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Electromagnetic wave and

Transmission line
Chapter 2
Magnetic Forces, Materials, and Devices
2.1 Forces due to Magnetic Fields
2.2 Magnetic Torque and Moment
2.3 A Magnetic Dipole
2.4 Magnetization in Materials
2.5 Classification of Magnetic Materials
2.6 Magnetic Boundary Conditions
2.7 Inductors and Inductances
2.8 Magnetic Energy
2.9 Magnetic Circuits
2.10 Force on Magnetic Materials
There are at least three ways in which force due to magnetic fields can be experienced. The force can be (a) due to a moving
charged particle in a B field, (b) on a current element in an external B field, or (c) between two current elements.

A. Force on a Charged Particle

the electric force Fe on a stationary or moving electric charge Q in an electric field

A magnetic field can exert force only on a moving charge. From experiments, it is found that
the magnetic force Fm experienced by a charge Q moving with a velocity u in a magnetic
field B is
This clearly shows that Fm is perpendicular to both u and B.
We see that Fe is independent of the velocity of the charge and can perform work on the charge and change its kinetic
energy. Unlike Fe, Fm depends on the charge velocity and is normal to it. However, Fm cannot perform work because it is at
right angles to the direction of motion of the charge; it does not cause an increase in kinetic energy of the charge.
For a moving charge Q in the presence of both electric and magnetic fields, the total force on
the charge

This is known as the Lorentz force equation.1 It relates mechanical force to

electrical force.
Figure 2.1 Illustrates that (a) the electric force is parallel to E but (b) the magnetic force is perpendicular to B.
If the mass of the charged particle moving in E and B fields is m, by Newton’s
second law of motion.

The solution to this equation is important in determining the motion of charged particles in E and B fields. We should bear
in mind that in such fields, energy can be transferred only by means of the electric field.
The Force That an electric Field Exerts on a Charge
Are always orthogonal (at right
angles) to the plane established by
the velocity and magnetic field
Can accelerate charged particles by
changing their direction.
Can cause charged particles to
move in circular or helical paths.
Cannot change the speed or kinetic
energy of charged particles.
Cannot do work on charged
Are centripetal.
centripetal acceleration is v2/r.

centripetal force is therefore mv2/r.

A magnetic force is exerted on a particle within a magnetic field only if
 the particle has a charge.
 the charged particle is moving with at least a portion of its velocity perpendicular to the magnetic field.
Particle Motion in E & M Fields
Charged particle in an electric field.
The electrical force can do work on a charged particle.

Charged particle in a magnetic field

The magnetic force cannot do work on a charged particle.
2.1. Which one of the following statements concerning the magnetic force on a charged particle in a magnetic field is
a) The magnitude of the force is largest when the particle is not moving.
b) The force is zero if the particle moves perpendicular to the field.
c) The magnitude of the force is largest when the particle moves parallel to the direction of the magnetic field.
d) The force depends on the component of the particle's velocity that is perpendicular to the field.
e) The force acts in the direction of motion for a positively charged particle.
2.2. A charged particle is moving through a constant magnetic field. Does the magnetic field do work on the charged
a) yes, because the force is acting as the particle is moving through some distance
b) no, because the magnetic force is always perpendicular to the velocity of the particle
c) no, because the magnetic field is a vector and work is a scalar quantity
d) no, because the magnetic field is conservative
e) no, because the magnetic force is a velocity-dependent force
2.3. An electron is traveling due south in a region of space at a constant speed. What can you conclude from this situation
regarding the presence any electric and/or magnetic fields?
a) The electric field must be zero, but the magnetic field might be non-zero in the region.
b) The magnetic field must be zero, but the electric field might be non-zero in the region.
c) Both the electric and magnetic field might be non-zero, but they are perpendicular to each other in the region.
d) Both the electric and magnetic field might be non-zero, but they point in opposite directions in the region.
e) Both the electric and magnetic field must be zero in the region.
2.4. A positively-charged particle is stationary in a constant magnetic field within a region of space. Which one of the
following statements concerning the particle is true?
a) The particle will not move.
b) The particle will accelerate in the direction perpendicular to the field.
c) The particle will accelerate in the direction parallel to the field.
d) The particle will accelerate in the direction opposite to the field.
e) The particle will move with constant velocity in the direction of the field.

