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Assignment of personality theories

• Submitted By:
Ayesha Rehman
• Submitted To:
Sir Imran
• Roll no:
• Topic:
Assessment of Albert Ellis theory
Assessment of Albert Ellis theory

Assessment of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy :

• REBT helps in self based form.
• It helps clients in entering their activating events.
• Consequences of events help in determining of
important irrational beliefs.
• Clients then dispute the irrational beliefs that apply
and replace them with effective rational beliefs.
Assessment of ABC Model
• Its assessment usually starts from the
beginning of the first session and continues
throughout the therapy.
• Therapists listen while clients describe feelings
and behaviors (consequences that they feel
are caused by specific experiences during the
activating events).
• Therapists listen to the beliefs the clients have
about the activating event.
• After entering the activating event the next
step for therapist is to understand the
problem and existence of problem.
• The therapist must have willingness to
eradicate negative thoughts or irrational
beliefs and than changed with effective
rational beliefs.
Cognitive approaches
• Coping Self Statements:
an individual who is afraid of
public speaking may write down and repeat to himself
several times a day such as “ I want to speak flawlessly,
but it is alright if I don’t,” “No one is killed for a poor
speech,” and “I am an articulate person.”
• Cost-Benefit analysis:
individuals who are addicted to
smoking may be asked to make lists of the advantages
of stopping smoking and disadvantages of continuing
smoking. They will think seriously about these
advantages and disadvantages 10 or 20 times a day.
• Psycho-educational Methods:
listening to audio
tapes that teach the principles of REBT is often
• Teaching Others:
persuading others not to use
irrational beliefs can help the persuader to learn
more effective ways of disputing her own irrational
• Problem Solving :
by helping people expand their
choices of what they want to do and be, REBT helps
them choose rational thoughts, feelings and actions.
Emotive techniques
•  Imagery :
imagining asking a woman for a date,
being turned down, and working on experiencing
healthy rather that unhealthy negative emotions.
• Role Playing:
repeated role playing of the
situation gives the individual a chance to feel
better about her social skills and change
inappropriate emotional self statements.
• Forceful self-statements:
If a client told himself
that it is awful and terrible to get a C on an
examination, this self-statement can be replaced
by a forceful and more suitable statement such
as “ I want to get an A, but I don’t have to!”.
• Forceful self- dialogue:
Arguing strongly and
vigorously against an irrational belief has an
advantage over therapist-client dialogue since
all of the material comes from the client.
• Shame Attacking Exercise:
although the
exercise can be practiced in a therapy session,
it is done outside therapy.
Examples: engaging strangers in conversations,
asking silly questions to receptionist or
Behavioral Methods
•  Activity Homework:
Rather than quitting a
job, a client may work with an unreasonable
boss and listen to their unfair criticism but
mentally dispute the criticism and not accept
the boss’ beliefs as her own.
• Reinforcements and Penalties:
Task accomplishment = reward
Failure to accomplish task = penalty
• Skills Training:
Assertiveness Training
Workshop/s can be helpful for those who are
Workshops on communication skills, job
interviewing skills.
Thank you .

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