one area that has been heavily improved by the
internet and technology. Kids have more access to 
more education than ever before.
Although, as great as it is, the internet can also be the source of
many problems. Facebook experienced a data mishap that will
change social media forever.
Cons of having no internet
Of course, it’s really easy to discuss how life would be miserable without the
internet. It would be a lot harder to talk to your friends on a daily (or hourly)
basis. But, it would take away a sense of community that, for many of us, is
vital. This could be anything from fantasy sports leagues or even virtual mental
health groups. As a result, we may be more disconnected than ever before. But,
there are more cons than you can probably imagine. You’d have to go to a shop
and buy a digital file in person to access new music beyond the radio. Possibly
one of the biggest downsides would be the lack of dog photos in our lives.
Rest assured, even without the internet, people still don’t want to see a picture
of your food.
 What are the benefits of no
 On the other hand, being cut off
from the internet might do
wonders for our personal
relationships. Because we
wouldn’t have a screen to distract
us, we’d start to live in the
moment. Imagine heading out to
a dinner with your mates and
actually having a (gasp!)
conversation. And, the
conversation, although it still
may be about gossip, would
focus on the real world. There are
plenty of benefits to a life
without the internet but one, in
particular, is worth noting: you’d
get to truly interact with people.
The benefits aren’t just about the
time we spend awake. Our
addiction to connected devices is 
ruining our sleep.
What would change if we didn’t have the internet?
News: The way we take in news and information has been impressively quick thanks
to the internet. Without it, we’d rely on TV programs, newspapers and, worst of all,
word of mouth. If you think politics in india have been wacky lately, imagine it with
even fewer sources of information and no way to verify their credibility. We imagine
politics would take a surprising turn, although we’re not really sure which direction
that would be.
Finances: When USAA first advertised their app-based check deposits in 2009,
everyone was ready for it. Likewise, even having an app to show all of our finances in
one place is certainly something we take for granted. In life-without-internet-land,
you’d be back to a standard check book and calling your bank to find out your
balance. It also means paying bills would take much longer, as banks would also be
less connected.
Work: Working without the internet seems like an impossible task. Whether you have
an international team or simply advertise locally, the internet has a 
profound effect on our productivity. Without it, we’d rely a lot more on spoken word
of mouth, advertising in print and on TV, and take days to complete even the smallest
tasks. Additionally, global commerce would be impressively slow and tedious, if not
impossible for some brands. On the whole, scaling as we do in the current market
would be all but unattainable.
 Where do we go from here?
 Suffice to say, it’s clear that the
internet has bettered our lives. We can
communicate with every corner of the
globe and even maintain friendships
that were previously impossible no
matter how good of a pen pal you
were. At Gadget Flow, we thrive on the
internet and love all that it has done for
 But, life is about balance. We have the
internet at our disposal and we can use
it, or not use it, for just about
everything. However, we highly
recommend signing off every now and
then to connect with those, and the
world, around you.

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