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Environmental Problems

NE466 –Lecture Objective

• List 10 environmental problems while justify

By the end of this why each of them is concerned as problem ?

lecture , you should be • What is the Environmental pollution types and
able to solve the their causes?
following questions
• What is the difference between the greenhouse
gas effect and the global warming?
• What is meant by loss of biodiversity – Explain
giving an example.
Environmental Problems

Global Over Waste Ocean

Warming Population Disposal Acidization

Loss of Ozone Layer

Acid Rain
Biodiversity Depletion

Deforestation Public Health Issue

1. Environmental Pollution Definition & Types
 It is  the world’s greatest problem facing humanity, and the leading environmental causes
of morbidity and mortality. It is defined as an undesirable change into the physical and
chemical aspects of air , soil or water

 Environmental pollution is greater in middle- and low-income countries than in

developed countries, possibly due to poverty, poor legislation, and being unaware of
pollution forms. It is likely that humans face pollution daily without knowing it or we
may have possibly become immune to it in our fast-paced lives. For instance,
deforestation, burning of bushes, dumping of agricultural and household wastes in water
bodies, use of chemicals in harvesting aquatic animals, and improper disposal of
electronic wastes, all contribute to air, land, and water pollution
1. Environmental Pollution Types

Water Pollution AIR Pollution SOIL Pollution Noise Pollution

1. Environmental Pollution Causes

Urbanization &
Mining & Exploration Agricultural activities
 A source of pollution in farming is the burning
of waste materials from agricultural activities
Excavation of the mine site alone may
such as land clearance, applying excessive
Urbanization occur where produce waste material, form
fertilizers more than the plants’ requirement.
movement of populations sinkholes, and result in a lost of
The aftermath of these processes includes the
from villages to cities and habitat.
introduction of certain chemical substances into
towns . In the process of mining a particular
the food web, generation of smoke and PM,
Environmental material such as gold ore, other toxic
and destabilization of habitats.
degradation is one of the elements such as lead (Pb) could erupt
Apart from pollution arising from cultivation of
consequences of and cause both soil and water
farmlands, rearing of terrestrial or aquatic
uncontrolled urbanization pollution
animals also pollutes the environment. For
in developing nations The pollution is greater when it is
instance, uneaten animal feeds may produce
from a large exploitation of rocks,
pungent odors with possible ill-health effects. 
petroleum, and limestone used in
different construction works.
1. Environmental Pollution Causes

Burning Fossil Fuel Plastic

• When fossil fuels are burned, a number of • In most developing countries, plastic
air pollutants are emitted, will cause bags are primarily used in shopping and
environmental pollution. In meeting our storing of food items because of their
energy needs, we burn oil, coal, and gas, strength and cost. Also, most drinks that
and these drive the current global warming were sold in glass bottles are now
crisis. packaged in plastic bottles. 
• Fossil fuel emissions contain the major • However, in some places, drinks in these
greenhouse gases, including carbon plastic bottles are consumed and the
dioxide, methane (CH4), nitrous oxide, and bottles are indiscriminately discarded
fluorinated gases. adding to the large number of plastics in
• Therefore air pollution from these activities the environment.
does not only present a menace for the air • Plastics are largely nonbiodegradable but
quality, but also is partly responsible for can be reduced to macro- or
climate change and global warming microplastics.
2. Global Warming and Climate Change
Why Do we live on Earth compared to other planets ?!
• Some incoming sunlight is reflected by
Earth's atmosphere and surface, but most is
absorbed by the surface, which is warmed.
• Infrared (IR) radiation is then emitted from
the surface.
• Some IR radiation escapes to space, but some
is absorbed by the atmosphere's greenhouse
gases and reradiated in all directions, some to
space and some back toward the surface,
where it further warms the surface and the
lower atmosphere.
2. Global Warming and Climate Change

• Global warming is the phenomenon of increasing average air temperature near the surface
of Earth over the past 1-2º C.

• Many climate scientists agree that significant societal, economic, and ecological damage would result if
the global average temperature rose by more than 2 °C in such a short time.

1. Climate Change The increment

Effect on species
2. Sea level rise in co2 level
distribution ,
3. Ocean warming will affect the
then the overall
4. The Glaciers may plants and the
melt respiration
6. Loss of Biodiversity
 loss of biodiversity, a decrease
in the number of genes, species and
individual organisms within a defined
geographic area, ranging from the
smallest ecosystem to the global 

Biodiversity loss is caused by five

primary drivers: habitat loss, invasive
species, overexploitation pollution,
climate change associated with global
warming. In each case, human beings and
their activities play direct roles. 

overexploitation (overhunting and

overfishing) is the process of harvesting
too many aquatic or terrestrial animals,
which depletes the stocks of some
species while driving others to
4. Loss of Biodiversity Causes- Invasive Species- Example
 Invasive species can disrupt
ecosystems because they are better
competitors than native species;
they may consume food resources
more rapidly or more efficiently or
take over habitats faster than
native species can adapt to the new
changes. Some invasive species
prey on native species, and if the
native species have no natural
defenses against the invaders, they
may be eliminated rapidly.  

the Eastern Quoll is a medium-sized carnivorous marsupial that was once found throughout
south-east Australia, and in Tasmania. It disappeared from the Australian mainland last
century, due to disease, predation by foxes, feral cats and domestic dogs, poisoning and
Environmental Goal- Sustainable World
 Sustainability is when human needs are met so that the
population can survive indefinitely. “Meeting the needs of the
present without compromising the ability of future generations
to meet their own needs.”

 Sustainable green solutions started with the aim of discover ,

develop ,and deliver green technology and sustainable service
for creating a better word.

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