2.5. A negatively-charged particle travels parallel to magnetic field lines within a region of space. Which one of the following
statements concerning the force exerted on the particle is true?
a) The force is directed perpendicular to the magnetic field.
b) The force is perpendicular to the direction in which the particle is moving.
c) The force slows the particle.
d) The force accelerates the particle.
e) The force has a magnitude of zero newtons.
B. Force on a Current Element
To determine the force on a current element I dl of a current-
carrying conductor due to the magnetic field B
convection current

Figure2.2 Force experienced by a current element in a magnetic


This shows that an elemental charge dQ moving with velocity u The magnetic field B is
(thereby producing convection current element dQ u) is defined as the force per
equivalent to a conduction current element I dl. Thus the force unit current element.
on a current element I dl in a magnetic field B is by merely
replacing Qu by I dl; that is,

If the current I is through a closed path L or circuit, the force on

the circuit is given by
Example The Force and Acceleration in a Loudspeaker
The voice coil of a speaker has a diameter of 0.0025 m, contains 55 turns of wire, and is placed in a 0.10-T magnetic field.
The current in the voice coil is 2.0 A. (a) Determine the magnetic force that acts on the coil and the cone. (b) The voice coil
and cone have a combined mass of 0.0200 kg. Find their acceleration.
2.7. A portion of a loop of wire passes between the poles of a magnet as shown. We are viewing the circuit from above.
When the switch is closed and a current passes through the circuit, what is the movement, if any, of the wire between the
poles of the magnet?

a) The wire moves toward the north pole of the magnet.

b) The wire moves toward the south pole of the magnet.
c) The wire moves upward (toward us).
d) The wire moves downward (away from us).
e) The wire doesn’t move.

2.8. Three long, straight, identical wires are inserted one at a time into a magnetic field directed due east. Wire A carries a
current of 2 A in the direction of 45° south of east. Wire B carries a current of 8 A, due north. Wire C carries a current of 10
A, due west. Rank the wires in terms of the magnitude of the magnetic force on each wire, with the largest force listed first
and the smallest force listed last.

a) A > B > C
b) B > A > C
c) C > B > A
d) A > C > B
e) B > C > A

The loop tends to

rotate such that its
normal becomes
aligned with the
Now that we have considered the force on a current loop in a magnetic field.
magnetic field, we can determine the torque on it. The concept
of a current loop experiencing a torque in a magnetic field is of
paramount importance in understanding the behavior of
orbiting charged particles, dc motors, and generators. If the
loop is placed parallel to a magnetic field, it experiences a force
that tends to rotate it.
The torque T (or mechanical moment
of force) on the loop is the vector
product of the moment arm r and the
force F.

Let us apply this to a rectangular loop of

length L and width w placed in a uniform
magnetic field B

we notice that dl is parallel to B along sides 3 and 4 of

the loop and no force is exerted on those sides.

The magnetic dipole moment is the product of current and

area of the loop; its direction is normal to the loop.
The basic components of a dc
Example 2.9 The Torque Exerted on a Current-Carrying Coil
A coil of wire has an area of 2.0x10-4m2, consists of 100 loops or turns, and contains a current of 0.045 A. The coil is placed
in a uniform magnetic field of magnitude 0.15 T. (a) Determine the magnetic moment of the coil. (f) Find the maximum
torque that the magnetic field can exert on the coil.

2.10.. A circular loop of wire is placed in a magnetic field such that the plane of the loop is perpendicular to the magnetic field.
The loop is then connected to a battery and a current then flows through the loop. Which one of the following statements
concerning this situation is true?
a) The magnetic force exerts a net torque on the loop.
b) The magnetic force exerts a net force on the loop.
c) The magnetic force exerts both a net force and a net torque on the loop.
d) The magnetic field has no affect on the loop.
A magnetic dipole consists of a bar magnet or small current-carrying loop.

Magnetic dipole moment of a current loop (= magnetic dipole)

FIGURE 2.7 The B lines due to magnetic dipoles:

(a) a small current loop with (b) a bar magnet
The magnetization M, in amperes per meter, is the magnetic dipole moment per unit volume.
The intrinsic “spin” and orbital motion of electrons gives rise to the magnetic properties
of materials.

where xm is a dimensionless quantity (ratio of M to H) called magnetic susceptibility of

the medium. It is more or less a measure of how susceptible (or sensitive) the material is
to a magnetic field.

Figure2.8 Illustrates the effect of magnetization in a

magnetic material.
In general, we may use the magnetic susceptibility χm or the relative permeability µr to classify materials in
terms of their magnetic property or behavior.
A material is said to be nonmagnetic if χm = 0 (or µr = 1); it is magnetic otherwise. Free space, air, and
materials with χm = 0 (or µr = 1) are regarded as nonmagnetic.
Roughly speaking, materials may be grouped into three major classes: diamagnetic, paramagnetic, and
FIGURE 2.9 Classification of

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