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The bill was consist of 42 points from which two were not acceptable and the
rest of the points were surely for the rights of the transgenders. We all must
have to ensure to fulfill those points

The points that were not acceptable was

• Person can change their gender on their self-perceived gender.
• They can change their gender after getting a CNIC once.
• The remaining points were for the rights of transgenders like for the
livelihood of transgenders and for their occupations. It also contains job,
education, medical facilities, access to libraries, going to public places just
like the normal humans, no humiliation, no sexual abuse, harassment etc.

• The bill was made four years ago in 2018 and presented in National
Assembly and senate in2022. Before this The Constitution of Pakistan
consist of the rights for transgenders, i.e.Article 25: All citizens are equal
before Law.Article 25 A: Transgenders would give free and compulsory
education.Article 18: Provide the transgenders the lawful business,
occupation and profession. O Article 26 I and Article 27 I : interalia
prohibit, in explict terms, discrimination on the basis of sex.Article 19:
Ensure freedom of speech.

These are the articles that are for all including normal human or trans humans.

This bill does not addresses the rights of gays and lesbians. The law was made after
the supreme court held on September 25, 2012

The bill was passed in National assembly but when was promoted to senate was
rejected on following reasons

Senator Mushtaq Ahmed Khan of JI and Maulana Fazlur Rehman (JUI) has termed
law as
• “Against teachings of IIsla

• "There is a difference between transgenders and intersex. We should beg

pardon from Allah" said senator, adding that transgender person are not
cunches Khawaja sira.Aziz said the amendments should be made to the law as
soon as possible, warning "the more the delay, the more the wrath of
Allah"Responding to senator, law minister Azam Nazeer Tarrar said that it
must not be forgotten that the law was enacted four years ago."this is a
sensitive matter" the minister said, adding" they are the creations of Allah and
they deserve respect"

• He also stressed that the matter should not be politicized and instead should
be emphasized during discussion in the committee.Senator Mushtaq said that
he had proposed some amendments to the bill, but "a campaign was initiated
against me afterward"He called for the process of approving amendments to
be expediate. So the chairman of senate delay the bill for further discussion.

• Cut the self percived gender rights and can change the already
issued CNIC gender .the bill is not accepted yet because it is
under amendments and called against islam according to Islamic
schollors and politicians

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