Business Writing

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Business Writing

What is it?
• A written communication used in a professional setting, including emails, 
memos, and reports.
• It’s direct, clear, and designed to be read quickly.
Basics of Business Writing
01. A call to action, which is information that instructs and encourages a response.
• Information should be provided keeping the concerns of the audience in mind.

02. Use polite language

Ex: please, could , kindly , may , thank you etc.

03. Be concise.
• Clear sentence & brief paragraphs
EX: In the event of an emergency, such as a fire or earthquake, please exit the
building as soon as you possibly can.
In case of emergency, please exit the building immediately.
Activity 01 - Make the following sentences more concise.

1. In spite of the fact that our budget for advertising is now higher, our sales
figures have not gotten any better.
A potential answer: Despite increasing our advertising budget, sales
have not improved.
2. We currently have several available job openings for a variety of positions in
our Sales department. A potential answer: We have several job openings in our
Sales department.
3. Our researchers carried out interviews with several people who are
professionals in the health care industry.

A potential answer: Our researchers interviewed several health care

04. Use formal language
Avoid using contractions
Avoid using too much passive voice
Avoid using slang
Ex: awesome/cool , okay/ok, check it out

05. When using formal abbreviations, write the long term first, followed by
the abbreviation given in brackets.
Ex: The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has
discovered many interesting facts related to space exploration. In fact, NASA
- For quantity words like ‘ a bit / a lot / totally / very / quite ’ more
formal words should be used such as ‘ slightly / numerous /
completely / extremely/ moderately etc.’

Ex: The task was a bit easier than before.

The task was slightly easier than before.
Using the verb ‘get’ is informal because it has so many different meanings.
In the following sentences, a different formal equivalent of GET is required
each time:
• Visitors can get a pass from the main office.
Visitors can obtain a pass from the main office.
• British citizens get a letter from the Monarch when they reach 100.
British citizens receive a letter from the Monarch when they reach 100.
06. Revise and proofread your writing.

-Check whether everything flows in a logical order.

-As part of the revision process, try reading your work aloud, which may
reveal problems you may not have noticed before.
-If not get someone to provide feedback on your work. Hearing their
perspective can lead to new insights and issues you never knew were there.
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